Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just call me "Mrs Repeat"

Most days I feel like a scratched record, all I seem to do is repeat myself constantly. Whether it is with the kids or the husband never seems to fail, some days I just figure I am better off talking to myself, maybe I will get acknowledged.

With the kids I am usually repeating myself with regards to "Clean up your mess", "Brush your teeth", "Get your PJ's", "Time for dinner", blah, blah, blah.. You get what I mean.  But when it comes to saying "We are going to Great Wolf Lodge" or " To a play centre" they hear that when you whisper it in a very silent tone... With the husband,  it is usually about upcoming stuff like events,that we need to attend or something to with the kids blah, blah, blah.. It seems to be never ending and they wonder WHY o WHY do I get frustrated and don't talk? What is the bloody point seems they never hear me anyway and I all I do is "Blah, Blah, Blah" according to my 6 year old. With the kids I get that it is "Selective Hearing" and people say that husbands have it too but that one is open for debate if you ask me. I realize that day to day we have alot going on in our lives, but really Why must I need to repeat with you? I have said "Wonder where the kids get it from". I get that you are busy with alot going on in your head with work and so on.. But as I tell you, write it in the Crack berry attached to your hip or ask me to send an email and set up a friendly "Reminder".  Makes me really feel like no one listens when I speak and stuff that is "important to me" is not important to them.  The little reminder will help so when the day, event or whatever it might be comes along, you don't look so frigging surprised when I say "We are doing this today.... " I usually will get "You did not tell me" and I know it did, because when I find something out or make a plan to do something, I call him because I need to talk to an "Adult" and it involves him so he should know. If I can't get it said during the day I will make a point to say it at dinner.

Even though I am home doesn't make my brain any less empty then the "working brain", I too have days that I need to remember. I remember all the appointments (well for the most part, I have gotten days mixed up before that were written on the calendar), events for school, important stuff pertaining to home & parties and other upcoming stuff. I write the majority of the stuff on my calendar with little stickers. I might not always get it right, but I try damn hard too... I too forget stuff which is totally normal and human not one is perfect.  I get looked at like "I did not say anything at all" and I know for a fact that I did!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dreaded Laundry

It seems that is one thing I can never get caught up on, my washer and dryer seem to always be going. Just when I think I am all caught up with the washing and putting away, a basket seems to appear at the foot of bed to be put away & the dirty basket is starting to pile up yet again... Urgh.. At the other house our laundry room was in the basement and I hated doing laundry there.  It was a dark and lonely place at night even during the day. It felt as though the baskets never left the basement with clean clothes because the trek upstairs was so far, they eventually got there but not at time of completion. Let's face it, I was not about to take it upstairs to put it away after doing the 9th load for that week. So I used to blame being behind on laundry on that dark lonely laundry room with no window to the outside... When we sold that house & bought this one  I wanted to have a Main Floor laundry room. I also wanted Front loaders on pedestals which would save the many back issues I had from doing the laundry and I got it, I was in love with my new laundry room. Although one regret is not having a window in it, it is still big an spacious and amongst the land of the living.
Being a family of 4 laundry piles up fast I could not imagine more people in the house. I swear I do at least 9 loads a week, that includes bedding.  It may even be more if I end up doing the comforters too then it can be about 12 loads. I am alittle anal about a clean bed for all, all our beds even get made every single day! Most people have asked me why do I make beds everyday if  "you are just going to go back into them in a few hours"? Umm Hello, because it looks sloppy and lazy if you don't & how hard is it to make them, it takes like 2 minutes?
I tried to do a number of things to cut back on the laundry!  I tried to stay in PJ's all day to cut back on the laundry and the kids loved it too but that did not last long. We have our "Jammie Day", but usually on off days when there is no school... Because for some reason,  it did not look right me going to pick up Isabelle at the end of the day from school dressed in my Winnie the Pooh Flannels and Laila sporting Little Mermaid. To be completely honest it really did not appear to cut back on the whole laundry thing, I was just washing an awful lot of PJ's.
You know it is not really the doing of the laundry that I dislike, I quite enjoy that part. Using a Washer and Dryer that has a shit load of bells & whistles and sings to you when it is all done is fun. It is the putting the stupid shit away that really drives me batty! It is the matching up the socks and crap.. And for some strange ass reason the washer or the dryer seems to eat a sock or 5? That baffles me! So under my dryer in the pedestal drawer I have a "Sock Graveyard" where all the lonely lost socks go, then we will attempt to find their loved one at the end of the month!  
Every time I put the laundry away, I make 4 piles. Mine, Tom, Isabelle & Laila.  Tom hates doing the girls stuff because the girls clothes are the same size & he never knows who goes in which pile. So he ends up putting all their clothes in a basket for me to do! It was very thoughtful that he attempted to sort it, but I should just do it because I end up doing theirs and mine anyway (Thanks Hun for the effort, it is truly appreciated).  I started to watch to see who's pile was bigger every week. And Laila wins the prize for that one... Another trait that she got from me, shhh don't tell my mom! LOL, cause she will say I "Told you so".  Laila takes stuff off and throws it in the dirty laundry even though she has only had it on 5 min. She changes 5 times a day if not more! She throws everything she takes off and puts it there.. I mean at least in a sense she has the concept of cleaning down, but we will have to work on the "What is Dirty an What is not" with her.. LOL. I so used to do that when I was young and I never understood why my mother got so upset.. Again, I am sorry Mom. Now me being a parent of my own kids, I seem to be getting alot of "Aha Moments"..

As I type this, I currently have a load drying & one washing.. I did 5 yesterday so this one today will be my 6th and it is only Tuesday! The 5 loads from yesterday are all piled on my bed waiting to be taken to the drawers & put away. And the sock basket is waiting to find it's mate, that match making will begin this afternoon over a cup of tea. With this new teared system with Hydro if I listened to that, I would be doing laundry till 4 am every morning.... Because they say the peak time is over at "9pm".. .Really, how stupid is that... You just gotta do what you gotta do I guess!

Awww.. A laundry room with the land of the living

The dreaded putting away day! Yuck.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Terrible Threes

Terrible 2's are a piece of cake compared to what you go through when they turn 3... People wonder why a parent will sometimes have a glass of wine at the end of the day (In Moderation of course)? When Laila was approaching 3 it was like a switch went off & she became cute demon like. Laila's personality is cuddly, fun loving and chatty & we can't forget stubborn she is a "Fireball". But when she melts look out, hold on people cause it is going to be a bumpy ride.

