Friday, April 29, 2011

Whistle While We Rock

It is Official, Laila can whistle & she is pretty good for 3.5 years old.

She has been practicing very hard, she can't write her name but she whistle a wicked tune. LOL We whistle on the potty, we whistle in the tub, we whistle while we play, draw & eat. Every chance Laila can whistle she does. I have not figured out if she is doing it to get better or to irritate the snot out of Belle (Which she does a really good job at doing), I am sure it is to practice to get better at it. Belle is VERY upset that Laila can whistle and Isabelle can not. So when Laila busts out into a happy whistle, Isabelle tells her to stop it is "Annoying her" and it is only annoying her because she can't do it. We have to tell Belle that there are some things that she is good at and others that Laila will be good at. Belle is a whiz at Cartwheels and Handstands & Laila is not! So we need to remind her all the time that it is okay to be good at different things and soon she will be good at it too and Laila will be good at something else. It is just so upsetting to hear your child say "I can't do it" and see the look of disappointment on their faces.  They are always looking for praise when they do something & when they don't get it they think that they have upset you but really they have not, children just always want make you proud. The truth is, that just being them or the fact that us being their parents makes us proud & happy everyday. Tom and I are always sure to tell them both, never say they "Can't" do something, always try and do your best! Practice, Practice Practice and it will come with time, when you put your mind to something you can do ANYTHING.

Tom and I were alittle nervous about the whole whistling thing because it means that more noise, but it really makes you smile it is very sweet to listen too. Laila's face lights up with joy when she does it and that is a sight to see. It is so neat to see each and every milestone your child does as they grow and become these little people/teens/adults. At one time we were changing their little tushes and feeding them bottles. Now they are feeding themselves and teaching us a few thing or two.  That makes being a parent all worth it, they are such a joy to my life, they make me smile everyday and make my heart sing!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well it is official, I am one of those mom's I said I would never be.. One on the go all the time, I like to keep busy but not running around to sport after sport!  It is important to keep the girls active which I am all for, but it is now getting really hard to balance.  I have been trying to keep the girls activities lumped into one time and on the same day! But that may no longer be the case. Isabelle is a Gymnastics Buff and Laila is the Ballerina so the chances of them compromising on eachothers fav is slim to none! So we now have 2 separate classes on 2 separate days at late times & 1 Car!!  Trying to cordinate these activities around Tom's work scheduale is hard because sometimes it is not a 9-5 job which is totally fine! When we do find something we need to be sure he is home on time so alot of time there is alot of pressure on him which I hate. So that means VERY early mornings to be home in time to get them there, then we need to factor in the weather, traffic & the long drives home, It is a struggle with 1 vehicle most times especially when the nice weather is here, I like dry clean roads! LOL  There is always the weekend, but the hard part with me, is I really don't want to have stuff scheduled on the weekend because it takes away from family time which is important to us.. So it is all a balancing act, one that is hard might I add & I only have 2 kids. Couldn't imagine having more! The past 2 weeks has been insane with Little Gym make up classes (Which is a great thing that this Gym provides, whereas others do not) we missed about 4 for each girl when we were sick with Strep. So now we are making up those classes & trying to get them all in and at the same time before the semester ends. So we have been there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the past 2 weeks! Urgh, it has been so busy with running I have not even been able to get my evening walks in. Time to get a treadmill like now, at least while the kids play in the basement I can run/walk!

Here I Go again!! LOL

The girls classes will be over soon which will bring us into Summer, which we are all very excited for it. Summers keep us busy enough without having to throw programs into that mix. Come September we will have the task of choosing what to do for the Fall and again that will be separate classes due to their age! It is so hard because Laila acts like Belle's age so people think she is older, but it is important for Laila and Belle to have separate groups of friends..  I do however, think the Winter I might take a break as Flu season will be upon us, Belle & Laila will both be in school 1 full time and the other part time, so I am sure the germs in this house will be flowing like a tap (Touch wood).

