Sunday, March 27, 2011

Feet up, sipping a nice glass of wine!

What a busy weekend, but fun I might add... I have not blogged in a few days, it has been kind of crazy busy. But busy is always good, I would rather be busy then bored to tears... The weekends fly by sooo fast and it is so sad, Monday morning for us all. YUCK!!

Kids are alseep, all is calm and I can now relax and enjoy a nice glass of wine to unwind from a busy weekend. Saturday was such a fun day, we did alot of errands in the morning, then I got to prepare for a "Girls Night in".. A "Passion Party" was held at my place and was alot of fun.. Good laughs, Woody's (The drink kind) and fun. We got to touch, smell and lick things which was alot of fun... Children are not permitted which is totally understandable and I can't believe that they need to even really mention they are not allowed.... LMAO! Duh, that is a no brainier, can you imagine a child asking you "Mommy what is that"... It was the first one that I have ever hosted, and it was fun!  So we planned for Tom take the girls to see "Mars Needs Moms" which I have been hearing all about today, my kids are now little aliens.. It was apparently quite good, they all really enjoyed it, a tear jerker at one point apparently! LOL So I can't wait to see it, cause I blubber at anything.  Kids came home just as the party was packing up & heading out, so it worked perfect, but they got to see everyone before they got shipped off to bed.

Today, was a good friends little ones 7th birthday party which is crazy because it seems like yesterday he was born... So insane! So we went Skating today, and took the girls for the first time. They had a blast, they loved it. I did not skate, I don't do "Winter Sports" because I seem to hurt myself always.... Like the last time I went skating at Gage Park I went after 2 martinis and I ended up with 2 bruised ribs and being the Zamboni! The next was skiing at a private hill in Collingwood and while on the chair lift going to my hill, I realized that I had missed my stop and jumped off the chair lift while it was still "MOVING".. Tom was behind me on the next chairlift and all he saw was me land on my ass and my ski's going in opposite directions.... LMAO. I am lucky I did not get seriously hurt.  So needless to say, I have not attempted winter sports since those incidents.. So I just choose to keep it simple stupid if I can, like making snow men or shoveling. Today I "Skated" in my Adidas runner, I can't even walk properly in the winter for Pete's sake, I slipped 3 times this winter on the ice, now I get bugged that I am going to be getting "Spikes" for my runners! So me and ole man Winter don't mesh well together apparently!  But it is okay, because I 'm not a big fan of freezing my ass of at these outdoor events! I know "Princess" suck it up... The girls had a great time as did we, we always have a great time together when we are spending time as a family & with great friends. Wish it was not Sunday, I wish Monday was part of the weekend.
My little skaters!!

Dip anyone?

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