She pouts, throws things, stomps her feet, folds her arms when she is pissed,and slams a door like a teenager all when she doesn't get what she wants. She can bat those big blues with long eyelashes in attempt to get what she wants. Sometimes it pulls on my heartstrings but other times I stand firm. I hate giving into her because the consequences for that later are not good, she is a master at manipulation. We have tried timeouts, taking stuff away, "you wait till Daddy gets home", you name it we have tried it... Some days it works other days it does not!  I have said at times that both girls were completely different and still continue to be. It is quite amazing at how different they really are. I never experienced the "Terrible 3s' with Belle because I think she was forced to grow up faster because Laila was just a baby. We had meltdowns but not the extent that Laila does.. Thankfully she has not been one to be into everything, I never needed Child locks that sort of thing with either of the girls we had them on certain cupboards but they really did not need to be there. I never had to worry about colouring on walls, playing with electrical outlets. Climbing stuff and that sort of thing was never Laila's thing, but she is quick to think it is okay when she sees others do it.  We do however, quickly nip that in the butt and tell her that those are not good choices & we have rules and she understands. So if you are in our house with other guests here and she sees others do it then follows,  you might hear us say "That is a Safety Violation" and she will stop doing it or even tell a friend that is doing it that was a bad choice! The only thing that I do need to control is the temper tantrums and the drama which is still rather exhausting at times. I tend to have more patience with it, I think it is because I am with it all day, but Daddy has a hard time at times because she is so stubborn & he has worked all day. Maybe that is why Tom and I butt heads at times because Laila and I are so much alike & I understand Laila so well... LMAO!! Opps.

I hear it often that I was very similar to Laila as at her age. My mother at one point thought I was possessed. LOL I used to be able to function at her age on like 2 hours of sleep. Those days are soooo gone, stay away from me if I have only had 2 hours, I need more then 8 hours now LMAO! I apparently also used to get up in the middle of the night and sit in front of the TV an watch snow that is really freaky actually now that I think about it..  My poor mother, but I guess what goes around comes around. That would be why when I complain about Laila she smiles because she wears her Tshirt very proud...

I have learnt that every night they go to sleep they wake up a totally different child, they literally grow when they sleep, which brings on a new set of daily challenges.. I have learnt to have alot of patience and they are just testing the waters to see if you will bite.  I have learnt that they will take over a house & rules if you let them and I have seen it happen with other people. I have learnt that their love is unconditional so if you need to put your foot down, they will still love you & respect you. In fact they will love you even more and respect you that much more. Everything with our little ones is a balancing act, give alittle to get alittle and it works. I often hear from Laila that she wants to be a Mommy & be like me and have lots of babies.. So I can only assume that means that I am doing something right.. Even on the days when she is having her "Terrible Three" moments & our day is not going very good, there is nothing more comforting then when she comes up and gives you a big hug kiss and tell you are she loves you & you are the best Mommy ever!

Laila showing off her painting

Mommy and her little fireball.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Feet up, sipping a nice glass of wine!

What a busy weekend, but fun I might add... I have not blogged in a few days, it has been kind of crazy busy. But busy is always good, I would rather be busy then bored to tears... The weekends fly by sooo fast and it is so sad, Monday morning for us all. YUCK!!

Kids are alseep, all is calm and I can now relax and enjoy a nice glass of wine to unwind from a busy weekend. Saturday was such a fun day, we did alot of errands in the morning, then I got to prepare for a "Girls Night in".. A "Passion Party" was held at my place and was alot of fun.. Good laughs, Woody's (The drink kind) and fun. We got to touch, smell and lick things which was alot of fun... Children are not permitted which is totally understandable and I can't believe that they need to even really mention they are not allowed.... LMAO! Duh, that is a no brainier, can you imagine a child asking you "Mommy what is that"... It was the first one that I have ever hosted, and it was fun!  So we planned for Tom take the girls to see "Mars Needs Moms" which I have been hearing all about today, my kids are now little aliens.. It was apparently quite good, they all really enjoyed it, a tear jerker at one point apparently! LOL So I can't wait to see it, cause I blubber at anything.  Kids came home just as the party was packing up & heading out, so it worked perfect, but they got to see everyone before they got shipped off to bed.

Today, was a good friends little ones 7th birthday party which is crazy because it seems like yesterday he was born... So insane! So we went Skating today, and took the girls for the first time. They had a blast, they loved it. I did not skate, I don't do "Winter Sports" because I seem to hurt myself always.... Like the last time I went skating at Gage Park I went after 2 martinis and I ended up with 2 bruised ribs and being the Zamboni! The next was skiing at a private hill in Collingwood and while on the chair lift going to my hill, I realized that I had missed my stop and jumped off the chair lift while it was still "MOVING".. Tom was behind me on the next chairlift and all he saw was me land on my ass and my ski's going in opposite directions.... LMAO. I am lucky I did not get seriously hurt.  So needless to say, I have not attempted winter sports since those incidents.. So I just choose to keep it simple stupid if I can, like making snow men or shoveling. Today I "Skated" in my Adidas runner, I can't even walk properly in the winter for Pete's sake, I slipped 3 times this winter on the ice, now I get bugged that I am going to be getting "Spikes" for my runners! So me and ole man Winter don't mesh well together apparently!  But it is okay, because I 'm not a big fan of freezing my ass of at these outdoor events! I know "Princess" suck it up... The girls had a great time as did we, we always have a great time together when we are spending time as a family & with great friends. Wish it was not Sunday, I wish Monday was part of the weekend.
My little skaters!!

Dip anyone?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Lost Tooth

This past weekend, we made a trip to our local mall, we had a few stops to make while were there. One was a trip to Laura Secord to get the girls an Ice Cream Cone, then off to Booster Juice for a shot of Wheat grass and a Juice! But my main goal was Slush Pants... While I was standing in line placing my order at Booster Juice & about to pay.. Belle starts CRYING in hysterics with a mouth of blood... Tom and I were like "What happened you were only eating Ice Cream" immediately thinking something was not right in the ice cream, she begins to mumble "I lost my 3rd tooth".  It has been loose for sometime so it was waiting to happen, she currently has 3 more loose!  So we immediately start searching the floor and found nothing because she thought it feel out of her mouth, but she then says "I found it" then spits the tooth out in Tom's hand.. LMAO. All she kept saying with huge alligator tears rolling down her face was "Aren't you proud of me, I lost my 3rd tooth".." I can't believe I lost my tooth, the dentist is going to be super excited too". Little does she know that yes he will be excited because that is more money for him & it comes  from our pockets... LOL... And the Ortho Bill later on will be huge too thank goodness for Benefits...  Everyone around her knew she lost a tooth even the people upstairs LOL and they kept saying "Aww how cute" which I think fed into her glory and made the waterworks go longer and no intense (Isabelle is a drama queen, she is a Pisces)..

After I finished paying (because the line up at Booster Juice was crazy, everyone was waiting to get their Sunday pick me up), I picked her up and gave her a big hug and kiss, told her to calm down and take a deep breath.... The tears just kept coming from all the excitement, poor bug so much passion for a single tooth! I said "Yes Belle, I am very proud that you lost another tooth and so will the tooth fairy, she has another tooth to add to her castle"... Tom took the girls off to the side  to get her cleaned up while I waited for the juice and finish her Ice Cream the cold stopped the bleeding TG..  After we got her all calmed and laughing, we said to her so what do you think the tooth fairy will bring you for that tooth? LMAO.. She replies "Well 10 bucks of course"... Man she is quick.

