Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! NOT! I just turned 34 and so far all I can say is DEPRESSING, not sure if it is the age thing or the boredom of turning 34? It just ain't all it is cracked up to be,  awww to be young again!

We ended up doing our May 24 Camping, weather was great, we were with great friends & relaxing well sort of. Packing to get ready to go camping was alittle stressful and we did not even have to take alot of stuff with us as our "Professional Camping Friends" have everything! LOL. So this time we travelled light, but still did not have enough room??  Not sure why that was.... Had we needed to pack more it would have been even more stressful. I am always the one that needs to pack and plan for all of us, which can be really frustrating. You have to plan accordingly, plus take care of all the other things that come along with trips and just the regular household stuff. So it can be alot for one to handle.
We left the Saturday so the kids would get a goodnights sleep on Friday. Tom an I had to watch the kids in shifts which was fine, but because they are out of their element they tend to push it that much more which is really stressful and can make things alitle bothersome & not enjoyable. They tend to try and push alot of buttons while in the company of others, because I guess they think we are going to ease off and let it go.. We do tend to let things go for the most part, but being away from home does not mean that all rules go out the window!  I even thought at times it was easier to travel with them when they were younger.. They are busy now and want to go go all the time, even when they are in the company of other kids you still hear "Mommy come play with me", "Mommy".. Think I might change my name to "Daddy"... Every age has it challenges that is forsure, but things don't get easier, it just changes to another issue so now you deal with alot more little issues.

We did alot, they played on the beach making sand castles, swam, went trampolining (attached to harness') and rock wall climbing. We went for walks, ate & played games, roasted marsh mellows but of course that is never enough. It was alot of fun most of the time,  except when the kids thought they clearly did not do or get enough!! Then poor Laila had a Pee Pee accident which required mommy intervention. So I had to take her to the washroom to give her a shower which turned out to be quite an experience. While adjusting the shower with my 3 year old naked standing in the stall waiting for everything to be all good, the effing shower head broke off and water was flying EVERYWHERE, thank god it was not hot! I was SOAKED, Laila had water in her face,she was freaking out crying in hysterics & me flipping out, then finally the Sherkston cleaner came in and asked if everything was okay. I replied absolutely not, we need you too turn off the water, the water was everywhere in the washroom. Urgh......  After I calmed Laila down got her cleaned up, I waddle back to the campsite in my soaked jeans that were now glued to me... Sunday night was our last night there so we had a lovely dinner accompanied by some yummy cake for my birthday, all dec'd out with glow sticks as candles which was super cute! Very thoughtful. Thankfully there was not 34! LOL  After cleanup we started the fire and enjoyed some beverages, spider dogs, roasted peanuts & popcorn,  it was nice! We had a great time with great friends as we always do, had laughs and get conversation, glow stick sword fights.. LMAO! The theme song for the weekend was "The Duck Song" LMFAO! It is so stupid it is funny & very catchy! Might I suggest Youtubing it..... LOL

Monday came which was my birthday, we packed up and headed home the weather was totally crappy but Thankfully it the rain held off till after we were all packed up, not great birthday weather but the rest of the weekend was great weather. I got home to an empty answering machine which further depressed me! We get only 2 days a year when you become a mom, that are really "Our Days" Mothers Day and our Birthdays & when they don't really go as you thought it can be rather depressing, especially as you get older. I am not sure what it was that I was hoping for but I certainly know it was not that. Maybe I was hoping for a surprise or somesort that would await me at me at home, maybe I was hoping for a flower delivery, but I got nada!! I just feel at times that the whole "Wooing" phase disappears. It is great to get homemade cards from your kids and the little slobbery kisses, but it is the other half that bothers me.. Yes, I get clothes and other stuff all year but that is different.. Birthdays & Mothers Day are special, they are different! We tried to head out for dinner at a restaurant of my choice as a family and got to the intersection the kids were acting out so we turned the car around (as per my request) and came home! I was not about to eat dinner listening to bitching (excuse my language) granted they were tired as were we, but seriously it was my DAY.  Not doing stuff that I do EVERYDAY!!  Would it have been appropriate if I had gone to dinner all by myself? I was already miserable why not!!

