Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Have I ever told you......

How much I dislike to fly?? LOL

Well, it is true I really don't like it. I admit it I am big ass chicken. I will do it if I have to but otherwise not a BIG fan of it! That is a huge part of why we never travelled must before we had kids.. It was all me!  With the Cruise booked now it is time to start looking into flights. Yucky!! I guess I was hoping by the time we went they would have little pads we could stand on then say were we want to go... And poof you are there! LMAO But I don' think that is going to happen anytime soon. When we go on the cruise we need to fly to San Juan to catch the boat I just found out it is like a 6hour flight! Yikes! Think I might need a big dart shot in my ass for this one. LMAO

When I got married an we booked our Honeymoon to Mexico, Tom was so nice to book us flights to Montreal to see the Grand Prix as a "Flight test run".. Which was great for me, because 45 min was PERFECT!! I think we sat longer in the Airport waiting to leave then we did to get there (Which in a sense scared me from driving there now, 45 min flight rather then a 5 hour drive works me)..... So then we went on the flight to Mexico, then to Nova Scotia to my Grandmothers Funeral which scared the shit out of my because the engine was leaking some sort of a fluid (Till this day, I don't know what it was),  then there was a Flight to Florida for an Adult Disney trip,  then back to Florida again with the kids, then to Nova Scotia to visit my besties.... So I have flown a few times as you can tell, so you would think it should not bother me at all.... But nope!! I am terrified every time I go! I think this time I might just have a drink or 10 and be numb by the time I get to San Juan, just kidding.. I will only drink water on the plane, I need to be alert!

You can see the fear in my face! LMAO

I think the saddest part of my dislike to fly, is that this fear will hold me back from travelling to places that I would really love to see. I always check to see "How long the flight is", "What kind of plane is it", "What kind of Airline is it", it freaks me out to no end..... So I really need to over come this fear, I really do! My girls and Tom love to fly. Tom even wants to take lessons to learn to fly those little planes and always says "If I got my license to do it, would you fly with me".... "HELL NO" I tell him! I put such restrictions on myself and I shouldn't, but one of my flaws I guess!

So at the end of the day, I just need to suck it up. If I want to go away and get a break this is something that I need to do & I totally will do it it is just I will pick it to pieces by the time the day arrives I always do! Another thing to work on this year become more POSITIVE about things....

Suck it up Princess get your ass on the plane and go enjoy yourself! GULP!

All of us on our way to Nova Scotia

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