Friday, March 11, 2011

Guilty Pleasure... Jersey Shore BABY!

Okay, I have to admit Jersey Shore every Thursday night is my weakness, It is a must watch.... I am hooked, I love it... It is entertaining, funny and I love the drama, but it is funny cause normally I hate drama. I think I might be okay with all the drama since it is on the TV rather then in my own life.. LMAO Okay to watch, just not be apart of. It is one of my Guilty Pleasures.......

So watching Thursday nights episode kind of made my head spin. WTF is up with Ronnie & Sammi seriously? Come on, can they not see they are better apart then they are together, relationships like that make me crazy! That is total dysfunction.. Who the hell cares if Sammi was talking to "Arvin"? Like and really is Arvin all that attactive.. My goodness no, he looks like a friggin tucan, the nose on him is crazy! So he is certainly not a looker! Kind of reminds of a status that a good friend had on her wall about "Men wearing Sunglasses", they look fine when they have them on then they take them off an BOO, scares the shit out of you! I have to call him a Butterface... Everything is good but his face!

 And it really made me mad the they were like "Girls can't have friends that are guys".. Why the hell not? Guys really irritate me when they say that. They really show their possessiveness and territorial side when they say shit like that, it is like they are dogs!  I will be damned if a man is going to tell me who I can & can't not talk too.. So childish... If she wants to text him so be it. Then judging by next weeks episode the "Ronni & Sammi" drama continues Dadadadaaaa...... Who the hell cares, what she did while they were apart and she had her space.. God he did it while they were together and laughed about it came home and crawled in bed with her... Can't deal with it, Tit for Tat jackass... It was okay for him to do it but not her! Such a double standard...
JWoww did the same thing and she wasn't even broke up with Tom when she met up and talked to Roger! No one made an issue for her. I don't really care much for Sammi but last night I sided with her and Ronnie seems alittle bipolar if you ask me so that is a whole other issue. And  as for the Snitchuation  AKA "Cheese Bed" man to cause such a scene about it, come on. I swear he is jealous cause everyone is getting more then he is and he is bored.... I think everyone in the house is sick of the drama and he just feeds to it... He needs to go! And what he did with the dogs was disgusting! What a looser. I have noticed that his take home of girls has dwindled, women must be getting sick of him gonna start bringing home grenades soon! LMAO.. I also wondered if he has noticed the cheese in his bed? Or is it still there?
I really hope that Sammi & Ronnie don't get back together cause my poor Pauly said he would kill himself if they did...Boohoo. It has to be like living in Hell there when those 2 go at it.. Something has to give and I think it needs to be those 2 forsure!!  The poor others in the house have to deal with such relationship drama.. It sucks when there is a relationship between friends where you feel you always have to be a ref or babysitter!

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