Monday, May 16, 2011

Rain Rain go away

The sky is grey and gloomy yet again and the rain is cleaning my windows! My street is one big mud bath with puddles about 2 inches deep. So very depressing. As it rains again today for what seems like it has been doing since the beginning of April, we are curled up on the couch watching a movie. This weather sucks.. Last night I thought for sure there would be a glimmer of hope when the sky got a nice shade of pink and a rainbow broke through the clouds at like 8:30.. But apparently NOT!

I hate being a prisoner in my own home and staring at the walls all day long. I would rather be out an enjoying the sunshine. On crappy days like this, I get a headache and get all stuffed up, it is just down right depressing! This weather is brutal for the sinus', not to mention your mental state I really dislike it. The kids begin to climb the walls as they run out of things to do and stuff to play. Let's face it, you can only come up with so many crafts & activities for little ones to do. I would be doing something with them every half hour if I had to keep them busy. Their attention span only lasts a short while.  After a long winter all they want to do is get out to run, play and enjoy the fresh air. I am not one to pack them up and venture to a germ infested play group or a nasty food smelling restaurant play ground, just to pass the day!  They NEVER clean those places and you can smell the dirtiness of it as soon as you walk in GROSS. So home we sit searching the Internet for little crafts etc.

Last week Tom & our neighbour went to a local Home Depot to get the Play set that was promised to the girls when we moved out of our last house. When we moved, it was early March & the ground was frozen solid and we were waiting for our house to be built here, so we had to leave behind their beloved Tree house! So Tom promised the girls that when we got grass in the new house their tree house would be replaced. So we got the grass last August and the kids have been reminding Daddy of his promise! So he fulfilled his promise, which made them so happy! I never break a promise to my kids, ever.. So over this wet and gloomy weekend the neighbours and Tom had been working their butts off in the soggy backyard constructing this playground, while the wives hand them cups of hot coffee! It was COLD and WET! It is supposed to take 6-8 hours to assemble, but thankfully with all the help it is coming along great. Unfortunately the weather is not co-operating but it is up! They managed to get the Playhouse shell up, leveled and stuff, but it was getting just to wet outside to finish. The put together the rock wall and monkey bars in the garage, so now all they need to do is be attached to the frame! But it is just way to wet and cold to get out and do it.. So annoying! I feel horrible for the kids because, all they keep looking at out back is this play set they can't use cause it is sooo wet, cold and rainy!

So until the sun finally decides to come out and allow my little monkeys to go out an play. We will continue to stare out the window at this Playground that can't be used. I hope this yucky weather is not giving us a preview of what our summer will be like? I guess the only good thing that will come out of this rain all week is that "HOPEFULLY" fingers crossed,  the Long weekend will be nice and sunny so we can enjoy our weekend getaway!

Rain Rain Go Away come again some other day. My little monkeys want to play!
Our Playground shell

Our Muddy Street

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