I am hoping that by the end of Summer I will have my own car which will make the load alittle lighter on Tom. It is hard balancing it all with only 1 vehicle, but it works or should I say "Did" work when the kids were younger! Not that I will venture very far with it, but it will be good for little outings here and there with the girls.  I am finding that as they get older, things get busier & life gets busier! The girls tend to have more of a social life at times then Tom and I do, which is sad really! I think we need to work on that. LMAO!  Between Birthday Parties, School Events, Play Dates, Extra-Curricular activities & family time! Then when Laila starts school this fall we can add her social events into our Calendars! Tom wonders why I don't want to venture off to work until the kids are older? Here is a perfect example of why not!! It is hard balancing his job into this stuff because he likes to be an involved Daddy which is wonderful & we appreciate. But when you throw another working parent in that work mix that would be brutal.  At least with 1 parent at home it makes it alittle easier (I think)...  Seems like everything passes you by, but better take it while we can I guess, because before we know it, they will be doing their own thing and Mom & Dad won't be as needed for these events!

Maybe one day I will come home to a nice new SUV wrapped in a big Red Bow in my Driveway!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Bunny

Easter has now come and gone and I would like to think that things have settled down but they have not. I think the kids are still hyped up on Chocolate. The Easter Bunny made many appearance's for the girls. First stop being at their ggma's (Great Grandmother) house. He managed to get their in time to lay about 12 eggs( I never thought an Easter Bunny laid eggs) LOL, he left some treats there for the kids, first sugar rush of the weekend! It was so great to see her, we don't see her often and she really comes to life when she sees the girls which is wonderful. They had a great time with her as did we and it is sad when we leave.

Saturday, we had a wonderful dinner with my brother, his wife and my nephew. The kids played so wonderful and got their second sugar rush of the weekend. We had a lovely home cooked meal and adults talked and drank wine while the little ones played and had a great time. Laila ended up with a wicked nosebleed as a result of digger for what I can only say would be eggs LMAO & scared little Hunter to pieces I don't like that little 3 year old will be picking his nose... LOL. Laila was so tired she passed out on the couch and Uncle Rich took her to bed and tucked her in. But Isabelle and Hunter were still the life of the party. After they all left and we got Isabelle to sleep at about midnight (late I know) but we don't do it often and on weekends like this rules tend to go out the window. Easter bunny laid alot of eggs all of which we were hid quite well, and we forgot where they were the next morning! Isabelle woke up at the crack of stupid, we ended up sending her back to bed with a chocolate egg in hopes that she would fall asleep.. Laila woke up about 8:45am and I don't think her little feet hit the floor. She came flying into our room shouting "He was in my room, the Easter bunny was here"...... Why do these fictional people always come at night and kids are up at the first sign of light"... LOL. Gonna have to have a talk to them! Forget sleeping in anymore. She went and woke up sleeping beauty where they then started their mad hunt of eggs.. I think they did really well considering that "Easter Bunny" got a late start on the egg shopping ( A mental note that I made for next year, NEVER DO THAT AGAIN). 

Sunday, was finished off with a lovely day in the park were they rode their bikes and feed the "Dirty Birds" and played in the playground. We had a great day, we finished off our lovely weekend with Ice Cream for dinner. We took them to the Marble Creamery where they made Strawberry ice cream with Marsh mellows and Sprinkles, gummy bears and devoured every last bite.. It was soooo yummy! Isabelle ended up loosing her 4th tooth that evening so that means that the "Toothfairy" would be making an appearence. LOL, what an expensive weekend.  Maybe I should have told her it fell out because of all the sugar she consumed this past weekend... LOL  Ice Cream for dinner is a definite recommendation for parents on a nice sunny day! The girls loved it as did we.

What a great weekend, I love spending time with loved ones and seeing my girls faces shine. Their laughs were endless and their smiles so bright. Memories that will last a lifetime! Although at times being a parent can be overwhelming and stressful, it is these precious moments that make being a mom all worth it.