I think the thing that hit me that hardest about her loosing the 3rd tooth. Was she is getting older, and we went through such hell to have her cut those teeth.. The poor little monkey has swollen gums, drool to the max, butt rashes , sleepless nights and pain from teething only for them to fall out! I remember the Teething Days and they were not enjoyable.. I wished I could make her feel better, but you can't... And now they fall out and she is over the moon.. I remember hearing alot of people give advice on teething soothers and I laughed at the one that seemed to be most common. The RUM one,  that was for the Adults not the child... LOL. After she lost the tooth it was like she grew up slightly! It always amazes me how the go to bed & wake up a different smarter child.. Or when you go out and come home they seem to have grown, he loosing her tooth this past weekend aged her slightly. It is crazy!!

She first cut that tooth February 11, 2006 and lost that tooth March 20, 2011. She actually cut 2 teeth on the day! Poor thing! Her first Dentist appt was in 2008 and was cavity free...  My baby is getting older and it is scary, where does the time go? Seems to just fly by.

3rd Tooth is gonzo! LOL

Belle sporting all her new teeth

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In like a Lamb out like a Lion

Leapin Lizards... Really I thought it was Spring? This is crap. Outside is like a Winter Wonderland, the wind is brutal and cold & I am alittle annoyed by that! Goodness the other day I was a mad hunt looking for slush pants at local Malls because it was mild and wet out... But that is no longer that case up here!! The driveway has been shoveled once already today and it looks like it is going to need it again.

Our driveway is alittle bit of a mess right now. We have "Large Hole" that a nice kind "Stone Slinger" left in our driveway yesterday afternoon, as he decided to turn his big ass truck around & leave his wonderful deep tire marks behind, stupid ass! These trades people are soooo considerate of others I tell you.  So not only are we dealing with an insane amount of snow, we are also dealing with 2 large holes, that are now covered in snow! Poor Isabelle fell in it today on her way to the car this morning, she was okay but it could have all been avoidable if he was considerate!  The builders are just going to have to get out and fix it because it is not exceptable!

By now I think we are all done with the Winter Snow stuff. Last week I was out walking my 5k in my Spring Jacket and Runners, now I need to bust out the boots, hats and stuff again! Last week we saw the grass and were able to get out and clean up all the mess from the winter & pack all the "Sleds" away! That is no longer the case now.... Urgh, I think usually by this time we are all done with the cold, bitter weather and gloomy skys. It makes you feel so much better when the sun is shining & the weather is warm. I wish I could live here in the Summer and someplace else in the Winter! That would be so nice. Not much wonder we all begin to get depressed around this time of year for Pete's sake! I would love to see those yahoos out there now walking in their shorts! LMAO

So here is hoping that this is "Out like a Lion" and just around the corner is the Spring we have been waiting for!

I am weary, exhausted, worn-out, drained, fatigued, beat, wiped out, spent, shattered, whacked, bored, fed up, sick, jaded, dissatisfied, worn-out, and done with snow. I am so over Winter. There I feel better.

Snow as of 1:30pm...

There was NOTHING here... Now look?

Urgh, I was hoping to sit on those this weekend!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Have I ever told you......

How much I dislike to fly?? LOL

Well, it is true I really don't like it. I admit it I am big ass chicken. I will do it if I have to but otherwise not a BIG fan of it! That is a huge part of why we never travelled must before we had kids.. It was all me!  With the Cruise booked now it is time to start looking into flights. Yucky!! I guess I was hoping by the time we went they would have little pads we could stand on then say were we want to go... And poof you are there! LMAO But I don' think that is going to happen anytime soon. When we go on the cruise we need to fly to San Juan to catch the boat I just found out it is like a 6hour flight! Yikes! Think I might need a big dart shot in my ass for this one. LMAO

When I got married an we booked our Honeymoon to Mexico, Tom was so nice to book us flights to Montreal to see the Grand Prix as a "Flight test run".. Which was great for me, because 45 min was PERFECT!! I think we sat longer in the Airport waiting to leave then we did to get there (Which in a sense scared me from driving there now, 45 min flight rather then a 5 hour drive works me)..... So then we went on the flight to Mexico, then to Nova Scotia to my Grandmothers Funeral which scared the shit out of my because the engine was leaking some sort of a fluid (Till this day, I don't know what it was),  then there was a Flight to Florida for an Adult Disney trip,  then back to Florida again with the kids, then to Nova Scotia to visit my besties.... So I have flown a few times as you can tell, so you would think it should not bother me at all.... But nope!! I am terrified every time I go! I think this time I might just have a drink or 10 and be numb by the time I get to San Juan, just kidding.. I will only drink water on the plane, I need to be alert!

You can see the fear in my face! LMAO

I think the saddest part of my dislike to fly, is that this fear will hold me back from travelling to places that I would really love to see. I always check to see "How long the flight is", "What kind of plane is it", "What kind of Airline is it", it freaks me out to no end..... So I really need to over come this fear, I really do! My girls and Tom love to fly. Tom even wants to take lessons to learn to fly those little planes and always says "If I got my license to do it, would you fly with me".... "HELL NO" I tell him! I put such restrictions on myself and I shouldn't, but one of my flaws I guess!

So at the end of the day, I just need to suck it up. If I want to go away and get a break this is something that I need to do & I totally will do it it is just I will pick it to pieces by the time the day arrives I always do! Another thing to work on this year become more POSITIVE about things....

Suck it up Princess get your ass on the plane and go enjoy yourself! GULP!

All of us on our way to Nova Scotia

Monday, March 21, 2011

Funny things they say....

Sometimes the things my girls come out with are hilarious.. It is so hard to remember them all & I wish we could you almost need to have your camera and camcorder available all the time with little ones..... You totally see there personalities come out in the them everyday. I find myself daily busting out in to a good laugh over something they said, or even turning my back and have a little chuckle because what they said was funny, but I don't want to let them think it was okay what they said.. So usually what they say is funny, yet not age appropriate you need to address it so that they know it is not right & they understand. They usually try to act alittle older then they are because they over heard you say some big word so they just try and "throw" it in to a sentence they are saying but it makes so sense.. Other times they do it and it works perfect. When they say something that might sound rude and so on, you always have to remember that they don't mean it & not to take it to heart!. They are little and mean no harm at all....

