Friday, March 18, 2011

Jersey Shore - Guilty Pleasure

Last night I saw that next week is the Season Finale.. OMG, what am I going to occupy my Thursday night 10pm slot with?? LMAO! I hate the end of the season, it drives me bananas....

The Sammy & Ronnie thing is getting really old an I am hoping that if they go to Italy next season like they say there are, they will venture out an explore and stop the drama!! Cause it is getting EXHAUSTING! Tom doesn't even watch it that often, but when he does (When I make him sit with me to watch my mindless TV) he even says "These 2 need to get a life & break up already"... Last night Sam was all upset cause Ronnie slept in his own room and let her alone and I was like "Really" WTF, cause you have not been sleeping alone since you went back to the house? So confused!! Then Ronnie was like "I don't know if I love her" but then goes to bed with her after their dinner the next night?... LMAO! I have to say that Mike, Ronnie and Sammy are becoming very irritating to me.. Mike needs to get a life and back out of OP's drama, he is such a shit disturber! Who cares about "Arvin" move on alreay!! Get over it! I feel really bad for the others in the house that have to deal with all the drama!

Pauly D and Vinny are my Favs.. Those 2 crack me up, I laughed my ass of last night at there comments. The whole Deena wearing Denim thing was hilarious, I almost pissed my pants.. The club was the funniest with all the "Atomic Bombs"... I don't know what those women were thinking venturing there, hat was brutal! Then PaulyD's stocker chick (The one they called a Stork) LMFAO was there too which was even funnier, they were so not enjoying their night! Then those girls that they brought back to the house, I felt so bad for! That was alittle mean! I wish that Snookie and Vinny would get together, they would make a great couple! I am hoping that at the end of it all, that is what happens.. I wished that JWOW and Pauly would get together but she is with Roger now, so that does not look like it is going to happen, which is fine cause Roger is pretty good looking & they look really good together too!

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