Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In like a Lamb out like a Lion

Leapin Lizards... Really I thought it was Spring? This is crap. Outside is like a Winter Wonderland, the wind is brutal and cold & I am alittle annoyed by that! Goodness the other day I was a mad hunt looking for slush pants at local Malls because it was mild and wet out... But that is no longer that case up here!! The driveway has been shoveled once already today and it looks like it is going to need it again.

Our driveway is alittle bit of a mess right now. We have "Large Hole" that a nice kind "Stone Slinger" left in our driveway yesterday afternoon, as he decided to turn his big ass truck around & leave his wonderful deep tire marks behind, stupid ass! These trades people are soooo considerate of others I tell you.  So not only are we dealing with an insane amount of snow, we are also dealing with 2 large holes, that are now covered in snow! Poor Isabelle fell in it today on her way to the car this morning, she was okay but it could have all been avoidable if he was considerate!  The builders are just going to have to get out and fix it because it is not exceptable!

By now I think we are all done with the Winter Snow stuff. Last week I was out walking my 5k in my Spring Jacket and Runners, now I need to bust out the boots, hats and stuff again! Last week we saw the grass and were able to get out and clean up all the mess from the winter & pack all the "Sleds" away! That is no longer the case now.... Urgh, I think usually by this time we are all done with the cold, bitter weather and gloomy skys. It makes you feel so much better when the sun is shining & the weather is warm. I wish I could live here in the Summer and someplace else in the Winter! That would be so nice. Not much wonder we all begin to get depressed around this time of year for Pete's sake! I would love to see those yahoos out there now walking in their shorts! LMAO

So here is hoping that this is "Out like a Lion" and just around the corner is the Spring we have been waiting for!

I am weary, exhausted, worn-out, drained, fatigued, beat, wiped out, spent, shattered, whacked, bored, fed up, sick, jaded, dissatisfied, worn-out, and done with snow. I am so over Winter. There I feel better.

Snow as of 1:30pm...

There was NOTHING here... Now look?

Urgh, I was hoping to sit on those this weekend!

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