It was hard as I was venturing around the campgrounds I started to miss the young days of being out enjoying the "Freedom" of doing what you wanted when you wanted. Adding my birthday into the mix, just did not make it any easier!! At one point I looked at Ang and said let's jump those kids for their golf carts and go cruising sites.... LMAO! I totally get why now days people go through a midlife crisis' type thing... I just don't get why you can't have the best of both worlds? I have noticed that the people that have both worlds are happy!!  I just want to have fun, why do people get sooooo uptight and like their same ole boring mundane life!! LIVE, ENJOY! It is totally okay to do so! Just because we get older does not mean that we need to curl up and die!! We take things so serious at times an that is wrong.. As long as my kids are loved and taken care of it is OKAY to enjoy the fun side of life!! My kids are in no way not taken care of, they are happy, healthy and cultured.. We do family stuff all the time and I think it is soo important to take the time away from them with or without your other half & spoil your loved ones cause they are totally worth it

That was my Birthday RANT!! Ahhh. I feel 10 lbs lighter!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

LONG Weekend

Many Many Many Many moons ago (Shit I feel old,) this long weekend also my birthday weekend,  was always a Party, we would all get ready and head up for a wicked party on the Wasaga Beach Strip.. It did not matter if you had a room or not, you went up and always found someplace to stay even if it meant you were in the car (which people did do). It did not matter if the weather was totally shitty, you still went! May 24 weekend was always a tough one to predict the weather does what is wants and is always so inconsistent. I think I even camped on May 24 and it snowed, that was the last Tent time for me..  Alot of the times in Wasaga we had rooms or camp sites (with tents yuck).  It was just one big party there & so much fun. We would venture there every long weekend, it was our highlight to the summer forsure. We would walk and cruise along the shore listening to the loud music thumping from peoples cars, sipping our beverages (which totally not allowed), running into more people we knew having a great time. We went to bed at the crack of stupid and woke up after a few hours of sleep only to start the day all over again.. Breakfast alot of the times was yet another drink. There were no rules!! OMG the days! Thinking about it is making yawn. LOL  It would be really funny to hear what others remember about venturing to Wasaga Beach every Summer! I am sure there are so really funny stories... God, I can remember a few...
I ended up going their last summer with the Family and setting up at Beach 1 and thought to myself, I never in a million years thought I would be on the exact same beach with my kids & my husband.  We had lunch at the Dard, I sipped Strawberry Daiquiris, even swam I think that was the first time I ever stepped foot in the water there.. It felt soo weird.. The people there seemed so geeky not like from our days, they were driving their parents cars, so many people thinking they were cool... Were we like that? No, we totally were cool & the guys were hot!! LOL It was always so much fun... I at times miss those days, they were so carefree, although our parents probably worried sick about us.. When my girls are asking me to to go to Wasaga Beach for the weekend, hmmm I wonder what I will say?? LMAO

Hello Long Weekend & Look out Sherkston (Family Rated this time)~ So excited, it is a different kind of fun when you are with your little ones... We play activities, swim, they explore nature, make spider dogs, smores and this year we now have a Telescope so they can look at the stars if the clouds stay away.. They love it... It is the first long weekend of the summer & we are hoping that it is nice and we see our shy friend Mr. Sun. It seems like it has been far to long since he has graced us with his warmth & sunny face!
Today and tomorrow I will spend most of my time getting us all ready to make the trip Saturday morning, we are really looking forward to it.  We want the kids to get a good nights sleep Friday so they are recharged for the weekend of late nights. It is always so funny when you going "Vacationing" because now it is in a trailer as oppose to a tent.. Long gone are the days of tents once you go luxury camping you never go back. At the camp grounds, there are always the loud rowdy ones and you laugh because you totally use to be there, so it feels different being on the other side of it all now.  I find that also now days kids are alittle more crazier then we used to be, they get really stupid and cause shit & ruin if for everyone.

Well, I am off to start packing & getting some stuff together. Have a good long weekend everyone! I hope that they sun stays out for the majority of it. I will blog when I get back


