Sunday, May 15, 2011

Date Night

This past weekend we had a wonderful "Date Night". We have been trying to find the time for it each month and for the past few months it has worked out very well. This weekend my mom was kind enough an took both girls for a Slumber Party at her place, so we could have a nice evening. We did Dinner and a Movie, which was great. We headed to Copacabana which was great by the time we left there we were sooo full it was sickening... Then we headed to the movies to see "Fast Five" which was a great movie, I actually stayed awake for the whole movie (Must have been the all the eye candy in the film). Since my 34th birthday is this coming weekend (I am a long weekend baby), we decided this weekend would work out better for us to go out an celebrate as we would be away for the long weekend. I always love when it is Date night because I get to get all dressed up for a night out with my hubby and friends. Being a parent it is so hard to get away alot of times, because the "Mommy Guilt" kicks in full gear and we hate to be away from them & it is schedules get alittle busy. But it is important to do these monthly outings, we so need it and you quickly loose sight of what is important because you are so focused on your kids. They need that space as do you..

A Happy Mommy is a Happy Child. A Happy Wife is a Happy Hubby. A Happy Family is a Happy Home!

We missed the girls while they were away at Nanny's as did they. They had a blast with Nanny, they watched movies, ate popcorn, played Mario and stayed up till 10pm. I was even told that Nanny let Isabelle play her DS till she fell asleep, which was apparently not very long because she could barely keep her eyes open.. This was a little secret that Nanny and Isabelle had but Isabelle let the cat out of that bag! Mental note.. Isabelle can't keep secrets! LOL Poor Nanny gets busted every time! LOL Nanny's & their Grandchildren always have a special bond with each other which is so great! That is priceless. Nanny's always let them get away with stuff they normally would never get away with at home. Which is totally fine. This is a bond that never should be broken. When we picked up the girls their faces lite up like Christmas trees and the kisses never stopped. They were super excited to see us, as were we! I don't think any parent can explain the love that you feel for your kids. It is a love like no other!

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