All of us enjoying our Ice Cream Dinner.

Monday, April 18, 2011

11 Step Program for those thinking of having kids

I found this today and I thought it was kind of cute and thought I would share it with you all. Someone posted it on Facebook and it will certainly give you all a Good Morning Chuckle...

Lesson 1
1. Go to the grocery store.
2. Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office.
3. Go home.
4. Pick up the paper.
5. Read it for the last time.

Lesson 2
Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who already are parents and berate them about their...
1. Methods of discipline.
2. Lack of patience.
3. Appallingly low tolerance levels.
4. Allowing their children to run wild.
5. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's breastfeeding, sleep habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall behavior.
Enjoy it because it will be the last time in your life you will have all the answers.

Lesson 3
A really good way to discover how the nights might feel...
1. Get home from work and immediately begin walking around the living room from 5PM to 10PM carrying a wet bag weighing approximately 8-12 pounds, with a radio turned to static (or some other obnoxious sound) playing loudly. (Eat cold food with one hand for dinner)
2. At 10PM, put the bag gently down, set the alarm for midnight, and go to sleep.
3. Get up at 12 and walk around the living room again, with the bag, until 1AM.
4. Set the alarm for 3AM.
5. As you can't get back to sleep, get up at 2AM and make a drink and watch an infomercial.
6. Go to bed at 2:45AM.
7. Get up at 3AM when the alarm goes off.
8. Sing songs quietly in the dark until 4AM.
9. Get up. Make breakfast. Get ready for work and go to work (work hard and be productive)

Repeat steps 1-9 each night. Keep this up for 3-5 years. Look cheerful and together.

Lesson 4
Can you stand the mess children make? T o find out...
1. Smear peanut butter onto the sofa and jam onto the curtains.
2. Hide a piece of raw chicken behind the stereo and leave it there all summer.
3. Stick your fingers in the flower bed.
4. Then rub them on the clean walls.
5. Take your favorite book, photo album, etc. Wreck it.
6. Spill milk on your new pillows. Cover the stains with crayons. How does that look?

Lesson 5
Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems.
1. Buy an octopus and a small bag made out of loose mesh.
2. Attempt to put the octopus into the bag so that none of the arms hang out.

Time allowed for this - all morning.

Lesson 6
Forget the BMW and buy a mini-van. And don't think that you can leave it out in the driveway spotless and shining. Family cars don't look like that.
1. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment.
Leave it there.
2. Get a dime. Stick it in the CD player.
3. Take a family size package of chocolate cookies. Mash them into the back seat. Sprinkle cheerios all over the floor, then smash them with your foot.
4. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.

Lesson 7
Go to the local grocery store. Take with you the closest thing you can find to a pre-school child. (A full-grown goat is an excellent choice). If you intend to have more than one child, then definitely take more than one goat. Buy your week's groceries without letting the goats out of your sight. Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys. Until you can easily accomplish this, do not even contemplate having children.

Lesson 8
1. Hollow out a melon.
2. Make a small hole in the side.
3. Suspend it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side.
4. Now get a bowl of soggy Cheerios and attempt to spoon them into the swaying melon by pretending to be an airplane.
5. Continue until half the Cheerios are gone.
6. Tip half into your lap. The other half, just throw up in the air.

You are now ready to feed a nine- month-old baby.

Lesson 9
Learn the names of every character from Sesame Street , Barney, Disney, the Teletubbies, and Pokemon. Watch nothing else on TV but PBS, the Disney channel or Noggin for at least five years. (I know, you're thinking What's 'Noggin'?) Exactly the point.

Lesson 10
Make a recording of Fran Drescher saying 'mommy' repeatedly. (Important: no more than a four second delay between each 'mommy'; occasional crescendo to the level of a supersonic jet is required). Play this tape in your car everywhere you go for the next four years. You are now ready to take a long trip with a toddler.

