Monday, March 28, 2011

Terrible Threes

Terrible 2's are a piece of cake compared to what you go through when they turn 3... People wonder why a parent will sometimes have a glass of wine at the end of the day (In Moderation of course)? When Laila was approaching 3 it was like a switch went off & she became cute demon like. Laila's personality is cuddly, fun loving and chatty & we can't forget stubborn she is a "Fireball". But when she melts look out, hold on people cause it is going to be a bumpy ride.

She pouts, throws things, stomps her feet, folds her arms when she is pissed,and slams a door like a teenager all when she doesn't get what she wants. She can bat those big blues with long eyelashes in attempt to get what she wants. Sometimes it pulls on my heartstrings but other times I stand firm. I hate giving into her because the consequences for that later are not good, she is a master at manipulation. We have tried timeouts, taking stuff away, "you wait till Daddy gets home", you name it we have tried it... Some days it works other days it does not!  I have said at times that both girls were completely different and still continue to be. It is quite amazing at how different they really are. I never experienced the "Terrible 3s' with Belle because I think she was forced to grow up faster because Laila was just a baby. We had meltdowns but not the extent that Laila does.. Thankfully she has not been one to be into everything, I never needed Child locks that sort of thing with either of the girls we had them on certain cupboards but they really did not need to be there. I never had to worry about colouring on walls, playing with electrical outlets. Climbing stuff and that sort of thing was never Laila's thing, but she is quick to think it is okay when she sees others do it.  We do however, quickly nip that in the butt and tell her that those are not good choices & we have rules and she understands. So if you are in our house with other guests here and she sees others do it then follows,  you might hear us say "That is a Safety Violation" and she will stop doing it or even tell a friend that is doing it that was a bad choice! The only thing that I do need to control is the temper tantrums and the drama which is still rather exhausting at times. I tend to have more patience with it, I think it is because I am with it all day, but Daddy has a hard time at times because she is so stubborn & he has worked all day. Maybe that is why Tom and I butt heads at times because Laila and I are so much alike & I understand Laila so well... LMAO!! Opps.

I hear it often that I was very similar to Laila as at her age. My mother at one point thought I was possessed. LOL I used to be able to function at her age on like 2 hours of sleep. Those days are soooo gone, stay away from me if I have only had 2 hours, I need more then 8 hours now LMAO! I apparently also used to get up in the middle of the night and sit in front of the TV an watch snow that is really freaky actually now that I think about it..  My poor mother, but I guess what goes around comes around. That would be why when I complain about Laila she smiles because she wears her Tshirt very proud...

I have learnt that every night they go to sleep they wake up a totally different child, they literally grow when they sleep, which brings on a new set of daily challenges.. I have learnt to have alot of patience and they are just testing the waters to see if you will bite.  I have learnt that they will take over a house & rules if you let them and I have seen it happen with other people. I have learnt that their love is unconditional so if you need to put your foot down, they will still love you & respect you. In fact they will love you even more and respect you that much more. Everything with our little ones is a balancing act, give alittle to get alittle and it works. I often hear from Laila that she wants to be a Mommy & be like me and have lots of babies.. So I can only assume that means that I am doing something right.. Even on the days when she is having her "Terrible Three" moments & our day is not going very good, there is nothing more comforting then when she comes up and gives you a big hug kiss and tell you are she loves you & you are the best Mommy ever!

Laila showing off her painting

Mommy and her little fireball.

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