Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! NOT! I just turned 34 and so far all I can say is DEPRESSING, not sure if it is the age thing or the boredom of turning 34? It just ain't all it is cracked up to be,  awww to be young again!

We ended up doing our May 24 Camping, weather was great, we were with great friends & relaxing well sort of. Packing to get ready to go camping was alittle stressful and we did not even have to take alot of stuff with us as our "Professional Camping Friends" have everything! LOL. So this time we travelled light, but still did not have enough room??  Not sure why that was.... Had we needed to pack more it would have been even more stressful. I am always the one that needs to pack and plan for all of us, which can be really frustrating. You have to plan accordingly, plus take care of all the other things that come along with trips and just the regular household stuff. So it can be alot for one to handle.
We left the Saturday so the kids would get a goodnights sleep on Friday. Tom an I had to watch the kids in shifts which was fine, but because they are out of their element they tend to push it that much more which is really stressful and can make things alitle bothersome & not enjoyable. They tend to try and push alot of buttons while in the company of others, because I guess they think we are going to ease off and let it go.. We do tend to let things go for the most part, but being away from home does not mean that all rules go out the window!  I even thought at times it was easier to travel with them when they were younger.. They are busy now and want to go go all the time, even when they are in the company of other kids you still hear "Mommy come play with me", "Mommy".. Think I might change my name to "Daddy"... Every age has it challenges that is forsure, but things don't get easier, it just changes to another issue so now you deal with alot more little issues.

We did alot, they played on the beach making sand castles, swam, went trampolining (attached to harness') and rock wall climbing. We went for walks, ate & played games, roasted marsh mellows but of course that is never enough. It was alot of fun most of the time,  except when the kids thought they clearly did not do or get enough!! Then poor Laila had a Pee Pee accident which required mommy intervention. So I had to take her to the washroom to give her a shower which turned out to be quite an experience. While adjusting the shower with my 3 year old naked standing in the stall waiting for everything to be all good, the effing shower head broke off and water was flying EVERYWHERE, thank god it was not hot! I was SOAKED, Laila had water in her face,she was freaking out crying in hysterics & me flipping out, then finally the Sherkston cleaner came in and asked if everything was okay. I replied absolutely not, we need you too turn off the water, the water was everywhere in the washroom. Urgh......  After I calmed Laila down got her cleaned up, I waddle back to the campsite in my soaked jeans that were now glued to me... Sunday night was our last night there so we had a lovely dinner accompanied by some yummy cake for my birthday, all dec'd out with glow sticks as candles which was super cute! Very thoughtful. Thankfully there was not 34! LOL  After cleanup we started the fire and enjoyed some beverages, spider dogs, roasted peanuts & popcorn,  it was nice! We had a great time with great friends as we always do, had laughs and get conversation, glow stick sword fights.. LMAO! The theme song for the weekend was "The Duck Song" LMFAO! It is so stupid it is funny & very catchy! Might I suggest Youtubing it..... LOL

Monday came which was my birthday, we packed up and headed home the weather was totally crappy but Thankfully it the rain held off till after we were all packed up, not great birthday weather but the rest of the weekend was great weather. I got home to an empty answering machine which further depressed me! We get only 2 days a year when you become a mom, that are really "Our Days" Mothers Day and our Birthdays & when they don't really go as you thought it can be rather depressing, especially as you get older. I am not sure what it was that I was hoping for but I certainly know it was not that. Maybe I was hoping for a surprise or somesort that would await me at me at home, maybe I was hoping for a flower delivery, but I got nada!! I just feel at times that the whole "Wooing" phase disappears. It is great to get homemade cards from your kids and the little slobbery kisses, but it is the other half that bothers me.. Yes, I get clothes and other stuff all year but that is different.. Birthdays & Mothers Day are special, they are different! We tried to head out for dinner at a restaurant of my choice as a family and got to the intersection the kids were acting out so we turned the car around (as per my request) and came home! I was not about to eat dinner listening to bitching (excuse my language) granted they were tired as were we, but seriously it was my DAY.  Not doing stuff that I do EVERYDAY!!  Would it have been appropriate if I had gone to dinner all by myself? I was already miserable why not!!

It was hard as I was venturing around the campgrounds I started to miss the young days of being out enjoying the "Freedom" of doing what you wanted when you wanted. Adding my birthday into the mix, just did not make it any easier!! At one point I looked at Ang and said let's jump those kids for their golf carts and go cruising sites.... LMAO! I totally get why now days people go through a midlife crisis' type thing... I just don't get why you can't have the best of both worlds? I have noticed that the people that have both worlds are happy!!  I just want to have fun, why do people get sooooo uptight and like their same ole boring mundane life!! LIVE, ENJOY! It is totally okay to do so! Just because we get older does not mean that we need to curl up and die!! We take things so serious at times an that is wrong.. As long as my kids are loved and taken care of it is OKAY to enjoy the fun side of life!! My kids are in no way not taken care of, they are happy, healthy and cultured.. We do family stuff all the time and I think it is soo important to take the time away from them with or without your other half & spoil your loved ones cause they are totally worth it

That was my Birthday RANT!! Ahhh. I feel 10 lbs lighter!

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