Lesson 11
Start talking to an adult of your choice. Have someone else continually tug on your skirt hem, shirt- sleeve, or elbow while playing the 'mommy' tape made from Lesson 10 above. You are now ready to have a conversation with an adult while there is a child in the room.

This is all very tongue in cheek; anyone who is parent will say 'it's all worth it!' Share it with your friends, both those who do and don't have kids. I guarantee they'll get a chuckle out of it. Remember, a sense of humor is one of the most important things you'll need when you become a parent!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Life is Beautiful

Today has been a rather emotional day. I along with a whole community helped a Friend say good-bye to her daughter, no parent should ever have to say good-bye to a child especially one so young with such a bright and promising future ahead.  Death is hard at any age but particular hard when it is a child. I don't deal well at all with death it is a huge fear of mine and brings me alot of anxiety! I never know what to say, I don't want to seem like I am being insensitive or rude! It is just really hard for me and no words will ever take away the pain of what families feel when they loose a loved one.

In my 33 years I have had to say good-bye to family members/friends young and old & each time it does not get any easier it just gets harder & harder and becomes a reminder at how precious life is. Every now and then today I find myself with eyes of tears, as I look at my little darlings playing here so quietly & pleasant. The house is just beaming with giggles, laughter and hugs, which brightens me up. Having these beautiful little darlings & husband is amazing and I am Thankful for them all in my life everyday. It is sad that at times we ALL tend to take these things in life for granted not ever intending too, it is just human nature. But when tragedy strikes you find yourself soul-searching & looking at the brighter picture in life. Some how your worries and other silly little things that may trouble you don't seem to be as bothersome anymore which is really sad. It makes you really think "was it worth even getting so worked up about it", probably not! 

Why worry about Money & Drama, Material things in life? When all of it can be taken away in an instint. Just live life, live it to the fullest and have no regrets. Cherish everything in life big or small, count your blessing each and everyday & never go to bed angry! Which I think we are guilty about doing. Love, Laugh and Love, do it often! I am so in love with my family & friends, so thankful for all the wonderful things that we have in our lives. We have good health, even with Isabelle and her TS she is still healthy & happy that is all that matters to me. Growth Hormones or not, she is perfect in every way possible. I can't sit and dwell on the what if's with it, it will eat me up with worry! Just take it day by day is all I can do! We have a beautiful home & are surrounded by an amazing circle of friends, what more can a person ask for? 

Life is Beautiful.

Summer 2008

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"I have nothing to do"

Well today I heard the words I always said I never want to hear, " I have nothing to do"..... I had to literally pick my jaw up off the ground as I thought to myself "You have got to be kidding me".

After a fairly busy morning of trying to tackle my "Room Cleaning" List, I got the girls ready after lunch and we headed outside. The girls got a Cosmic Rocket thing that you fill with Baking Soda and Vinegarr for Christmas.  It is supposed to launch like metres high in the air, but I ended up with Baking Soda and Vinegar all over me as it blew off into the air with Brick Layers watching, it was quite embarrassing! It said nothing about that in the instructions! LMAO. The girls continued to play alittle bit as I "Attempted" to rake the backyard which was so not pleasant, I think I might leave that for Tom to finish such a pain in the ass...

Isabelle got bored quite fast which began to cause friction with Laila. She was so not a happy camper! She then came up to me and said "I have nothing to do".. I looked at her, and was in complete and utter shock. A backyard & house full of toys and she has "nothing to do"? I said to her, I guess that means I need to pack up all your toys and give them to someone who really has "Nothing to do".... She got even more pissed off and stormed away! It really bothered me that she had apparently "Nothing to do", I played rockets did other stuff with them and yet she was still bored? What was I to do? I think she was pissed because Laila did not want to do what "She wanted to do" so therefore she had "Nothing to do".... I quickly found them something to do.. Clean up their playroom, they were so not impressed but I think that might get them to think twice before they say they have "Nothing to do" or they are "Bored"..

