Friday, March 18, 2011

I think I can, I think I can!

So my goal for this year's Spring/Summer is to attempt to run a 5km race. Ekks! I am so nervous, but I really want to do it,  I think I can, I think I can. I get the nerve to do it & get pumped, then quickly clam up & no longer show interest..

Yesterday when I walked to the Library with the girls I put my Pediomitor (I think that is what it is called) on before I went. We were gone for about 2 hours or so, when I got home I checked it and total steps were... Dadddaddaaa a big 5487 which converts to 2.61miles.. That is crazy! I have been walking 5k every other night or so which has been fabulous and I feel great from it.. I want a firm ass and have nice toned legs, LMAO!!  When the whole house got sick with Strep Throat, it was put on hold for about 2 weeks. It is amazing at how fast you feel the effects of not working out. My goodness, nasty bitch I became it really does effect your mood & makes you feel really down! So getting back into it was really tough because you get in that "Forget it state"~ But I pushed my ass along with Toms' help off the couch and off I went. It helps that I have buddies & support at home to make sure we go with because if it were not for them I so would put it off. We keep each other motivated to go which is great... Not to long ago, we tried to run or jog on our walk and I thought I was going to pass out. LMAO. So that kind of put me back as far as pushing myself to run a the 5km. I thought, urgh, if I can't run the street without fading, there is no way I do 5k, who am I kidding?  I can walk it no problem, but running it makes me alittle nervous. I know they say you can train for a 5k in less then 6 weeks but I feel like I am beating myself up by saying that I can't do it.

There is a 5k coming up here that is local and it is for a great cause. It is called "Avery's Bravery Race" and it is a for a little girl who has Turners Syndrome just like my darling Belle.  Avery had life saving heart surgery at 13 days of age to repair a Coarctation of the aorta (narrowing of the main aortic valve) which effects girls with TS along with other health issues.. All proceeds go to Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto, which is the hospital that we go to see our Endocrinologist for Isabelle's TS. We met Avery's Mom last year at the annual Turners Syndrome Conference, along with some other families of young girls with TS, which have been a great support on our journey. Thankfully at this time Isabelle has no health issues as a result of her Turners, so we have been fortunate. I really want to do the run for Isabelle, Avery and others it is very important to me.  I am just not sure if I will be able to run 5k by that time? I am sure if I push myself I can do it, it is just getting the courage to do it, I don't want to look like a total ass. I know that I have the support of my family to do it which is great, it is just my nerves that seem to be taking over, people will be watching as I pant or better yet fall on my face at the finish line!

You know what, forget it.. I am just going to go for it.. It might not take me the 1/2 hour to complete might take me 4 hours, but I am going to push myself.. My procrastination has never paid off in the past so I think on this one, I should just push myself and jump with both feet! If I can walk it, I can run it? Right???
Wish me luck, cause I am going to need it!

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