Thursday, May 19, 2011

LONG Weekend

Many Many Many Many moons ago (Shit I feel old,) this long weekend also my birthday weekend,  was always a Party, we would all get ready and head up for a wicked party on the Wasaga Beach Strip.. It did not matter if you had a room or not, you went up and always found someplace to stay even if it meant you were in the car (which people did do). It did not matter if the weather was totally shitty, you still went! May 24 weekend was always a tough one to predict the weather does what is wants and is always so inconsistent. I think I even camped on May 24 and it snowed, that was the last Tent time for me..  Alot of the times in Wasaga we had rooms or camp sites (with tents yuck).  It was just one big party there & so much fun. We would venture there every long weekend, it was our highlight to the summer forsure. We would walk and cruise along the shore listening to the loud music thumping from peoples cars, sipping our beverages (which totally not allowed), running into more people we knew having a great time. We went to bed at the crack of stupid and woke up after a few hours of sleep only to start the day all over again.. Breakfast alot of the times was yet another drink. There were no rules!! OMG the days! Thinking about it is making yawn. LOL  It would be really funny to hear what others remember about venturing to Wasaga Beach every Summer! I am sure there are so really funny stories... God, I can remember a few...
I ended up going their last summer with the Family and setting up at Beach 1 and thought to myself, I never in a million years thought I would be on the exact same beach with my kids & my husband.  We had lunch at the Dard, I sipped Strawberry Daiquiris, even swam I think that was the first time I ever stepped foot in the water there.. It felt soo weird.. The people there seemed so geeky not like from our days, they were driving their parents cars, so many people thinking they were cool... Were we like that? No, we totally were cool & the guys were hot!! LOL It was always so much fun... I at times miss those days, they were so carefree, although our parents probably worried sick about us.. When my girls are asking me to to go to Wasaga Beach for the weekend, hmmm I wonder what I will say?? LMAO

Hello Long Weekend & Look out Sherkston (Family Rated this time)~ So excited, it is a different kind of fun when you are with your little ones... We play activities, swim, they explore nature, make spider dogs, smores and this year we now have a Telescope so they can look at the stars if the clouds stay away.. They love it... It is the first long weekend of the summer & we are hoping that it is nice and we see our shy friend Mr. Sun. It seems like it has been far to long since he has graced us with his warmth & sunny face!
Today and tomorrow I will spend most of my time getting us all ready to make the trip Saturday morning, we are really looking forward to it.  We want the kids to get a good nights sleep Friday so they are recharged for the weekend of late nights. It is always so funny when you going "Vacationing" because now it is in a trailer as oppose to a tent.. Long gone are the days of tents once you go luxury camping you never go back. At the camp grounds, there are always the loud rowdy ones and you laugh because you totally use to be there, so it feels different being on the other side of it all now.  I find that also now days kids are alittle more crazier then we used to be, they get really stupid and cause shit & ruin if for everyone.

Well, I am off to start packing & getting some stuff together. Have a good long weekend everyone! I hope that they sun stays out for the majority of it. I will blog when I get back


Wasaga Beach last year with the strip behind! Oh the memories

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