After it was all done, we went for walk with our lovely neighbours, the girls drove their bikes while I talked adult conversation and they were on cloud nine. We played outside when we got home for about 3 more hours, Laila was having so much fun outside that she peed her pants "Accident" that is what happens when you hold it to longgggg apparently! LOL We also caught our first catch of the season a frog who was chilling out in our basement window well.. The girls named him Frogger! He was certainly an interesting fella, I guess I never lost my critter catching skills over the winter... After Frogger watched us launch some more rockets we set it free in the front yard. What a busy day we had, we are pooped after a fun drama filled day Sun burns and all...

Everyone meet Frogger, Frogger meet Everyone

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Homemade Playdough

The past few days I have been on a Homemade Play dough making frenzy! The kids love it. It is quick an easy & provides hours of endless entertainment! Although at times it can get messy, but they love it & I don't mind. We have even made Peanut Butter play dough & they eat it as they go! LOL It smells super yummy too.

Homemade Play dough

2 cups of plain flour
2 cups of coloured water
1 Tbsp. of cooking oil
1 tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup of salt
Place all of the ingredients in a medium size or large pan. Cook slowly on medium-high and stir it until the play dough thickens. Keeps best in the fridge in plastic containers. This is similar to the traditional play dough recipe.
This recipe takes less than 10 minutes.

Peanut Butter Play dough

3 and a half cups peanut butter
4 cups of dry milk powder
4 cups of sugar
3 and a half cups of honey
Mix together peanut butter and the sugar, and beat in honey and milk powder. This recipe takes about 12 minutes and is a nice change from traditional play dough.

Here is a really good link for all sorts of play dough. No more buying it, when you can make it in the comfort of your own home!

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Mini Vacation

I have not blogged in a while, I have a few that are waiting to post but just never got around to posting them!

This week has been alittle crazy here, as I was preparing for a 2 day get away with the Family. We packed the little ones up and off to Great Wolf Lodge for the night, It was a great time had by all.  We headed up there Tuesday for a 4pm check in. Which kind of irritated me because you have to check out by 11am, so you feel really rushed. And for what you pay, you should at least get a little later of a check out time. But whatever, still fun!  Before we headed to the Hotel we found ourselves over the boarder at the Olive Garden which is a must especially when you are so close. What a yummy Lunch we had, they we headed over to Target to pickup some snacks for the hotel along with some juice. I was alittle upset that we did not get any Mall visits in, but oh well it was a for the kids.

We arrived at Great Wolf Lodge, got our room at 3, got dressed then headed to the Water park.  It was a whopping 86 degrees in there, where I laid & had Daiquiris and relaxed on the lounge chairs.. At one point it was even snowing outside and were all inside in beautiful weather sipping yummy drinks & enjoying the water. It was WONDERFUL, why did we not do it sooner??? We were there till about 6ish then headed to the room got the monkeys cleaned up & had a quick bite to eat. We signed the girls up for a 2.5 hour PJ Party where no parents were allowed. I felt alittle guilty but it was so needed. We told a little bit of a fib but what is a tiny fib when you are only like 2 months awat from her 4th birthday.. The watching age requirement is 4-12 years of age.. Laila will be 4 in June, so we kind told them her Birthday was April 1, 2007 (April Fools) LMAO, good thinking on Tom's part. You tend to forget Laila is only 3.5 because she acts so much older then she is.. So once the girls were settled in at Cub Care we headed off to the Water park to do the adult rides and chill out for a bit in the Outside Hot tub for the adults which was fabulous! Then we headed back to the room got changed and off to the Hotel Bar to watch the game. We stopped by the Story time tree to check in on our little cubs who were about to enjoy a bedtime story & they looked so cute. Tom & I enjoyed each others company and had a few drinks, some munchies it was nice! I also listened in on table conversations & thought to myself at how pathetic some are! These 2 girls that were sitting behind us, were talking about how they are on subsidy & how money is tight, but they were at a $230 a night place and in the bar enjoying the flowing drinks while there child was at Cub Care that was $30 a child... I just kept drinking and biting my lip to the point it was bleeding! LMAO!! Did not want to start a bar brawl.
Tom and I really miss those times alot when you have little ones. We picked the girls up from Cub Care they showed us there crafts that they did, told us how they had popcorn and juice & had so much fun.. We then headed back to the room & got them all settled in bed.