Here are a few "Funny things they have said":

1. Mommy "I am the boss in this house, Laila says as she giggles "No Mommy, haha Isabelle is the boss"
2. Isabelle says "Mommy Jesus was born in December you know", I say "On what day".. Isabelle "Ummmm a Friday"
3. Laila says "Mommy daddy has a screwer, not Nanny".... ( I am sure she is meaning a screwdriver to fix things)
4. Laila says to Nanny " Nanny, Santa and I are BEST FRIENDS"
5. Laila telling daddy "I want this for Christmas, that for Christmas" Tom says "But laila do think Santa will bring you all htat stuff, that is alot for him to carry".. Laila replies "Daddy, he has room he can get another sled"
6. Laila says " I think Isabelle has a beaver" Meaning Fever, I say "Why do you think that".. Because I just do mommy she replies. Laila them proceeds to say "I think you need to give her a Candy, that will make her feel better, also, i think I need one too Mommy that is good medicine when you are sick"....
7. Laila says "Mommy, Flynn Ryder & Repunzal sleep together you know".. I reply "Oh really how do you know that"... "Well Mommy, she has 2 pillows in her bed"
8. Laila says "Mommy, does the Easter bunny bring lots of toys for Easter". I reply "Not really, he does not drive".. Laila "Yes Mommy, he is going to get a Hooker (Hook) attach it to him & bring me a bike"
 9. Laila was kicking the stool where my hot tea was sitting... I asked her to stop and she looks at me and says "But Mommy you are soooo pretty".
10. Isabelle says to Tom and I "I am going to go on a date with Chase, Eric and Evan".. Okay? I just love them sooo much..
11. When Isabelle was 2 she use to call Papa's Gravol truck a "Dumb Fuck" rather then a "Dump Truck
12. Laila "Mommy where did you get your hair"
13. After I eat my dinner I will have a snack!
14. Isabelle "Now that I lost my tooth, I can eat better", "But not green beans, it is hard to eat them with a missing tooth"
15. Laila literally 5 min after eatting a full meal "Mommy, Can I have a yogart, I am hungry"

My funny little pumpkins

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Greatest Accomplishments

Last night Tom and I were able to get out for a nice dinner with great friends and reconnect, we don't get that very often and it is so important! My mom was kind enough to take the girls for a few hours which was great & we are so appreciative for her doing it. We missed the girls a ton, but this outing was a much needed & well deserved one. It was nice to get out and enjoy a nice meal that was hot, have a couple of drinks, talk adult and not have to worry about the kids touching things, being alittle loud or hearing them say "Are we done yet" or better yet to eat at a place with adult ambiance, instead of loud places with walls of chickens & other feathery things!

We went to Canyon Creek which a favourite of ours, I think we were gone about 3.5 hours, the night ended early which was sad.. But by the time we picked up the kids, got them home and tucked in bed it was 11pm... So it was prefect timing actually... At one point I looked at Tom and said "I don't want to go back home just yet", then I said "Is that wrong"? He replied "no, you just never want a good thing to end" which is so true. I missed the girls terribly, but just wanted another 1hour!! We were so stuffed, and enjoyed each others company that much that if felt like we were on our "First Date" yet again after 15 years! So as we made our way back to my Mom's I was getting anxious to see my little ones. I walked in the door and was greeted by Laila who was happy to see us ran up and gave some cuddles and kisses and we heard "I really missed you", Isabelle was sucked into playing her DS and all we got was a "Hi Mom", "How was dinner". LOL.. She loves spending time with Nanny, so it came as no surprise that she was so chilled... Laila loves it too, but still get really upset when we go! We sat and talked for awhile then packed them up and headed home.

On the way home they told us all about their time with Nanny and how they had so much fun and wished they could sleep over! They told me how they created this "Secret Girls Club", they danced, watched movies and have popcorn which was so great for them. They love their Nanny! With both girls buckled in their seats, playing their DS', I found myself just gazing back at them both with such Admiration! They are mine, we did this... Those 2 girls sitting in the back seat have to be my "GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT"... As much as some days they peck you death, nag and whine, fight to the point where you just want to run as fast as you can away! I tell you, there is no better gift then those 2 back there! It is a love no greater, nothing can ever compare to what you feel for your kids. It is amazing how when you become a parent you get this instant instinct in you to love and protect them, it is crazy! They give nothing back really but snotty wet kisses, and peanut butter smelling hugs, but I tell you I would not trade that for anything not ever. There is nothing greater then that.... I also love it when they lost something an they can find it, but you save the day by finding it for them and hearing "You the best Mommy in the whole world", or listen to them tell you that they "Love you with all their heart" or "when they say other sweet things like "Daddy you are so handsome", "Mommy you are so pretty".. My girls are truly wonderful.. Isabelle has alot of Tom and Laila has alot of me when i was younger, but in the end there is a good balance of the 2 of us. They are perfect, there mine and I love them deeply!

I thank them everyday for choosing us to be their parents, cause I would not have had it any other way!

Us at the Blue Jays Game 2010

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Back to School

Well, March Break is coming to end and it is bitter sweet.. I have now officially run out of ideas for entertainment... We had a busy but relaxing week, we did not ho a whole lot of places, just stayed local which was totally fine with the munchkins. We plan on going to do the whole Great Wolf Lodge when everyone is back at school & things are not so busy! So in the next week or 2 so that will be nice treat. They really want to go and who wouldn't it is alot of fun.

MegaMind By Isabelle

This week they have done every craft under the sun.. They are my little craft monkeys, they love it! I am not a huge fan of the MESS... LOL. Love the creations they make for us,  but can totally deal without the mess... Especially paint and all the little paper messes they make.. These 2 monkeys can use scissors really well an manage to make very tiny, tiny cuts of paper! LOL So my trash can this week has been dumped out a bazillion times, because every time I turn around it is full with mounds of paper! Isabelle has gotten really good at drawing and creating things, we got a ton of "Mega minds" (For those who don't know who Megamind is, it is a movie that just came out, can't miss him he has a big blue head) today from when he was a baby to a superhero! I can't get over her artistic side, cause she certainly did not get that from me! Laila is doing really well at her "Stick People" which is great, she drew a fat dog with 16 legs & our family! LMAO Now only if I can get her to do her name, but she has no desire to do it.... Urgh, so we need to work on that!
Laila's picture of the Family and the 16 Legged Dog

Isabelle is sad to go back to school this Monday as she says she misses me terribly when she has to go there "It is just not the same" she says. God Love her! I miss her too, believe me, it is hard when she goes. I hate that someone else is taking care of her, it is the "Letting go" part that I hate... I get an awful lot of anxiety.. And now in September I need to do it all over again with Laila..That is going to really suck, I don't think I am ready for that as much as I vent, it is still going to be hard on me emotionally & mentally? These are my babies, it has been us for so long!  I think next year all day everyday is going to be a real struggle for all of us. I thought I cried really bad when Isabelle started school, Laila is gonna get a waterpark! I'll be the one holding the JK door bawling my eyes out and Tom pulling me away kicking... LMAO... So many changes yuck, I really don't want to think about at this time! I won't be going back to work anytime soon (Still have to tell that one to Tom) LOL, at least not till we all get adjusted to this "New normal".....  If I had the time, and patience I would totally home school them. I am just not really good at the whole teaching them at their pace, so that would be a struggle for me.. I also feel it is important for them to learn to make friends other then "Mom" and get out into society and be social (Within reason of course). But it molds them into what they will be later on. Isabelle has a love hate relationship for school, but I think we all did at that age! Looking back now, I wished I never complained about school. It was so easy compared to being a "Grown up"..LOL  She loves learning and socializing but wants to do it when she feels like it... She looks at it now as an "Escape" for a few hours to play with other kids, but would rather be home with me... But who can blame her, she has been with me for 6 years.

