Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Lost Tooth

This past weekend, we made a trip to our local mall, we had a few stops to make while were there. One was a trip to Laura Secord to get the girls an Ice Cream Cone, then off to Booster Juice for a shot of Wheat grass and a Juice! But my main goal was Slush Pants... While I was standing in line placing my order at Booster Juice & about to pay.. Belle starts CRYING in hysterics with a mouth of blood... Tom and I were like "What happened you were only eating Ice Cream" immediately thinking something was not right in the ice cream, she begins to mumble "I lost my 3rd tooth".  It has been loose for sometime so it was waiting to happen, she currently has 3 more loose!  So we immediately start searching the floor and found nothing because she thought it feel out of her mouth, but she then says "I found it" then spits the tooth out in Tom's hand.. LMAO. All she kept saying with huge alligator tears rolling down her face was "Aren't you proud of me, I lost my 3rd tooth".." I can't believe I lost my tooth, the dentist is going to be super excited too". Little does she know that yes he will be excited because that is more money for him & it comes  from our pockets... LOL... And the Ortho Bill later on will be huge too thank goodness for Benefits...  Everyone around her knew she lost a tooth even the people upstairs LOL and they kept saying "Aww how cute" which I think fed into her glory and made the waterworks go longer and no intense (Isabelle is a drama queen, she is a Pisces)..

After I finished paying (because the line up at Booster Juice was crazy, everyone was waiting to get their Sunday pick me up), I picked her up and gave her a big hug and kiss, told her to calm down and take a deep breath.... The tears just kept coming from all the excitement, poor bug so much passion for a single tooth! I said "Yes Belle, I am very proud that you lost another tooth and so will the tooth fairy, she has another tooth to add to her castle"... Tom took the girls off to the side  to get her cleaned up while I waited for the juice and finish her Ice Cream the cold stopped the bleeding TG..  After we got her all calmed and laughing, we said to her so what do you think the tooth fairy will bring you for that tooth? LMAO.. She replies "Well 10 bucks of course"... Man she is quick.

I think the thing that hit me that hardest about her loosing the 3rd tooth. Was she is getting older, and we went through such hell to have her cut those teeth.. The poor little monkey has swollen gums, drool to the max, butt rashes , sleepless nights and pain from teething only for them to fall out! I remember the Teething Days and they were not enjoyable.. I wished I could make her feel better, but you can't... And now they fall out and she is over the moon.. I remember hearing alot of people give advice on teething soothers and I laughed at the one that seemed to be most common. The RUM one,  that was for the Adults not the child... LOL. After she lost the tooth it was like she grew up slightly! It always amazes me how the go to bed & wake up a different smarter child.. Or when you go out and come home they seem to have grown, he loosing her tooth this past weekend aged her slightly. It is crazy!!

She first cut that tooth February 11, 2006 and lost that tooth March 20, 2011. She actually cut 2 teeth on the day! Poor thing! Her first Dentist appt was in 2008 and was cavity free...  My baby is getting older and it is scary, where does the time go? Seems to just fly by.

3rd Tooth is gonzo! LOL

Belle sporting all her new teeth

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