Wasaga Beach last year with the strip behind! Oh the memories

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Beginnings

Thank you everyone that gave such kind words regarding yesterdays blog, it was a hard one to write! It was wonderful to hear the words of encouragement, sometimes you need that encouragement from others. Emotionally it brings up alot of what I was feeling the first year of her diagnosis. When writing it, I never realized at how I really felt until I began to blog about it & got it all out in the open. You don't realize at how much we keep inside (especially women) until you start letting it out. Maybe I should have gone and talked to someone cause I was obviously not fine, I dealt with alot of the emotion on my own (which I did not have too, I had amazing support, I just get quiet when overwhelmed). I obviously had some problems handling it, I think the thing that kind of gets me, is did I shut Tom out on my feelings? He was there to talk too, but I always portrayed that I was okay & handling it well, when clearly I was not? Don't get my wrong there were times when I was not always strong and we would talk, but there were times that I just held it together!   I think I just did not want to admit that I was not okay so I went on like I was, if I cracked it would mean that I was weak!  You have to portray a strong imagine for your kids, mothers aren't weak are they?? He is pretty good at reading me when I am down and out or something is really bugging me. But maybe he was just as equally upset but did not want to say anything because he had to be the strong one as he always is??

On the outside I appeared calm, cool and collected but on the inside I was a bloody mess!
I think the real breaking point for me was when we attended the TS Conference last year! Wow, I broke down, that was really hard on me, I think I had perma tears in my eyes all weekend.. It was in my face, clear as day, other people stories the good, the bad, the ugly!  The scale for TS was SO broad from not so serious to severe.  I think all weekend I was in a state of panic, I just wanted to go home, I was on information overload. Although we met some great people & made great friends, I just wanted to scream and leave! Everything was still SO fresh!! The friends I made that weekend will last a lifetime!
I think last year might have just been a living hell for me now that I think about and vent... A TS Diagnosis a few short months ago, A move, house packed in storage 2 different locations to boot, not feeling settled, waiting for a new home, designing a new home, motherly duties, wife duties etc....  Then the nay sayers that would be there to knock me back down with even more to ponder which never allowed me to deal... I think had I been in a better place, they would have been outtie long before January 2011... There were times when he would be at work and I would be with her and I would just cry! I was hurt, I was scared of what was too come, because I can't see the future, I did not know how this was going to unfold. Attending Sick kid appointments was upsetting, because I feel/felt like we should really not be there again wanting to run, but if there is anywhere you want to be it is there.  When we are there our kids ask ALOT of questions and you need to hold back the tears at times! It can be a very sad place that they make so cheery and happy because there are so many sick little boys and girls who call that their home day in and day out. The walls are so colourful & bright with happy clowns around to try & cheer them up, the staff is patient and kind. When the girls go into the appts they give them little presents to make it more comfortable.  It is such a fantastic place for little ones, it can truly pulls on your heart strings being there.  No parent ever wants to hear there is something going on with your child & I don't think anyone will ever understand that until you are a parent.

It is crazy how looking back I could see how this kind of stuff can pull a family apart, but instead I think it might have pulled us closer, because clearly I was a mess (I can laugh about now I guess). We always tried to work as a team, but when you have kids sometimes the lines of communication get alittle severed and you being to drift apart! Kids don't make it easy at the best of times on a relationship and when you throw something like this into a marriage it can go either one of 2 ways!!
I remember when we were talking about selling our last house, shortly after the diagnosis. I was terrified, I wanted to sell because it meant new beginnings & a new start to this journey we were on. She was being teased at school for being "Small" and she was heartbroken that her peers would make fun of her size. I knew exactly how she felt, because I did not have a condition and I was constantly picked on and teased in school and that was like 25 year ago.. So I can only imagine how they are today! Little SHITS!!  She was teased constantly, JK/SK kids were wicked, they would make comments as she entered the "Play Pen" from the bus (A fenced yard were the little ones play at school) " look here comes smally", "Why are you SO small", "Smally Dolly". She needed a change and a fresh start because it was not fair to her! I even remember one day Tom taking her to school and one of the boys started up, the kid turned back and saw Tom & shit himself (not literally, you know what I mean) then the kid asked Isabelle who that was? Isabelle told him and smiled. To Isabelle, her Daddy was a hero that day! I think that might have made her an even stronger person. Then there was the thoughts of many memories in that house there were so many things that have happened in this house that it was hard to let go of! It was hard to let go and start over with all the unknowns that lie ahead for us all on this crazy new journey! But when that sign when up, I was anxious to just get rid of it.. When the SOLD sign went up, I was like WOW, this is really happening no turning back now holy shit hang on we are homeless for 3 months... LOL When we did our last clean out, it was a bittersweet leave.