Isabelle has some really huge dreams for a 6 year old... She wants to be anything from an "Astronaut, to a Doctor, Nurse, Pilot, Palaeontologist's". Tom and I encourage her to go for it, she can do it no dream is ever to big to achieve and we certainly won't hold her back from them.. She can succeed at whatever she puts her mind too, so in that case we better put more money away for College for her big dreams! LOL. Laila, wants to be a Mommy which is totally no surprise to us, she also wants travel to Hollywood where it is "Fun" & she can be a movie star (Which I can totally see) but she is still young so I am not worried yet, it will all come!

So after a nice break off,  I guess to me it really did not feel like a break cause we went no where. I also need to take into consideration that we have all been home with each other with Strep Throat not even 2 weeks ago, so the March Break kind of made me feel alittle "Cabin Feverish" because it felt as though I have not left the compound in months..... Thankfully the weather was nice, alittle soggy but at least we got to the park and fed our friendly little ducks friends (Even though the trip there was a little traumatic), we did our crafts, danced and enjoyed each others company! Sometimes it is the "simple" things at home that are the funnest and make them the happiest.. So all in all, I think this week was a pretty productive and busy one even if it was on home turf! I think next week, I will take some "me" time!
Isabelle's lovely Flower Picture.
All our Pottery Painted and some broken already!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Jersey Shore - Guilty Pleasure

Last night I saw that next week is the Season Finale.. OMG, what am I going to occupy my Thursday night 10pm slot with?? LMAO! I hate the end of the season, it drives me bananas....

The Sammy & Ronnie thing is getting really old an I am hoping that if they go to Italy next season like they say there are, they will venture out an explore and stop the drama!! Cause it is getting EXHAUSTING! Tom doesn't even watch it that often, but when he does (When I make him sit with me to watch my mindless TV) he even says "These 2 need to get a life & break up already"... Last night Sam was all upset cause Ronnie slept in his own room and let her alone and I was like "Really" WTF, cause you have not been sleeping alone since you went back to the house? So confused!! Then Ronnie was like "I don't know if I love her" but then goes to bed with her after their dinner the next night?... LMAO! I have to say that Mike, Ronnie and Sammy are becoming very irritating to me.. Mike needs to get a life and back out of OP's drama, he is such a shit disturber! Who cares about "Arvin" move on alreay!! Get over it! I feel really bad for the others in the house that have to deal with all the drama!

Pauly D and Vinny are my Favs.. Those 2 crack me up, I laughed my ass of last night at there comments. The whole Deena wearing Denim thing was hilarious, I almost pissed my pants.. The club was the funniest with all the "Atomic Bombs"... I don't know what those women were thinking venturing there, hat was brutal! Then PaulyD's stocker chick (The one they called a Stork) LMFAO was there too which was even funnier, they were so not enjoying their night! Then those girls that they brought back to the house, I felt so bad for! That was alittle mean! I wish that Snookie and Vinny would get together, they would make a great couple! I am hoping that at the end of it all, that is what happens.. I wished that JWOW and Pauly would get together but she is with Roger now, so that does not look like it is going to happen, which is fine cause Roger is pretty good looking & they look really good together too!

I think I can, I think I can!

So my goal for this year's Spring/Summer is to attempt to run a 5km race. Ekks! I am so nervous, but I really want to do it,  I think I can, I think I can. I get the nerve to do it & get pumped, then quickly clam up & no longer show interest..

Yesterday when I walked to the Library with the girls I put my Pediomitor (I think that is what it is called) on before I went. We were gone for about 2 hours or so, when I got home I checked it and total steps were... Dadddaddaaa a big 5487 which converts to 2.61miles.. That is crazy! I have been walking 5k every other night or so which has been fabulous and I feel great from it.. I want a firm ass and have nice toned legs, LMAO!!  When the whole house got sick with Strep Throat, it was put on hold for about 2 weeks. It is amazing at how fast you feel the effects of not working out. My goodness, nasty bitch I became it really does effect your mood & makes you feel really down! So getting back into it was really tough because you get in that "Forget it state"~ But I pushed my ass along with Toms' help off the couch and off I went. It helps that I have buddies & support at home to make sure we go with because if it were not for them I so would put it off. We keep each other motivated to go which is great... Not to long ago, we tried to run or jog on our walk and I thought I was going to pass out. LMAO. So that kind of put me back as far as pushing myself to run a the 5km. I thought, urgh, if I can't run the street without fading, there is no way I do 5k, who am I kidding?  I can walk it no problem, but running it makes me alittle nervous. I know they say you can train for a 5k in less then 6 weeks but I feel like I am beating myself up by saying that I can't do it.

There is a 5k coming up here that is local and it is for a great cause. It is called "Avery's Bravery Race" and it is a for a little girl who has Turners Syndrome just like my darling Belle.  Avery had life saving heart surgery at 13 days of age to repair a Coarctation of the aorta (narrowing of the main aortic valve) which effects girls with TS along with other health issues.. All proceeds go to Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto, which is the hospital that we go to see our Endocrinologist for Isabelle's TS. We met Avery's Mom last year at the annual Turners Syndrome Conference, along with some other families of young girls with TS, which have been a great support on our journey. Thankfully at this time Isabelle has no health issues as a result of her Turners, so we have been fortunate. I really want to do the run for Isabelle, Avery and others it is very important to me.  I am just not sure if I will be able to run 5k by that time? I am sure if I push myself I can do it, it is just getting the courage to do it, I don't want to look like a total ass. I know that I have the support of my family to do it which is great, it is just my nerves that seem to be taking over, people will be watching as I pant or better yet fall on my face at the finish line!

You know what, forget it.. I am just going to go for it.. It might not take me the 1/2 hour to complete might take me 4 hours, but I am going to push myself.. My procrastination has never paid off in the past so I think on this one, I should just push myself and jump with both feet! If I can walk it, I can run it? Right???
Wish me luck, cause I am going to need it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Buried Treasures

So with the nice weather coming and the snow melting, Tom decided it would be nice to take out the Car Seats. They need to be wiped down from the winter "Seat Parties" and then get the rest of the car vacuumed from all the winter crap.. Cause let's face it gone are the days of a clean back seat when you have little ones! That actually has to be one of my biggest pet peeves. The inside of our car is filthy,  we have actually been told that it is clean for having 2 kids which totally shocked us. I would be really shocked to see what others cars look like? Because to us, ours is gross.

