Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Little Notes

I have been writing little notes for my sweet princess everyday when she goes to school and putting them in her lunch box. I started this when school started last fall and thought it would brighten up her day at school because she missed being at home so much. I also thought it would let her know that I she is missed and we love her lots. I would write these little notes on her napkin and wrap up her spoon, so it was always there ( I would even draw little hearts and stars on it). A typical note would read something like this:

"Have a great day at school Princess, we will see you at the end of the day. We love you very much & miss you while you are away. Lots of Love Mommy, Daddy & Isabelle"

Well this morning, as I was about to write my note. She put her hand up and said "Mommy, there is no need to do that. I know you love me lots and miss me everyday, so you don't need to write that note. It is okay to express your feelings but if you could please just tell me, that would be great. I love you and miss you lots while I am at school too." {{TEAR}} She sounded so grown up, my baby girl is coming into her own. She knows what she wants and she is not afraid to let you know & voice an opinion. She has always been that way really, a very strong, independent girl since the very minute she came into this world. 

I guess one her classmates who happens to be a boy that she is quite fond of (yes, even at a young age it starts) had said something to her like "Why does your mom leave you little notes in your lunch box".  I don't think he meant anything mean by it, he was just asking her but she probably took it as "He is poking fun, and it is not cool". And she took that to heart because she tends to take things people say to her to heart, but doesn't care what she says ( I think she got that part from me opps) & she is the only one in her class that gets them. So, I think she felt alittle strange and I don't want her to feel that way. I don't want her to be picked on because it will draw attention to her by her peers because I am leaving her little notes.  Kids can be so wicked at times when there is not need for it.

So as per her request, I did not enclose the note in her lunch box today, I did not write it, I held back the tears and left it alone. I am respecting her wishes, it is important to her sometimes we need to do what they ask even if we don't like it.  I think the next thing that will be the hardest for me and prove that she is growing up even more, is when she asks me to stop the "Kisses on the cheek in the school yard".. Boo! That will certainly pull on the heart strings. I cuddle and kiss & tell my girls daily that I love them and let them know everyday what a wonderful joy they have brought to our lives. It is so important to them, it shapes them to be great adults. It teaches them how to love unconditionally and when they get older they will do the same with their families. Children need to feel safe and secure and if they don't feel that they don't know how to do it later on as they grow.

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