New Beginnings.. Now I can finally say that moving here was the best thing we did! I am cleansed of the crap!! Isabelle loves her school and is not teased, but that is not to say that it won't happen (here's hoping not, but I am not completely ignorant), she was embraced with open arms by her peers! We are starting new memories and have realized that a " A Family Makes the Home" not the other way around. We are a closer team (although not perfect & don't expect to be) we work better together through the ups and downs of. We are here for out kids, solid!   I am a Stronger person when dealing with these issues because the guilt has faded, I feel more settled. I might not always get it right but it is on the right track. I am a stronger person because I have my family and we are healthy and happy! They make me strong!  I guess not being afraid to jump with both feet is not always a bad thing, will I do it again... Hmmm, not sure, that was a whirl wind adventure!! LOL Although very scary, the new beginnings seems to be working, I am in a good place!  TOUCH WOOD & alot of it...

Here's to new beginnings!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Small, but mighty

November of 2009 my sweet baby girl Isabelle was diagnosed with a condition known as Turners Syndrome. For those who are not aware of Turners Syndrome: TS affects 1 in every 2,000 - 2,500 females born in the population. Thus we would expect that there are over 6,000 individuals with TS in Canada, 98% of all TS pregnancies end in miscarriage. Turner Syndrome (TS) is a condition that affects only girls and women. It is identified by a difference in the genetic make-up of those who are affected. Most girls and women have two complete X chromosomes (the sex chromosomes for females). Turner Syndrome is caused by the absence of all or part of the second X chromosome in some or all of the cells of the body.
Our First Family Photo.

Ready to take on the world. Look out!

Girls who are missing one complete X chromosome have "classic" TS, often referred to as an "XO" or 45,X karyotype. Others are missing only part of the second X chromosome, or have some structural rearrangements of the chromosome. A mosaic karyotype refers to a missing or rearranged X chromosome in some but not all cells in the body. It is important for someone with TS to know their karyotype since different karyotypes are associated with different potential health issues. TS is not an inherited condition and, therefore, is not passed down from one generation to another. In rare cases, a family may have more than one child with TS, but in those cases the loss of a sex chromosome during cell division happened twice to the same family by chance. In fraternal twins, it is possible for one twin to have TS and the other not to have TS.  Turner Syndrome occurs when a piece of genetic information gets "dropped" during division of the sex cells - or during the process of meiosis. To date, TS is not thought to be associated with environmental factors or any other factors generally associated with genetic problems.
(Thank you to Turners Syndrome sites for helpful information)

Isabelle is a happy, healthy and active girl who is ready to tackle this world. She is a spunky firecracker full of life and has a heart of gold an a smile & laugh that are so infectious and light up any room.  My little girl makes me smile & fills me up with love each and everyday!  Isabelle has no real features of TS other then Short Stature, which is why this dx came as a huge surprise to our Family Practitioners. It all started because we had noticed once she started JK that she was alittle smaller then her peers. So with our Pediatrition we watched her weight & height for a year. Weight gain and height were steady but very slow. So he decided to do some routine blood work to rule out "Celiac and Turners Syndrome" 2 conditions that can cause the slow growth. He was not convinced that she had these but wanted to rule them out, which was totally fine with us. I remember going home that night and googling them & saying to Tom they will be negative, she fits none of the features with the exception of short stature. 3 Long weeks later, sure enough the TS came back positive, so you can imagine our surprise & shock at this news. The only real feature of TS that Isabelle displays her her short stature. After this rather shocking diagnoses we had a ton of questions. I did alot of blaming on myself had I done the prescreening during pregancny would things have been different,  what other health issues does she have that we are not aware of and on and on, I carried this weight around like a bad rash. I was devastated at the fact that my little may never have her own children!  How was I going to tell her this when she was older? I felt it was some sort of a punishment, a bad dream & a million things flood your mind, which sends you on an emotional roller coaster. Although it was out of my hands and there was nothing that I could have done differently. I blamed myself, which took me up until recently to let go of & to know that it was not. It did not matter how many people told me that, I needed to figure it out on my own.  I did everything I could have possibly done to protect her I ate well, slept, I did everything you are supposed to do during pregnancy. This was just one of those things not within my control. The next year would be a bunch of appointments with Genetic Counselors, Pediatric Cardiologists, ENT's, Endocrines at Sick Kids, Xrays and Renal Ultrasounds etc to make sure there was no health issue that we were missing. Our Genetic Counselor who was a terrific lady, advised that Isabelle maybe mosaic given her lack of TS features (When they tested her for TS, they did not test Mosasism). The tell all will come at puberty whether she is, she advised us that Isabelle maybe be missing the Chromosone in her blood, but it maybe present in her tissue but that would require invassive testing & it is not warrented. THANKFULLY, everything checked out as it should. She was in & is in great health, no issues related to TS which was music to our ears. The only real issue was her tonsils & adnoids which have been removed and my goodness what a totally different child since that surgery! She eats and sleeps like a champ and can actually breathe and does not sound like a trucker at night! LOL