Over the years I have become very anal about "Clean". Because we live in a new subdivision it is next to impossible to keep the car to our standards outside,  the inside mats take a beating because of the fine powder that blows around as the gravel trucks fly by. So while we sit at a light or a gas station I tend to bust out my Wet Ones and do a wipe down of the dashboard and doors, whatever I get can get my Wet One on. My goodness Wet Ones come in handy!  I used to love when the girls were smaller and you would take the seats apart to clean them and they use to sit in them with no padding & have a great time in them.. It was the cutest thing ever! They would play there for hours, just chillen out in their empty seats, but as they grow these small things fade away & become no longer of an interest. Boo!

Having 2 kids it would be no surprise to see our kids in the backseats munching away on a little snack to make the time pass, or to have a drink in their cup holders. The problem with that is, they still make a mess.. So you get tissues in the backseat, candy, paper, toys, crumbs, Goldfish (Not the water type the cracker type) you name it, it's there... So when we decide to take out their seats you find a whole other world there nothing living so far! Buried Treasures from god knows how long. There have even been an occasion where you look back and will see them digging in the seat because they have dropped something only to pull out a new treasure and gobble that instead (Thank goodness we are growing out of that phase)..
So when Tom pulled out the seats last night, I got scared.. What will we find was my first thought and my second was who's would be the worse!! Isabelle won the prize of the nastiest seat hands down.. Laila's was great looking, Tom thinks we cleaned it awhile back.. But I think it is because she is my foodie so no waste when it comes to snacks goes by that little monkey!

Isabelle's seat of Buried Treasures contained:
1. Hair Tie
2. Penny
3. Raisins
4. Skittles
5. Bits n Bites
6. Barrett
7. CRUMBS and a whole lot of them..
8. Sparkles from a balloon she popped from Rib Fest that had glitter in it... It was rather funny, cause I heard the pop looked back and it looked like she had a party in her seat! I will have to dig up the picture of that one!

The buckles were sticky and raisins were stuck in the clips! It was gross.. I could not believe what she had in there.. I called her over and said "Isabelle take a look at your seat".. Her face dropped "Where did all that come from Mommy"... I laughed and said "You of course".. Oh "Yuck" she said... God love her! Laila being the smarty pants pipes up and says "Look at mine Belle, Mine is all clean & yours is really dirty"....  I need to also add that these seats are not the easiest to take apart and put back together. You have to make sure that it goes back the same way you took it apart. It can be a safety issue if you are ever in an accident if it is not.. You could be putting your child in danger if you don't, so I will put them together and then Tom will recheck it to make sure to be safe! So when I take them apart I need to make sure they go back the exact same way.

As we pull the seats out every season to do a clean it reminds us at how big they are getting.. Soon my girls will be all grown up and no longer need these seats anymore. It is crazy to see that they have gone from their little bucket seats, to rear facing seats, to forward facing seat, then on to the booster! So in the meantime I will continue to laugh at the Buried Treasures I find in their seats because soon those days will be gone & they will be taking the car out for the night.

Party in her seat!
The backseat of the car! My O My..

Laila's seat.. Not looking to bad!
This is under her seat pad so this is not visible unless you remove the cover.

Isabelle's Seat... What a nice surprise. This is under her seat pad also, so it is not visible unless you remove the cover

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Egg vs Real Life

I was a much better parent before I had children of my own is now a saying I use often! I remember before I had kids, I would see something and wonder "Why would they do that" or "I would never do that".. I stuck with some of my beliefs of what I would never do, but now I get why alot of parents just give in....  WOW, whoever said that parenting was easy was lying or not being completely truthful. Parenting Class is total Bullshit if you ask me. Carrying around an egg for a few days or having a teacher teach you about the "How toos" of parenting and then grading you on it does not give you what real parenting is all about. I think to get the full effects of parenting everyone should do a Baby Borrowers ( A TV show that aired a few years back with Teenagers who wanted babies) kind of deal where you actually deal with REAL LIFE! Everyday is a test on you, on your relationship with your partner, everyday is a learning experience a new adventure. Each and everyday it amazes me how 14 year olds have babies? I am 33 and struggle at times & I have a partner, a house and job! I would like to think that I am a good Mom, I provide love and take care of my girls with all my heart they are my world, my everything. But man this is by far the hardest thing I will ever do....

Isabelle as an infant was very difficult,  she was colicky for the first 6 months. We always joked and said were shocked she did not scare us out of having a second, because it was not all "Bubble Gum and Rainbows" as painted in all those stupid parenting books about being a new mom. As a Toddler/Preschooler she was a walk in the park.  My mother made parenting look so easy. I remember as a child like 6 or so I used to carry around dollies and diaper bags & pretend to be a Mommy as if they were real. I used to play in the car pretending to drive them places with the baby all strapped in the back seat. Little did I know the real deal of what goes on.. LOL  I always had this vision of being a "PTA Soccer Mom" that was what I wanted, I did not want the career, I wanted to be home with my little ones.

Laila was a breeze as an Iinfant, but as a Toddler/Preschooler watch out. Laila tested us at bedtime last night throwing a full blown tantrum. It was the night for excuses to go to bed in the Sturm house. So we got the " I need to pee", " I need a kiss", "My music box is done", " I can't sleep". Which then escalated to her crying because we weren't giving into it. We do all the requests once, but after that we are done and she knows that but pushes the envelope to the max. She started to cry so hard that she was hyper- ventilating which meant that Tom and I had to calm her,  which took a while of giving her breathing techniques to calm her down. When Laila works herself up, she is really hard to calm.... Finally after an hour of struggle she finally laid her tired head and droopy sad eyes on her pillow and fell asleep, poor little bug. She was just fighting it & us because she was so tired.

Parenting tests all the levels in a relationship, especially in the wee hours of the morning when they get up for the 14th time and you are exhausted from very little sleep. The different styles of parenting come to a head, which also causes conflict. Then the child plays the parents against one another, which is another one of their lovely little skills.. Laila came to me after bath an asked if she could have a yogurt. I told her no, in the morning she could it was late and she had to go to sleep! She then went to Daddy and asked him if she could have a yogurt.. So I had to chime in an say I already told you no Laila. This happens quite a bit in this house so you need to be on your toes and make sure that you double check with the other parent,  to see if they asked the other for something already! So we tend to say "Did you say it was okay for..... to have a .... " Do they teach you all that in parenting, does the Egg with a markered smiley face test the relationship your in,  hell no cause you are like 13 what is a relationship at that age? Maybe it is designed to give you the fundamentals of parenting which is still a bunch of BS to me.  I don't think that any class or life lesson will ever prepare you for what it is like to be a full time parent/partner.

