Tuesday, May 3, 2011

X Marks the Spot

So this morning we woke up to a Majority Government led by the Conservatives. I went out and voted and I hope that you all did too.  We all have our own views and thoughts as to who should be running things. But truth be known that no matter who sits there, none of them will ever be good enough. It is completely impossible to make everyone happy, let alone a whole country, so you just deal with it and move on majority rules. And if you don't go to vote, then you really truly do not have a say as to how it all plays out. So it is important to do your part! It is a amazing that we can actually get out there and vote! Wish I had thought that way, way, way back when.. When I was just legal to vote, seems like many, many moons ago!

I used to never be one to really follow Politics, never really had any interest in it. But as I became and Adult with children, jobs and other "Grown Up" things, things that effect me and my family! It  has become important. I guess younger, I always just left that to my parents to make the "Grown up" decisions.. I do have to admit that when I became "Legal" to vote, I never did. Because those things back then did not interest me at all and really they should have. But then, having a social life, and that sort of thing was more important to me. But now it is funny how these things are important to me or all of us as we get older and wiser. I am being honest here, I was not a little do gooder type Miss Know it all who followed politics as a young adult or would make it my life's mission to go out with friends and preach about who our Government sucks, why be a Debbie Downer?  I was too carefree and enjoyed the simplicity of life, lets face it sometimes even being a Grown up and dealing with real life issues can be a little bit of a bad buzz for us at time! Because now we have to worry about our children's well being,  we are caring for & taking care of other things in our lives, like Money, House, Government etc.  All the the things that our parents did for us.. That is why sometimes you feel as though you could a child again for the simplicity of things~

I think that as my children grow, I will encourage them to Vote, it is important. But I do need to also take into consideration that they too will go through the "Simple" way of life thinking at that age, as alot of us did may not vote for a brief period. But they will do it when they are ready to make a good choice, their own choice!  We will let them know that they should be proud that they are given the right to vote!

When answering the girls millions of questions about the "Red Signs, Blue Signs" all over the side of road during their campaign! We told the girls all about why there were there.. So we said to the girls, because they are all about visuals and imagination: " Let's pretend that Mommy and Daddy were our "Household Government" Daddy is the Red Sign, Mommy is the Blue Sign" which one would you vote for to run our "Household Government"... Isabelle replies "Mommy", Laila replies "Mommy".... End result was Mommy won that "Household Government"... We all got a good chuckle out of that, it was very cute! I think Tom felt kind of left out, but I am with the girls all day so it is only natural that they pick me!!

Voting: Noun
  1. A formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice
  2. An act of expressing such an indication of choice
    • - they are ready to put it to a vote
  3. The choice expressed collectively by a body of electors or by a specified group
    • - the Republican vote in Florida
  4. The right to indicate a choice in an election

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