We woke up bright and early went for a Buffet Breakfast which was Amazing! Then packed up our room, loaded the car & headed back to the water park for a full day of FUN! Laila did some really good swimming, Isabelle started going under the water which was great. They met friends from their Gymnastics there had some fun with them. Went all went on the big slides enjoyed the lazy river, it was alot of fun and the smiles from ear to ear were ever lasting..  I so prefer this water park over the other one, the other one is not for small kids and the chlorine in that place is so strong it gives you a wicked headache.. This place is PERFECT... It is a fave of hours for sure & I think it will become a yearly tradition for us. We really wanted to stay another night as it was tons of fun, but Daddy had meetings the next day so we had to head home. Maybe I can swing it for Laila's birthday instead of a party???? Hmmmm. Something to ponder for sure, my nephews would love it.... That would be alot of fun for us all.  I booked Laila in for her "First Manicure" and she loved it.. It was a "Chocolate & Strawberry" Scrub with a Tiara & she was in her glory! She is soooo my girl. It was not cheap, but so much fun! She chose purple polish and loved it. Isabelle chose to stay in the water park with Daddy for more fun. I think in total were were at the water park for 10 hours. We were all water logged & exhausted.

We enjoyed a yummy dinner then headed home to our own beds. The kids were tired and Laila finally gave into sleep before we hit the highway, Belle fought it the whole ride home... LMAO What a trooper! Being there and enjoying our "Family Time" really made me want to go away on a Disney Trip. It was so great and we had so much fun. I even at one point said to the workers there that it looks like so much fun to work here. She told me "You have no idea" and I could totally see that. It would be just like working at Disney! The dollar is soo good right now, you think Tom would be miffed if I booked a Disney Trip now?? LMAO!!
After Cub Care at the Story time Tree!

 Our quick Oasis

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bubbles of Fun & mess

Today was such a wonderful day, Spring is in the air! So we got outside and enjoyed the nice sunshine & cool breeze (which soon got chilly and windy burrr).

I had just got home from a night out at mom's which was so needed. I almost fell asleep at 7ish so she took me out for a visit to my Aunts, where we had some drinks and enjoyed adult conversation... It was really nice, think I will do it again next Friday. When I got home the kids and Tom were venturing outside to get some "Spring has Sprung" maintenance done around the exterior of the house! Tom was going to tackle the replacing of the slider handle on the the car door, that was riped off this past winter when the car was covered in ice (I had to leave, things could have gotten nasty).. LOL So Mom and I went to the back to play some soccer with the girls and blow bubbles (Still alittle chilly for them silly things our hands were freezing).. Thankfully the wind picked up, so there was little blowing involved only some really cold bubbly hands.. The kids ran around the backyard chasing & popping the bubbles and having a great time.. Until my great idea of getting out the new "Coloured Bubbles" that I purchased alittle while back thinking they would be really cool.. WRONG, stupid move Mommy!

Crayola has come out with some pretty cool ideas.. But I do have to say these "Coloured Bubbles" need to banded, they are the worst bubbles ever! It might be apart of there "Easter Collection", dumb, dumb, dumb.... I purchased "Pink" bubbles which look red, it looks like Halloween vampire blood. It is brutal. It was falling on the grass and it looked like someone had been eaten there.. So I then put a bucket under the wand to catch the bubbles mixture and that looked like we were now just bleeding into the bucket. The kids had red marks on their face, hands and CLOTHES, Jackets. You name it was a royal mess.. Because I want to go more flippen laundry and try to remove stains from clothes, then only to turn around an throw out the clothes because they are ruined now!

