Saturday, March 19, 2011

Back to School

Well, March Break is coming to end and it is bitter sweet.. I have now officially run out of ideas for entertainment... We had a busy but relaxing week, we did not ho a whole lot of places, just stayed local which was totally fine with the munchkins. We plan on going to do the whole Great Wolf Lodge when everyone is back at school & things are not so busy! So in the next week or 2 so that will be nice treat. They really want to go and who wouldn't it is alot of fun.

MegaMind By Isabelle

This week they have done every craft under the sun.. They are my little craft monkeys, they love it! I am not a huge fan of the MESS... LOL. Love the creations they make for us,  but can totally deal without the mess... Especially paint and all the little paper messes they make.. These 2 monkeys can use scissors really well an manage to make very tiny, tiny cuts of paper! LOL So my trash can this week has been dumped out a bazillion times, because every time I turn around it is full with mounds of paper! Isabelle has gotten really good at drawing and creating things, we got a ton of "Mega minds" (For those who don't know who Megamind is, it is a movie that just came out, can't miss him he has a big blue head) today from when he was a baby to a superhero! I can't get over her artistic side, cause she certainly did not get that from me! Laila is doing really well at her "Stick People" which is great, she drew a fat dog with 16 legs & our family! LMAO Now only if I can get her to do her name, but she has no desire to do it.... Urgh, so we need to work on that!
Laila's picture of the Family and the 16 Legged Dog

Isabelle is sad to go back to school this Monday as she says she misses me terribly when she has to go there "It is just not the same" she says. God Love her! I miss her too, believe me, it is hard when she goes. I hate that someone else is taking care of her, it is the "Letting go" part that I hate... I get an awful lot of anxiety.. And now in September I need to do it all over again with Laila..That is going to really suck, I don't think I am ready for that as much as I vent, it is still going to be hard on me emotionally & mentally? These are my babies, it has been us for so long!  I think next year all day everyday is going to be a real struggle for all of us. I thought I cried really bad when Isabelle started school, Laila is gonna get a waterpark! I'll be the one holding the JK door bawling my eyes out and Tom pulling me away kicking... LMAO... So many changes yuck, I really don't want to think about at this time! I won't be going back to work anytime soon (Still have to tell that one to Tom) LOL, at least not till we all get adjusted to this "New normal".....  If I had the time, and patience I would totally home school them. I am just not really good at the whole teaching them at their pace, so that would be a struggle for me.. I also feel it is important for them to learn to make friends other then "Mom" and get out into society and be social (Within reason of course). But it molds them into what they will be later on. Isabelle has a love hate relationship for school, but I think we all did at that age! Looking back now, I wished I never complained about school. It was so easy compared to being a "Grown up"..LOL  She loves learning and socializing but wants to do it when she feels like it... She looks at it now as an "Escape" for a few hours to play with other kids, but would rather be home with me... But who can blame her, she has been with me for 6 years.

Isabelle has some really huge dreams for a 6 year old... She wants to be anything from an "Astronaut, to a Doctor, Nurse, Pilot, Palaeontologist's". Tom and I encourage her to go for it, she can do it no dream is ever to big to achieve and we certainly won't hold her back from them.. She can succeed at whatever she puts her mind too, so in that case we better put more money away for College for her big dreams! LOL. Laila, wants to be a Mommy which is totally no surprise to us, she also wants travel to Hollywood where it is "Fun" & she can be a movie star (Which I can totally see) but she is still young so I am not worried yet, it will all come!

So after a nice break off,  I guess to me it really did not feel like a break cause we went no where. I also need to take into consideration that we have all been home with each other with Strep Throat not even 2 weeks ago, so the March Break kind of made me feel alittle "Cabin Feverish" because it felt as though I have not left the compound in months..... Thankfully the weather was nice, alittle soggy but at least we got to the park and fed our friendly little ducks friends (Even though the trip there was a little traumatic), we did our crafts, danced and enjoyed each others company! Sometimes it is the "simple" things at home that are the funnest and make them the happiest.. So all in all, I think this week was a pretty productive and busy one even if it was on home turf! I think next week, I will take some "me" time!
Isabelle's lovely Flower Picture.
All our Pottery Painted and some broken already!

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