With all the testing that my princess has had to endure (which is nothing compared to what some living with TS have gone through or go through on a daily basis) this past few years, I am thankful for her everyday for her good health. She is a tiny miracle, she beat the pregnancy odds, she is a figher, she fought to be here! We continue to do routine followups to be sure that everything is good & it is, she is the 3rd percentile for the normal growth range and 75th in the TS growth range. She may require Growth Hormones starting at the age of 8 depending on if she starts to decline on the TS growth chart, but we are not there yet. This is the tough desicion that we will face & have been struggling with for a while. Our Endo's feel that they want her to wait, let her be a child and not have to do daily injections. It just does not seem fair to gain a few inches, we are okay with that and so is she at this point. If it means that being small is the worse thing, that is all cosmetic no biggy, being small is not a bad thing in fact it may even have some advantages at times! As time has past my "Guilt of failing my daughter" has faded. Some people at that time of dx, I found were like a weight tied to my ankle while trying to swim, I was never allowed to move on from the dx & I always left second guessing my decisions as a parent where Isabelle's health needs were concerned, I always told to get second opinions by the neh sayers after I would share good news from our appts at Family Doctors and Specialists at checkups. Everyone of her Doctors were apparently wrong that she was healthy according to bitter people having bad experiences! Which was so wrong what firends do that?  Some never allowed me to heal or move on, days felt sad and lonely with them in my life! Tom and I both said at the time of her diagnoses we would find the best doctors to take care of her, and we did!! There is truly no ingnorance about TS in their offices, our doctors want to learn more about it, if they are unfamiler with it they research. But we have good Doctors that know about her condition which is fantastic. Our family GP has a friend with a little girl that has TS which is great.  This was just not healthy to be around such negativity. I needed to sever ties there, since doing that I can breathe again! I can leave a good appointment now refreshed and not second guessing their checkups, I can share good news and not have to listen to the "Negativity and what ifs". If I can't trust my GP's then who can I trust? I found that some people prayed on others weakness' and that was what made them function.
I have found some truly remarkable friends that have little girls with TS, they have been a pillar of strength to me. Isabelle has made some close friendships with other girls that have TS which is great, because she knows she is not alone they have a special bond that no other can share! Their friendships with last a lifetime! I remind my sweet girl everyday that she is no different then any other little girl, she can do things others can do! Never let her size get her down, she can do everything others can do if not better. I find that she challenges herself daily and does not give up till she has got it, that is the fighter in her, she may be small but I tell you she is mighty with the biggest heart of anyone I know.

I think our biggest challenge that we will face and we will do so together as a family. Is explaining to her that she may never be able to have children of her own. That will break my heart & some days it still does!  Every mother hopes that their little girls will be mothers of their own someday. But there are other ways to have a child these days and we will cross that bridge when we need to, still a long way away! I at one point wanted to harvest my eggs for when she is older but unless I want to be a Grandmother at 15 I am good (They only store then for 10 years). Isabelle at this age has dreams and ambitions like being a Pilot, Astronaut or a Palaeontologists. These career choices don't include children so I have been told, she also tels me that "having babies is gross & she does not want to have 8".. So at this point I think we can save the baby talk until she is ready!  I will let my darling have a great childhood, experience life, learn, love and grow. We will take care of all her health needs and stuff as parents do best. We will always keep her best interest at heart and never let Turners Syndrome define who she is or have her be labeled. We take it day by day and do realize that things could change, but for now we live in the moment and will face the challenges as we need to! She is our darling angel & we are so happy that she choose us as her parents. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful little girl to love & to love us back. We are very lucky parents to have her in our lives.

Thank you girls for teaching us to love unconditionally

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rain Rain go away

The sky is grey and gloomy yet again and the rain is cleaning my windows! My street is one big mud bath with puddles about 2 inches deep. So very depressing. As it rains again today for what seems like it has been doing since the beginning of April, we are curled up on the couch watching a movie. This weather sucks.. Last night I thought for sure there would be a glimmer of hope when the sky got a nice shade of pink and a rainbow broke through the clouds at like 8:30.. But apparently NOT!