I always set out to do the best I can for these little monkeys. These girls are my life! But times you feel like a failure & you want to quit, alot of times you have the "Mommy Guilt". I know I certainly have a lot of "Mommy Guilt". I wonder if that ever goes away?  I feel bad when I go out on my own, I feel bad when I ask for just 10 min of quiet time... As a Mom we carry that guilt around like baggage. You don't hear about anything called the "Daddy guilt", it is not that they don't have guilt, I just think they don't bare it as much as a mother does

All you can do is be the very best you can for both your children & spouse.  Give them all the very best that you can. Love them unconditionally, be patient, kind, understanding & listen.. But most of all remember to parent together, be a team & work together, cause at the end of it all. When your kids are all grown up and moved out and with their loved ones, you & your spouse are the only ones left in that big empty house.

Summer 2010

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's a New Day

Yesterday was just plain awful, it was a curl up and just want to cry kind of day! Seemed like I could not say the right things, the kids were causing some sort of havoc here, between the Model Magic on the carpet, to Laila running into the door and getting a goose egg on her head!  By the end of the day I think we were all done! It was so wonderful to see the sun shining at 6pm, had the sun not been out I think it might have been alot worse. I kind of lost track of the time because the sun was so bright so dinner was later. After dinner I got the munchkins bathed and ready for bed, so we could have a good night sleep to be rested for morning. Isabelle FINALLY feel asleep at about 9ish after her 15th pee since going to bed at 8pm.
When I talked to my mom and told her about my day,  she told to tell them I am going to go to my room and closing the door & when they are all done let me know, I wonder what they would do? Things that make you "Hmmm"... But today is a NEW DAY.

On our way to feed the ducks with our buddy "Speed"
This morning morning started off alright! Kids have lost the model magic again today, Laila and her hard headedness brought it upstairs again today so it is gone! So stubborn! So after that I locked myself in the washroom and did my hair and got ready to start the day off all over again then off for a nice sunny walk to feed the ducks! They were excited and so was I. We packed up our bread and off we went for our ravine adventure, what a nice day for a walk.. Along our travels we met up with the Cat "Speed" that I had rescued from the tree a few months back. He followed us our whole outting. The kids thought it was great! Until we came across a lovely surprise!! Seems a Coyote got a hold of a fawn last night in the ravine and mangled it. Kind of upsetting as in the summer time we walk that path for outings and evening trips. That is the way I also go to take Belle to school, so it makes alittle nervous thinking that Coyotes are there and could eat me on my travels... LOL There was blood, fur and it's insides dragged from one end to the other, I nearly lost my breakfast! The only way to get to the ducks was to walk over the blood.. So I lifted the girls up over it all and on our way we went, the cat still followed! Poor Laila was terrified bless her little heart, but I calmed her and we were good to go! We fed the ducks and made our way to the park to end off a rather disgusting walk on a little more of a happier note! "Speed" as Isabelle called him (Because he runs really fast) continued to follow us to the park and hang out with us while we played which was really cute but quite a annoying! When we left to go home he followed us, so we took him back to where he met us on our travels (We went a way so we did not have to go over the blood stained path)... As we arrived at our spot the Animal Control was there to clean up the mess which was a good thing.

The lovely Deer that was attacked by a Coyote. Circle of Life I guess.
Animal Control was called to clean it up!
It definitely was a new day.. A better day then before which is good.. We have a great morning out just us girls, now we are relaxing and watching 102 Dalmations for quiet time. I could have done without the gross start to it, but we are all good and food is staying down. Kids have not talked about it again, but I am sure they will when Daddy gets home.

Yours Truly,
Park Ranger
(Thanks for the title Bec) xoxo

Happy arrival at the duck pond to feed Ming ming and Tuck. They were so happy to see us!

"Speed" played with us at the Park, then we took him home.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ever have those days?

Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On and crashed into We All Have Problems before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Bitchin'.

Ever have those days when you just want to be left alone, sit in bed & do NOTHING~ I seem to be having alot of them lately! Call it the weather, PMS, bored, lack of exercise, I don't know. I think all of the Above! But it is really starting to bother me, everything is these days. I am edgy and emotional & no I am not Pregnant, that is impossible unless it was an immaculate conception, that was fixed 3 years ago and not to be rude, but really that is the last thing I need. I love my girls, they are a handful and more then plenty & if I really wanted to complicate things, I would get a puppy! And for those that know, been there done that have the t-shirt and a plaque, I say no more!

I know I should not complain as it is not that bad, there are other things going on the in this world & others are dealing with alot worse then I, so quit the pity party I know! Today my lovely darlings decided that while mom was "Out of commission due to Mama Nature", what a better way to entertain our fun but putting "Purple Crayola Model Magic" into the nice Beige Shag carpet and yes that would be LAILA, her cuteness really saves her! God Love her~ So, I need to bust out my good friend "Polti" and Italian Made Steamer that I have become quite attached to. It uses no chemicals only steaming water! It almost works like a pressure cooker. It is great when the puking flu hits the house and you need to sanitize all the toys,  however today it kind of failed me.. It could not get out the "Purple" in the carpet! So I got the assistance from my Dear Sweet Neighbor, she suggested I try Club Soda, but I had none so we tried Baking Soda & water, that did not do a whole lot, but she did have some carpet cleaner that did the trick. My hands are officially raw from scrubbing so hard but it is out.. Polti fluffed up the carpet for me and later on I will vacuum it once it dries... Thank You Dianne, it worked.  Carpet cleaning was so not apart of my pity party today, as I was cleaning it all I wanted to do was just cry.. Why, Why, Why? Why does this stuff happen on days when you want to do nothing but lye there and deal with your cramps?  So for the rest of the day Model Magic is gone! The thing that baffles my mind is why is it that it is always my stuff that gets ruined? Can Mom's never have anything nice?  I now know what my mom used to get upset about when we were kids... We always seem to gravitate towards ruining their stuff & now that I am the one that is getting my stuffed ruined I feel so bad for doing it to my moms! Sorry Mom <3

I laugh at Laila "She has that I am sorry, but it was so much fun look"
The girls will be home all week for March Break and it is only Monday! I am hoping that the week ends better or that even tomorrow is a better day! Cause today feels like a write off for me, why does mother nature all seem to make a grand entrance at the worse times? The beginning of the week on a frigging week long holiday, URGH! What is really getting me through this week is the fact that I get to go out Saturday night with good friends of ours for a nice QUIET HOT Steak dinner, with Adult Conversation, drinks and my hubby by my side! Hurry Up Saturday, I need this only if it is for a few hours!

All Clean.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Retail Therapy... A MUST TODAY

I woke up this morning feeling like I "wanted to hold really soft things like my cat, I felt really pure, I wanted to run a beach, I wanted to twirl in white spandex" NOT!! FML today, can I just go back to bed.. Me and Sunday are not going to be friends at all.. I am tired, grumpy & have now lost an hour of sleep because of the time change. The kids were great but it was me that was obviously very irritated! Thank goodness my hubby was home to keep us all balanced especially me, he is so good at that.

