Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just call me "Mrs Repeat"

Most days I feel like a scratched record, all I seem to do is repeat myself constantly. Whether it is with the kids or the husband never seems to fail, some days I just figure I am better off talking to myself, maybe I will get acknowledged.

With the kids I am usually repeating myself with regards to "Clean up your mess", "Brush your teeth", "Get your PJ's", "Time for dinner", blah, blah, blah.. You get what I mean.  But when it comes to saying "We are going to Great Wolf Lodge" or " To a play centre" they hear that when you whisper it in a very silent tone... With the husband,  it is usually about upcoming stuff like events,that we need to attend or something to with the kids blah, blah, blah.. It seems to be never ending and they wonder WHY o WHY do I get frustrated and don't talk? What is the bloody point seems they never hear me anyway and I all I do is "Blah, Blah, Blah" according to my 6 year old. With the kids I get that it is "Selective Hearing" and people say that husbands have it too but that one is open for debate if you ask me. I realize that day to day we have alot going on in our lives, but really Why must I need to repeat with you? I have said "Wonder where the kids get it from". I get that you are busy with alot going on in your head with work and so on.. But as I tell you, write it in the Crack berry attached to your hip or ask me to send an email and set up a friendly "Reminder".  Makes me really feel like no one listens when I speak and stuff that is "important to me" is not important to them.  The little reminder will help so when the day, event or whatever it might be comes along, you don't look so frigging surprised when I say "We are doing this today.... " I usually will get "You did not tell me" and I know it did, because when I find something out or make a plan to do something, I call him because I need to talk to an "Adult" and it involves him so he should know. If I can't get it said during the day I will make a point to say it at dinner.

Even though I am home doesn't make my brain any less empty then the "working brain", I too have days that I need to remember. I remember all the appointments (well for the most part, I have gotten days mixed up before that were written on the calendar), events for school, important stuff pertaining to home & parties and other upcoming stuff. I write the majority of the stuff on my calendar with little stickers. I might not always get it right, but I try damn hard too... I too forget stuff which is totally normal and human not one is perfect.  I get looked at like "I did not say anything at all" and I know for a fact that I did!

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