I hate being a prisoner in my own home and staring at the walls all day long. I would rather be out an enjoying the sunshine. On crappy days like this, I get a headache and get all stuffed up, it is just down right depressing! This weather is brutal for the sinus', not to mention your mental state I really dislike it. The kids begin to climb the walls as they run out of things to do and stuff to play. Let's face it, you can only come up with so many crafts & activities for little ones to do. I would be doing something with them every half hour if I had to keep them busy. Their attention span only lasts a short while.  After a long winter all they want to do is get out to run, play and enjoy the fresh air. I am not one to pack them up and venture to a germ infested play group or a nasty food smelling restaurant play ground, just to pass the day!  They NEVER clean those places and you can smell the dirtiness of it as soon as you walk in GROSS. So home we sit searching the Internet for little crafts etc.

Last week Tom & our neighbour went to a local Home Depot to get the Play set that was promised to the girls when we moved out of our last house. When we moved, it was early March & the ground was frozen solid and we were waiting for our house to be built here, so we had to leave behind their beloved Tree house! So Tom promised the girls that when we got grass in the new house their tree house would be replaced. So we got the grass last August and the kids have been reminding Daddy of his promise! So he fulfilled his promise, which made them so happy! I never break a promise to my kids, ever.. So over this wet and gloomy weekend the neighbours and Tom had been working their butts off in the soggy backyard constructing this playground, while the wives hand them cups of hot coffee! It was COLD and WET! It is supposed to take 6-8 hours to assemble, but thankfully with all the help it is coming along great. Unfortunately the weather is not co-operating but it is up! They managed to get the Playhouse shell up, leveled and stuff, but it was getting just to wet outside to finish. The put together the rock wall and monkey bars in the garage, so now all they need to do is be attached to the frame! But it is just way to wet and cold to get out and do it.. So annoying! I feel horrible for the kids because, all they keep looking at out back is this play set they can't use cause it is sooo wet, cold and rainy!

So until the sun finally decides to come out and allow my little monkeys to go out an play. We will continue to stare out the window at this Playground that can't be used. I hope this yucky weather is not giving us a preview of what our summer will be like? I guess the only good thing that will come out of this rain all week is that "HOPEFULLY" fingers crossed,  the Long weekend will be nice and sunny so we can enjoy our weekend getaway!

Rain Rain Go Away come again some other day. My little monkeys want to play!
Our Playground shell

Our Muddy Street

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Date Night

This past weekend we had a wonderful "Date Night". We have been trying to find the time for it each month and for the past few months it has worked out very well. This weekend my mom was kind enough an took both girls for a Slumber Party at her place, so we could have a nice evening. We did Dinner and a Movie, which was great. We headed to Copacabana which was great by the time we left there we were sooo full it was sickening... Then we headed to the movies to see "Fast Five" which was a great movie, I actually stayed awake for the whole movie (Must have been the all the eye candy in the film). Since my 34th birthday is this coming weekend (I am a long weekend baby), we decided this weekend would work out better for us to go out an celebrate as we would be away for the long weekend. I always love when it is Date night because I get to get all dressed up for a night out with my hubby and friends. Being a parent it is so hard to get away alot of times, because the "Mommy Guilt" kicks in full gear and we hate to be away from them & it is schedules get alittle busy. But it is important to do these monthly outings, we so need it and you quickly loose sight of what is important because you are so focused on your kids. They need that space as do you..

A Happy Mommy is a Happy Child. A Happy Wife is a Happy Hubby. A Happy Family is a Happy Home!