Dear Crayola:
Stupid Idea, the person that thought of this at your company should be fired!  Like really, is this person not a parent? Apparently not! They are messy, gross and just plain stupid! It has to be the worse idea you have ever had. They come in great colours too.. Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow all colours of which would stain and just be plain ole messy! I need I go on? If this does not come out of my kids clothes, you will be replacing them! LOL

Royally pissed parent!

The Bubble Blood Bucket

Nasty Crayola Bubbles
My mom had it all over her neck, my hands were covered. It was just not a really good outcome, we all looked like were bleeding! They bottle says they are washable, but that will remain to be seen once the girls coats and things come out of the dryer... Urgh, so this has to be the 15th load of laundry this week, beat the record I think!! LOL I told you I live in that room.

It was a fun morning had by all. We laughed and had a great day. We came into have some popcorn & hot chocolate and continue to enjoy each others company with movies and good times. Tom finished the handle on the successfully, he never ceases to amaze me he is definitely the jack of all trades. So Isabelle now has a door handle on her side,  which we have only waited all winter for!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mud & Puddle Jumping

Yesterday we figured we would get out, breathe in the fresh air and try to clear away some of sniffles. So off we went to feed the ducks Ming Ming and Tuck & now the Geese have taken over the pond! Dirty Birds
I got the kids in their slush pants that took me forever to find and I thought we would never get our legs in them all the stupid snow we have had. Rubber Boots on and away we go ( I need some Rubber Boots for the Duck feeding walks). 

Along the way we found puddles for puddling jumping, Mud for walking in the kids loved it... It was so much fun to watch, they had a blast! We came across this wonderful mud patch the kids tried to run through, but did not quite make it. LMAO! They got stuck!! Here I am in my "New Runners" walking through a nasty mess of mud.. Oh my white clean shoes! Boo! So the girls get stuck & can't get out... So I need to find a rock to put in the mud to climb on to fetch them out. So I find a rock that is flipping heavy drop it in the mud and mud splashes everywhere... So I almost pee my pants because I am laughing so hard because we are in a right pickle of a mess... I just want to yell HELP, but I would totally look like an ass.. Where is the construction wood when you need it.. LOL. I grab Laila out hovering on the rock, she looses her boot. Then on to get Belle out.. I finally get her and she looses 2 boots.. Now I get the wonderful task of retrieving the boots.. LOVELY!! As I try to fetch the boots I am loosing my balance on this 1 rock and I am totally going to go ass over tea kettle and do a face plant in the mud! Mud Facial anyone? I finally get both kids boots out, without more chaos.. Phew! So we put them on a continue on our way!

We pass our lovely mess of a Deer Friend, fur still everywhere which still makes me really nervous about walking that path.  I did some googling last night about Coyotes, they were saying that they have attacked humans, they attacked a 6 & 3 year old. They say that if you see one, don't make eye contact, dont' turn your back and run... Then what the hell do you do? I think I might carried a Hockey Horn with me to an from school now! Kind of makes me really freaky, and you know damn well my kids will stare it down even when you tell them not to look...

We see our ducks friends and the Geese have now taken over that pond. And I need to mention that these Geese are Vicious... One Goose grabbed the other goose by the neck and they were wrestling and he tried to take the Goose under water.. Was he trying to drown him or what was his deal? Freaked me out.. The kids were in shock, the things we see in this Ravine is disturbing.. LMAO!  We continued to try and feed the ducks and carry on our way. Found more puddles to puddle jump in along the way home.. It was alot of fun, they had a blast & so did I. These are the out tings that have been missed all Winter.. Man it was a long dark, cold and dreary Winter! Thank goodness Spring is here.. Yippy!!

Got the kids home all their muddy stuff off an ready to be washed. Laila went upstairs and passed right out after her little hike. That is how you know you have finally tired the little Fireball out... When she passes out from alot of play, you know you did good!! LOL

We're Stuck! HELP

The Nasty Geese have taken over!

Belle's Boots Stuck!

Laila's lonely boot!