Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's a New Day

Yesterday was just plain awful, it was a curl up and just want to cry kind of day! Seemed like I could not say the right things, the kids were causing some sort of havoc here, between the Model Magic on the carpet, to Laila running into the door and getting a goose egg on her head!  By the end of the day I think we were all done! It was so wonderful to see the sun shining at 6pm, had the sun not been out I think it might have been alot worse. I kind of lost track of the time because the sun was so bright so dinner was later. After dinner I got the munchkins bathed and ready for bed, so we could have a good night sleep to be rested for morning. Isabelle FINALLY feel asleep at about 9ish after her 15th pee since going to bed at 8pm.
When I talked to my mom and told her about my day,  she told to tell them I am going to go to my room and closing the door & when they are all done let me know, I wonder what they would do? Things that make you "Hmmm"... But today is a NEW DAY.

On our way to feed the ducks with our buddy "Speed"
This morning morning started off alright! Kids have lost the model magic again today, Laila and her hard headedness brought it upstairs again today so it is gone! So stubborn! So after that I locked myself in the washroom and did my hair and got ready to start the day off all over again then off for a nice sunny walk to feed the ducks! They were excited and so was I. We packed up our bread and off we went for our ravine adventure, what a nice day for a walk.. Along our travels we met up with the Cat "Speed" that I had rescued from the tree a few months back. He followed us our whole outting. The kids thought it was great! Until we came across a lovely surprise!! Seems a Coyote got a hold of a fawn last night in the ravine and mangled it. Kind of upsetting as in the summer time we walk that path for outings and evening trips. That is the way I also go to take Belle to school, so it makes alittle nervous thinking that Coyotes are there and could eat me on my travels... LOL There was blood, fur and it's insides dragged from one end to the other, I nearly lost my breakfast! The only way to get to the ducks was to walk over the blood.. So I lifted the girls up over it all and on our way we went, the cat still followed! Poor Laila was terrified bless her little heart, but I calmed her and we were good to go! We fed the ducks and made our way to the park to end off a rather disgusting walk on a little more of a happier note! "Speed" as Isabelle called him (Because he runs really fast) continued to follow us to the park and hang out with us while we played which was really cute but quite a annoying! When we left to go home he followed us, so we took him back to where he met us on our travels (We went a way so we did not have to go over the blood stained path)... As we arrived at our spot the Animal Control was there to clean up the mess which was a good thing.

The lovely Deer that was attacked by a Coyote. Circle of Life I guess.
Animal Control was called to clean it up!
It definitely was a new day.. A better day then before which is good.. We have a great morning out just us girls, now we are relaxing and watching 102 Dalmations for quiet time. I could have done without the gross start to it, but we are all good and food is staying down. Kids have not talked about it again, but I am sure they will when Daddy gets home.

Yours Truly,
Park Ranger
(Thanks for the title Bec) xoxo

Happy arrival at the duck pond to feed Ming ming and Tuck. They were so happy to see us!

"Speed" played with us at the Park, then we took him home.

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