We missed the girls while they were away at Nanny's as did they. They had a blast with Nanny, they watched movies, ate popcorn, played Mario and stayed up till 10pm. I was even told that Nanny let Isabelle play her DS till she fell asleep, which was apparently not very long because she could barely keep her eyes open.. This was a little secret that Nanny and Isabelle had but Isabelle let the cat out of that bag! Mental note.. Isabelle can't keep secrets! LOL Poor Nanny gets busted every time! LOL Nanny's & their Grandchildren always have a special bond with each other which is so great! That is priceless. Nanny's always let them get away with stuff they normally would never get away with at home. Which is totally fine. This is a bond that never should be broken. When we picked up the girls their faces lite up like Christmas trees and the kisses never stopped. They were super excited to see us, as were we! I don't think any parent can explain the love that you feel for your kids. It is a love like no other!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Little Notes

I have been writing little notes for my sweet princess everyday when she goes to school and putting them in her lunch box. I started this when school started last fall and thought it would brighten up her day at school because she missed being at home so much. I also thought it would let her know that I she is missed and we love her lots. I would write these little notes on her napkin and wrap up her spoon, so it was always there ( I would even draw little hearts and stars on it). A typical note would read something like this:

"Have a great day at school Princess, we will see you at the end of the day. We love you very much & miss you while you are away. Lots of Love Mommy, Daddy & Isabelle"

Well this morning, as I was about to write my note. She put her hand up and said "Mommy, there is no need to do that. I know you love me lots and miss me everyday, so you don't need to write that note. It is okay to express your feelings but if you could please just tell me, that would be great. I love you and miss you lots while I am at school too." {{TEAR}} She sounded so grown up, my baby girl is coming into her own. She knows what she wants and she is not afraid to let you know & voice an opinion. She has always been that way really, a very strong, independent girl since the very minute she came into this world. 

I guess one her classmates who happens to be a boy that she is quite fond of (yes, even at a young age it starts) had said something to her like "Why does your mom leave you little notes in your lunch box".  I don't think he meant anything mean by it, he was just asking her but she probably took it as "He is poking fun, and it is not cool". And she took that to heart because she tends to take things people say to her to heart, but doesn't care what she says ( I think she got that part from me opps) & she is the only one in her class that gets them. So, I think she felt alittle strange and I don't want her to feel that way. I don't want her to be picked on because it will draw attention to her by her peers because I am leaving her little notes.  Kids can be so wicked at times when there is not need for it.

So as per her request, I did not enclose the note in her lunch box today, I did not write it, I held back the tears and left it alone. I am respecting her wishes, it is important to her sometimes we need to do what they ask even if we don't like it.  I think the next thing that will be the hardest for me and prove that she is growing up even more, is when she asks me to stop the "Kisses on the cheek in the school yard".. Boo! That will certainly pull on the heart strings. I cuddle and kiss & tell my girls daily that I love them and let them know everyday what a wonderful joy they have brought to our lives. It is so important to them, it shapes them to be great adults. It teaches them how to love unconditionally and when they get older they will do the same with their families. Children need to feel safe and secure and if they don't feel that they don't know how to do it later on as they grow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little Reader

My sweet princess Isabelle is a reading up a storm and we are sooo very proud, she is doing awesome. It is amazing how they wake up from a good nights sleep and everything seems to have clicked with them over night. We are so very proud of her. She is a VERY quick learner which is great!

We always find it so very funny that when we get them from school and ask them how their day was & what did they do today all we get is "Nothing". So you often wonder what goes on at school all day, are they even learning anything & is school like this "Secret Society"? LOL  But apparently given Isabelle's outstanding reading skills they actually do stuff at this place called "School". I love that she is so excited to read a book or that she wants to venture to the library or to Chapters to get a book that she was read at school or that she really enjoys. It is amazing, my 6 year old is reading what an accomplishment. It does suck that when you  drive past places that have signs like "The Love Shop" or "Aren't We Naughty" you have to explain that? gone are the days of spelling stuff out like "Park" or "Bed"... LOL Now she can read bumper stickers which is even scarier because now you have to start explaining what things mean.. Ekks!! Really don't feel like going there just yet.

I think the thing that Tom and I have alittle bit of a challenge with is remembering the way we were taught in school to read or do math! To us now it just comes and just flows naturally, but to them it is a whole new world of learning & all of it is new! So going to teach someone else especially your child is alittle bit hard. It is hard enough to train an Adult to do our jobs at the office, let alone a beginner at everything. The English language has too be the most difficult one to teach, each letter has 2 sounds so you need to teach them that and so on which makes it a challenge. We also have to remember that we are not teachers so our patience level is not quite that of a Teacher who teaches day in an day out. You have to teach them in a way so that they don't feel like they are doing it wrong & then have that discourage them from wanting to learn. We also need to take into consideration their age and the capacity they learn at. The worse feeling is getting discouraged & feeling like a failure and  you will never get it.

