Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Greatest Accomplishments

Last night Tom and I were able to get out for a nice dinner with great friends and reconnect, we don't get that very often and it is so important! My mom was kind enough to take the girls for a few hours which was great & we are so appreciative for her doing it. We missed the girls a ton, but this outing was a much needed & well deserved one. It was nice to get out and enjoy a nice meal that was hot, have a couple of drinks, talk adult and not have to worry about the kids touching things, being alittle loud or hearing them say "Are we done yet" or better yet to eat at a place with adult ambiance, instead of loud places with walls of chickens & other feathery things!

We went to Canyon Creek which a favourite of ours, I think we were gone about 3.5 hours, the night ended early which was sad.. But by the time we picked up the kids, got them home and tucked in bed it was 11pm... So it was prefect timing actually... At one point I looked at Tom and said "I don't want to go back home just yet", then I said "Is that wrong"? He replied "no, you just never want a good thing to end" which is so true. I missed the girls terribly, but just wanted another 1hour!! We were so stuffed, and enjoyed each others company that much that if felt like we were on our "First Date" yet again after 15 years! So as we made our way back to my Mom's I was getting anxious to see my little ones. I walked in the door and was greeted by Laila who was happy to see us ran up and gave some cuddles and kisses and we heard "I really missed you", Isabelle was sucked into playing her DS and all we got was a "Hi Mom", "How was dinner". LOL.. She loves spending time with Nanny, so it came as no surprise that she was so chilled... Laila loves it too, but still get really upset when we go! We sat and talked for awhile then packed them up and headed home.

On the way home they told us all about their time with Nanny and how they had so much fun and wished they could sleep over! They told me how they created this "Secret Girls Club", they danced, watched movies and have popcorn which was so great for them. They love their Nanny! With both girls buckled in their seats, playing their DS', I found myself just gazing back at them both with such Admiration! They are mine, we did this... Those 2 girls sitting in the back seat have to be my "GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT"... As much as some days they peck you death, nag and whine, fight to the point where you just want to run as fast as you can away! I tell you, there is no better gift then those 2 back there! It is a love no greater, nothing can ever compare to what you feel for your kids. It is amazing how when you become a parent you get this instant instinct in you to love and protect them, it is crazy! They give nothing back really but snotty wet kisses, and peanut butter smelling hugs, but I tell you I would not trade that for anything not ever. There is nothing greater then that.... I also love it when they lost something an they can find it, but you save the day by finding it for them and hearing "You the best Mommy in the whole world", or listen to them tell you that they "Love you with all their heart" or "when they say other sweet things like "Daddy you are so handsome", "Mommy you are so pretty".. My girls are truly wonderful.. Isabelle has alot of Tom and Laila has alot of me when i was younger, but in the end there is a good balance of the 2 of us. They are perfect, there mine and I love them deeply!

I thank them everyday for choosing us to be their parents, cause I would not have had it any other way!

Us at the Blue Jays Game 2010

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