Thursday, March 17, 2011

Buried Treasures

So with the nice weather coming and the snow melting, Tom decided it would be nice to take out the Car Seats. They need to be wiped down from the winter "Seat Parties" and then get the rest of the car vacuumed from all the winter crap.. Cause let's face it gone are the days of a clean back seat when you have little ones! That actually has to be one of my biggest pet peeves. The inside of our car is filthy,  we have actually been told that it is clean for having 2 kids which totally shocked us. I would be really shocked to see what others cars look like? Because to us, ours is gross.

Over the years I have become very anal about "Clean". Because we live in a new subdivision it is next to impossible to keep the car to our standards outside,  the inside mats take a beating because of the fine powder that blows around as the gravel trucks fly by. So while we sit at a light or a gas station I tend to bust out my Wet Ones and do a wipe down of the dashboard and doors, whatever I get can get my Wet One on. My goodness Wet Ones come in handy!  I used to love when the girls were smaller and you would take the seats apart to clean them and they use to sit in them with no padding & have a great time in them.. It was the cutest thing ever! They would play there for hours, just chillen out in their empty seats, but as they grow these small things fade away & become no longer of an interest. Boo!

Having 2 kids it would be no surprise to see our kids in the backseats munching away on a little snack to make the time pass, or to have a drink in their cup holders. The problem with that is, they still make a mess.. So you get tissues in the backseat, candy, paper, toys, crumbs, Goldfish (Not the water type the cracker type) you name it, it's there... So when we decide to take out their seats you find a whole other world there nothing living so far! Buried Treasures from god knows how long. There have even been an occasion where you look back and will see them digging in the seat because they have dropped something only to pull out a new treasure and gobble that instead (Thank goodness we are growing out of that phase)..
So when Tom pulled out the seats last night, I got scared.. What will we find was my first thought and my second was who's would be the worse!! Isabelle won the prize of the nastiest seat hands down.. Laila's was great looking, Tom thinks we cleaned it awhile back.. But I think it is because she is my foodie so no waste when it comes to snacks goes by that little monkey!

Isabelle's seat of Buried Treasures contained:
1. Hair Tie
2. Penny
3. Raisins
4. Skittles
5. Bits n Bites
6. Barrett
7. CRUMBS and a whole lot of them..
8. Sparkles from a balloon she popped from Rib Fest that had glitter in it... It was rather funny, cause I heard the pop looked back and it looked like she had a party in her seat! I will have to dig up the picture of that one!

The buckles were sticky and raisins were stuck in the clips! It was gross.. I could not believe what she had in there.. I called her over and said "Isabelle take a look at your seat".. Her face dropped "Where did all that come from Mommy"... I laughed and said "You of course".. Oh "Yuck" she said... God love her! Laila being the smarty pants pipes up and says "Look at mine Belle, Mine is all clean & yours is really dirty"....  I need to also add that these seats are not the easiest to take apart and put back together. You have to make sure that it goes back the same way you took it apart. It can be a safety issue if you are ever in an accident if it is not.. You could be putting your child in danger if you don't, so I will put them together and then Tom will recheck it to make sure to be safe! So when I take them apart I need to make sure they go back the exact same way.

As we pull the seats out every season to do a clean it reminds us at how big they are getting.. Soon my girls will be all grown up and no longer need these seats anymore. It is crazy to see that they have gone from their little bucket seats, to rear facing seats, to forward facing seat, then on to the booster! So in the meantime I will continue to laugh at the Buried Treasures I find in their seats because soon those days will be gone & they will be taking the car out for the night.

Party in her seat!
The backseat of the car! My O My..

Laila's seat.. Not looking to bad!
This is under her seat pad so this is not visible unless you remove the cover.

Isabelle's Seat... What a nice surprise. This is under her seat pad also, so it is not visible unless you remove the cover

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