Monday, March 14, 2011

Ever have those days?

Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On and crashed into We All Have Problems before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Bitchin'.

Ever have those days when you just want to be left alone, sit in bed & do NOTHING~ I seem to be having alot of them lately! Call it the weather, PMS, bored, lack of exercise, I don't know. I think all of the Above! But it is really starting to bother me, everything is these days. I am edgy and emotional & no I am not Pregnant, that is impossible unless it was an immaculate conception, that was fixed 3 years ago and not to be rude, but really that is the last thing I need. I love my girls, they are a handful and more then plenty & if I really wanted to complicate things, I would get a puppy! And for those that know, been there done that have the t-shirt and a plaque, I say no more!

I know I should not complain as it is not that bad, there are other things going on the in this world & others are dealing with alot worse then I, so quit the pity party I know! Today my lovely darlings decided that while mom was "Out of commission due to Mama Nature", what a better way to entertain our fun but putting "Purple Crayola Model Magic" into the nice Beige Shag carpet and yes that would be LAILA, her cuteness really saves her! God Love her~ So, I need to bust out my good friend "Polti" and Italian Made Steamer that I have become quite attached to. It uses no chemicals only steaming water! It almost works like a pressure cooker. It is great when the puking flu hits the house and you need to sanitize all the toys,  however today it kind of failed me.. It could not get out the "Purple" in the carpet! So I got the assistance from my Dear Sweet Neighbor, she suggested I try Club Soda, but I had none so we tried Baking Soda & water, that did not do a whole lot, but she did have some carpet cleaner that did the trick. My hands are officially raw from scrubbing so hard but it is out.. Polti fluffed up the carpet for me and later on I will vacuum it once it dries... Thank You Dianne, it worked.  Carpet cleaning was so not apart of my pity party today, as I was cleaning it all I wanted to do was just cry.. Why, Why, Why? Why does this stuff happen on days when you want to do nothing but lye there and deal with your cramps?  So for the rest of the day Model Magic is gone! The thing that baffles my mind is why is it that it is always my stuff that gets ruined? Can Mom's never have anything nice?  I now know what my mom used to get upset about when we were kids... We always seem to gravitate towards ruining their stuff & now that I am the one that is getting my stuffed ruined I feel so bad for doing it to my moms! Sorry Mom <3

I laugh at Laila "She has that I am sorry, but it was so much fun look"
The girls will be home all week for March Break and it is only Monday! I am hoping that the week ends better or that even tomorrow is a better day! Cause today feels like a write off for me, why does mother nature all seem to make a grand entrance at the worse times? The beginning of the week on a frigging week long holiday, URGH! What is really getting me through this week is the fact that I get to go out Saturday night with good friends of ours for a nice QUIET HOT Steak dinner, with Adult Conversation, drinks and my hubby by my side! Hurry Up Saturday, I need this only if it is for a few hours!

All Clean.

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