Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dreaded Laundry

It seems that is one thing I can never get caught up on, my washer and dryer seem to always be going. Just when I think I am all caught up with the washing and putting away, a basket seems to appear at the foot of bed to be put away & the dirty basket is starting to pile up yet again... Urgh.. At the other house our laundry room was in the basement and I hated doing laundry there.  It was a dark and lonely place at night even during the day. It felt as though the baskets never left the basement with clean clothes because the trek upstairs was so far, they eventually got there but not at time of completion. Let's face it, I was not about to take it upstairs to put it away after doing the 9th load for that week. So I used to blame being behind on laundry on that dark lonely laundry room with no window to the outside... When we sold that house & bought this one  I wanted to have a Main Floor laundry room. I also wanted Front loaders on pedestals which would save the many back issues I had from doing the laundry and I got it, I was in love with my new laundry room. Although one regret is not having a window in it, it is still big an spacious and amongst the land of the living.
Being a family of 4 laundry piles up fast I could not imagine more people in the house. I swear I do at least 9 loads a week, that includes bedding.  It may even be more if I end up doing the comforters too then it can be about 12 loads. I am alittle anal about a clean bed for all, all our beds even get made every single day! Most people have asked me why do I make beds everyday if  "you are just going to go back into them in a few hours"? Umm Hello, because it looks sloppy and lazy if you don't & how hard is it to make them, it takes like 2 minutes?
I tried to do a number of things to cut back on the laundry!  I tried to stay in PJ's all day to cut back on the laundry and the kids loved it too but that did not last long. We have our "Jammie Day", but usually on off days when there is no school... Because for some reason,  it did not look right me going to pick up Isabelle at the end of the day from school dressed in my Winnie the Pooh Flannels and Laila sporting Little Mermaid. To be completely honest it really did not appear to cut back on the whole laundry thing, I was just washing an awful lot of PJ's.
You know it is not really the doing of the laundry that I dislike, I quite enjoy that part. Using a Washer and Dryer that has a shit load of bells & whistles and sings to you when it is all done is fun. It is the putting the stupid shit away that really drives me batty! It is the matching up the socks and crap.. And for some strange ass reason the washer or the dryer seems to eat a sock or 5? That baffles me! So under my dryer in the pedestal drawer I have a "Sock Graveyard" where all the lonely lost socks go, then we will attempt to find their loved one at the end of the month!  
Every time I put the laundry away, I make 4 piles. Mine, Tom, Isabelle & Laila.  Tom hates doing the girls stuff because the girls clothes are the same size & he never knows who goes in which pile. So he ends up putting all their clothes in a basket for me to do! It was very thoughtful that he attempted to sort it, but I should just do it because I end up doing theirs and mine anyway (Thanks Hun for the effort, it is truly appreciated).  I started to watch to see who's pile was bigger every week. And Laila wins the prize for that one... Another trait that she got from me, shhh don't tell my mom! LOL, cause she will say I "Told you so".  Laila takes stuff off and throws it in the dirty laundry even though she has only had it on 5 min. She changes 5 times a day if not more! She throws everything she takes off and puts it there.. I mean at least in a sense she has the concept of cleaning down, but we will have to work on the "What is Dirty an What is not" with her.. LOL. I so used to do that when I was young and I never understood why my mother got so upset.. Again, I am sorry Mom. Now me being a parent of my own kids, I seem to be getting alot of "Aha Moments"..

As I type this, I currently have a load drying & one washing.. I did 5 yesterday so this one today will be my 6th and it is only Tuesday! The 5 loads from yesterday are all piled on my bed waiting to be taken to the drawers & put away. And the sock basket is waiting to find it's mate, that match making will begin this afternoon over a cup of tea. With this new teared system with Hydro if I listened to that, I would be doing laundry till 4 am every morning.... Because they say the peak time is over at "9pm".. .Really, how stupid is that... You just gotta do what you gotta do I guess!

Awww.. A laundry room with the land of the living

The dreaded putting away day! Yuck.

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