We headed out shortly after lunch, we wanted to do some "Family stuff" with the kids, Tom is working all of March Break so we figured we would take Sunday to do some stuff as a family! I packed the kids snacks up and away we went. We had a couple of stops that we were looking to make but our ultimate goal was to have some "Family time". We were making our way too St Jacobs, I was super irritated and was trying to make the best out of how I was feeling. We made a stop at Fitness Depot because we are looking at getting a Treadmill, but I don't want to spend a fortune on something that could possibly sit in the basement. After seeing their price tags I was like "See yah".. Ridiculous I tell you or I am just being a cheap ass.. We headed to the outlets in St Jacobs (Can't wait to go there in the summer when the market is on).. We were taking the kids to the Lego Duplo Outlet, they loved it! Such great stuff in there and you really reclaim your youthful days of Lego Building.. They now have "Girl Lego" which is super cool! They even had a Playmobile outlet which was cool too.. Isabelle found her wonderful animals that she has been collecting for years "Selich".... As I began to see the deals that this place had to offer, so I started to perk up alittle more.. Still edgy but making the best of our family day! Isabelle had been saying that her Adidas were getting to tight, and it was obviously time to get a new pair of shoes these things alway just pop up. So we headed to the Stride rite outlet.. AWESOME DEAL, ended up leaving there with 2 pairs of shoes for $54 - Regular were $50 each! These things have Antibacterial Inserts they are washable they are so awesome. I have always got my kids Pumas, Nikes or Adidas so this is a welcomed change..  Tom also scored large too, he got 2 pairs of amazing looking casual Rock ports for $100 (For both), I found socks, LMAO I needed some black socks! They had great deals on bedding (Which I will be going back for to get a new bed set when they have my size).. But I did leave with new sheets which I am really excited to see how I sleep tonight! Woot Woot, maybe Sleep and I will become friends again!

The girls were hungry so we headed to this restaurant across the street and the food was great! I have never seen the little monkeys eat so much at a lunch sitting! They were both pretty tired after our fun filed few hours they took a little nap on our way to Michael's. We were on the hunt for some Crafts for the March Break week! GPS took us a few different ways, always does.. Kitchener's streets are really messed up and it even confuses Cyber Bitch... So we ended up just telling her we wanted Cambridge instead! Girls woke up from the naps when we reached our destination "Michael's".. They found some stuff to keep them busy this week was great they were excited.. Tom and I got excited that they had those stupid Sticker Books where you collect the stickers and put them on the appropriate page.. LMAO.. To be young again apparently! My mother use to cringe when we would get those books. I think mine use to be "Garbage Pale Kids", I also had the "Barbie" one & my brother had the "GI JOE" one I think. When we were done there, I noticed across the parking lot there was a Bombay store.. LOVE THAT STORE! So we headed there, my goal is still to find the cabinet! I ran in quickly to see if they had what I wanted and low and behold tucked in the corner behind a floor length mirror there it was... Waiting for me!! Just want I wanted, just want I was looking for! It was perfect, and I scored huge on it.... We ended up saving close to $500 bucks on it, got it for $209, I was so happy an it looks perfect in it's new home... My wonderful hubby went in an grabbed it for me and loaded it in the car. Who knew retail therapy when you felt as lousy as I did this morning would make me feel so much better...

To end off our family night, we did alittle bit of crafts when we arrived at home. The kids ran around to burn off some energy. We did our usual bath routine, followed by a late dinner. Then all four of us headed to Belle's room to a bedtime story! Laila got 2 stories little cheeky monkey. She got to listen to "Don't let the Pigeon Stay up late" and then we all listened to "Puff the Magic Dragon".. It was a great day had by all and we are looking forward to a good nights sleep after such a great day. We will try to plan something else this week for them to do, but for the most part I think they are just looking forward to spending time at home playing with one another! Laila really misses Belle while she is at school so it will be a nice week, but Mommy will need a break come Friday.. LOL

Happy March Break, I think we will head back to St Jacobs to do the Wagon Ride through the Sugar Bush. That looks like a lot of fun & the kids will love it.

The girls new shoes, they love them. Laila had to get the same as Belle & Belle was okay with that!

Tom says "Looks awesome, but now we look like alcoholics".. LMAO
Perfect fit!! Looks Fabulous there, just what I was visioning.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Guilty Pleasure... Jersey Shore BABY!

Okay, I have to admit Jersey Shore every Thursday night is my weakness, It is a must watch.... I am hooked, I love it... It is entertaining, funny and I love the drama, but it is funny cause normally I hate drama. I think I might be okay with all the drama since it is on the TV rather then in my own life.. LMAO Okay to watch, just not be apart of. It is one of my Guilty Pleasures.......

So watching Thursday nights episode kind of made my head spin. WTF is up with Ronnie & Sammi seriously? Come on, can they not see they are better apart then they are together, relationships like that make me crazy! That is total dysfunction.. Who the hell cares if Sammi was talking to "Arvin"? Like and really is Arvin all that attactive.. My goodness no, he looks like a friggin tucan, the nose on him is crazy! So he is certainly not a looker! Kind of reminds of a status that a good friend had on her wall about "Men wearing Sunglasses", they look fine when they have them on then they take them off an BOO, scares the shit out of you! I have to call him a Butterface... Everything is good but his face!

 And it really made me mad the they were like "Girls can't have friends that are guys".. Why the hell not? Guys really irritate me when they say that. They really show their possessiveness and territorial side when they say shit like that, it is like they are dogs!  I will be damned if a man is going to tell me who I can & can't not talk too.. So childish... If she wants to text him so be it. Then judging by next weeks episode the "Ronni & Sammi" drama continues Dadadadaaaa...... Who the hell cares, what she did while they were apart and she had her space.. God he did it while they were together and laughed about it came home and crawled in bed with her... Can't deal with it, Tit for Tat jackass... It was okay for him to do it but not her! Such a double standard...
JWoww did the same thing and she wasn't even broke up with Tom when she met up and talked to Roger! No one made an issue for her. I don't really care much for Sammi but last night I sided with her and Ronnie seems alittle bipolar if you ask me so that is a whole other issue. And  as for the Snitchuation  AKA "Cheese Bed" man to cause such a scene about it, come on. I swear he is jealous cause everyone is getting more then he is and he is bored.... I think everyone in the house is sick of the drama and he just feeds to it... He needs to go! And what he did with the dogs was disgusting! What a looser. I have noticed that his take home of girls has dwindled, women must be getting sick of him gonna start bringing home grenades soon! LMAO.. I also wondered if he has noticed the cheese in his bed? Or is it still there?
I really hope that Sammi & Ronnie don't get back together cause my poor Pauly said he would kill himself if they did...Boohoo. It has to be like living in Hell there when those 2 go at it.. Something has to give and I think it needs to be those 2 forsure!!  The poor others in the house have to deal with such relationship drama.. It sucks when there is a relationship between friends where you feel you always have to be a ref or babysitter!