Monday, March 21, 2011

Funny things they say....

Sometimes the things my girls come out with are hilarious.. It is so hard to remember them all & I wish we could you almost need to have your camera and camcorder available all the time with little ones..... You totally see there personalities come out in the them everyday. I find myself daily busting out in to a good laugh over something they said, or even turning my back and have a little chuckle because what they said was funny, but I don't want to let them think it was okay what they said.. So usually what they say is funny, yet not age appropriate you need to address it so that they know it is not right & they understand. They usually try to act alittle older then they are because they over heard you say some big word so they just try and "throw" it in to a sentence they are saying but it makes so sense.. Other times they do it and it works perfect. When they say something that might sound rude and so on, you always have to remember that they don't mean it & not to take it to heart!. They are little and mean no harm at all....

Here are a few "Funny things they have said":

1. Mommy "I am the boss in this house, Laila says as she giggles "No Mommy, haha Isabelle is the boss"
2. Isabelle says "Mommy Jesus was born in December you know", I say "On what day".. Isabelle "Ummmm a Friday"
3. Laila says "Mommy daddy has a screwer, not Nanny".... ( I am sure she is meaning a screwdriver to fix things)
4. Laila says to Nanny " Nanny, Santa and I are BEST FRIENDS"
5. Laila telling daddy "I want this for Christmas, that for Christmas" Tom says "But laila do think Santa will bring you all htat stuff, that is alot for him to carry".. Laila replies "Daddy, he has room he can get another sled"
6. Laila says " I think Isabelle has a beaver" Meaning Fever, I say "Why do you think that".. Because I just do mommy she replies. Laila them proceeds to say "I think you need to give her a Candy, that will make her feel better, also, i think I need one too Mommy that is good medicine when you are sick"....
7. Laila says "Mommy, Flynn Ryder & Repunzal sleep together you know".. I reply "Oh really how do you know that"... "Well Mommy, she has 2 pillows in her bed"
8. Laila says "Mommy, does the Easter bunny bring lots of toys for Easter". I reply "Not really, he does not drive".. Laila "Yes Mommy, he is going to get a Hooker (Hook) attach it to him & bring me a bike"
 9. Laila was kicking the stool where my hot tea was sitting... I asked her to stop and she looks at me and says "But Mommy you are soooo pretty".
10. Isabelle says to Tom and I "I am going to go on a date with Chase, Eric and Evan".. Okay? I just love them sooo much..
11. When Isabelle was 2 she use to call Papa's Gravol truck a "Dumb Fuck" rather then a "Dump Truck
12. Laila "Mommy where did you get your hair"
13. After I eat my dinner I will have a snack!
14. Isabelle "Now that I lost my tooth, I can eat better", "But not green beans, it is hard to eat them with a missing tooth"
15. Laila literally 5 min after eatting a full meal "Mommy, Can I have a yogart, I am hungry"

My funny little pumpkins

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