In school, I was alright I was not a scholar by any means, I tried my best as my mom always said!  Both parents worked so alot of the time homework was done when I got home from school with a babysitter or alone! I remembering having the timetable for multiplication attached to our fridge at home or having flashcards. I struggled with Math (To this day it is not my favorite thing to do), reading was good but at a younger age I made up my own little stories according to the pictures, over time it came as does everything else.   My best school marks were in College, I graduated with a 98% average which was awesome. I think because you are with a bunch of adults an you work together rather then against, there was no competition and everyone was treated the same! The little doo gooders that were in school growing up were not there as adults. The little do gooder know it alls just irritated me & made your average kid feel like their were stupid because teachers always tried to compare you to the other kids which was wrong! I always hated being paired up with them, they always took over projects and it was always their way, I am sure they were not excited about being with an "Average" student, cause we just brought them down!

 I would have to say that my BEST teacher ever was my Grade 5 Teacher, he was awesome, he had the patience to teach, took the time for each individual student... Made learning FUN, which is so important, Thanks Mr. Riddell for the best year ever! By far the best school memory, there is always going to be that one teacher that stays in your memory forever!     I don't want my kids to be little Miss Know it alls or make others feel like there are less then important because they may not top of their class. Just be you, be the wonderful caring person we raised them to be. Be thoughtful of others feelings and treat them all equal. We are all the same regardless of how we look, think or dress! I want my girls to be happy & vibrant and not be told they can't do something or are not good at something! Make learning FUN, and enjoy school! There is always going to be that one teacher that actually does care and takes the time to teach & does not look at it as a place to collect a pay cheque & actually does care.

 And remember you are never alone if you have a good book!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

X Marks the Spot

So this morning we woke up to a Majority Government led by the Conservatives. I went out and voted and I hope that you all did too.  We all have our own views and thoughts as to who should be running things. But truth be known that no matter who sits there, none of them will ever be good enough. It is completely impossible to make everyone happy, let alone a whole country, so you just deal with it and move on majority rules. And if you don't go to vote, then you really truly do not have a say as to how it all plays out. So it is important to do your part! It is a amazing that we can actually get out there and vote! Wish I had thought that way, way, way back when.. When I was just legal to vote, seems like many, many moons ago!

I used to never be one to really follow Politics, never really had any interest in it. But as I became and Adult with children, jobs and other "Grown Up" things, things that effect me and my family! It  has become important. I guess younger, I always just left that to my parents to make the "Grown up" decisions.. I do have to admit that when I became "Legal" to vote, I never did. Because those things back then did not interest me at all and really they should have. But then, having a social life, and that sort of thing was more important to me. But now it is funny how these things are important to me or all of us as we get older and wiser. I am being honest here, I was not a little do gooder type Miss Know it all who followed politics as a young adult or would make it my life's mission to go out with friends and preach about who our Government sucks, why be a Debbie Downer?  I was too carefree and enjoyed the simplicity of life, lets face it sometimes even being a Grown up and dealing with real life issues can be a little bit of a bad buzz for us at time! Because now we have to worry about our children's well being,  we are caring for & taking care of other things in our lives, like Money, House, Government etc.  All the the things that our parents did for us.. That is why sometimes you feel as though you could a child again for the simplicity of things~

I think that as my children grow, I will encourage them to Vote, it is important. But I do need to also take into consideration that they too will go through the "Simple" way of life thinking at that age, as alot of us did may not vote for a brief period. But they will do it when they are ready to make a good choice, their own choice!  We will let them know that they should be proud that they are given the right to vote!

When answering the girls millions of questions about the "Red Signs, Blue Signs" all over the side of road during their campaign! We told the girls all about why there were there.. So we said to the girls, because they are all about visuals and imagination: " Let's pretend that Mommy and Daddy were our "Household Government" Daddy is the Red Sign, Mommy is the Blue Sign" which one would you vote for to run our "Household Government"... Isabelle replies "Mommy", Laila replies "Mommy".... End result was Mommy won that "Household Government"... We all got a good chuckle out of that, it was very cute! I think Tom felt kind of left out, but I am with the girls all day so it is only natural that they pick me!!

Voting: Noun
  1. A formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice
  2. An act of expressing such an indication of choice
    • - they are ready to put it to a vote
  3. The choice expressed collectively by a body of electors or by a specified group
    • - the Republican vote in Florida
  4. The right to indicate a choice in an election