Friday, April 8, 2011

A Mini Vacation

I have not blogged in a while, I have a few that are waiting to post but just never got around to posting them!

This week has been alittle crazy here, as I was preparing for a 2 day get away with the Family. We packed the little ones up and off to Great Wolf Lodge for the night, It was a great time had by all.  We headed up there Tuesday for a 4pm check in. Which kind of irritated me because you have to check out by 11am, so you feel really rushed. And for what you pay, you should at least get a little later of a check out time. But whatever, still fun!  Before we headed to the Hotel we found ourselves over the boarder at the Olive Garden which is a must especially when you are so close. What a yummy Lunch we had, they we headed over to Target to pickup some snacks for the hotel along with some juice. I was alittle upset that we did not get any Mall visits in, but oh well it was a for the kids.

We arrived at Great Wolf Lodge, got our room at 3, got dressed then headed to the Water park.  It was a whopping 86 degrees in there, where I laid & had Daiquiris and relaxed on the lounge chairs.. At one point it was even snowing outside and were all inside in beautiful weather sipping yummy drinks & enjoying the water. It was WONDERFUL, why did we not do it sooner??? We were there till about 6ish then headed to the room got the monkeys cleaned up & had a quick bite to eat. We signed the girls up for a 2.5 hour PJ Party where no parents were allowed. I felt alittle guilty but it was so needed. We told a little bit of a fib but what is a tiny fib when you are only like 2 months awat from her 4th birthday.. The watching age requirement is 4-12 years of age.. Laila will be 4 in June, so we kind told them her Birthday was April 1, 2007 (April Fools) LMAO, good thinking on Tom's part. You tend to forget Laila is only 3.5 because she acts so much older then she is.. So once the girls were settled in at Cub Care we headed off to the Water park to do the adult rides and chill out for a bit in the Outside Hot tub for the adults which was fabulous! Then we headed back to the room got changed and off to the Hotel Bar to watch the game. We stopped by the Story time tree to check in on our little cubs who were about to enjoy a bedtime story & they looked so cute. Tom & I enjoyed each others company and had a few drinks, some munchies it was nice! I also listened in on table conversations & thought to myself at how pathetic some are! These 2 girls that were sitting behind us, were talking about how they are on subsidy & how money is tight, but they were at a $230 a night place and in the bar enjoying the flowing drinks while there child was at Cub Care that was $30 a child... I just kept drinking and biting my lip to the point it was bleeding! LMAO!! Did not want to start a bar brawl.
Tom and I really miss those times alot when you have little ones. We picked the girls up from Cub Care they showed us there crafts that they did, told us how they had popcorn and juice & had so much fun.. We then headed back to the room & got them all settled in bed.

We woke up bright and early went for a Buffet Breakfast which was Amazing! Then packed up our room, loaded the car & headed back to the water park for a full day of FUN! Laila did some really good swimming, Isabelle started going under the water which was great. They met friends from their Gymnastics there had some fun with them. Went all went on the big slides enjoyed the lazy river, it was alot of fun and the smiles from ear to ear were ever lasting..  I so prefer this water park over the other one, the other one is not for small kids and the chlorine in that place is so strong it gives you a wicked headache.. This place is PERFECT... It is a fave of hours for sure & I think it will become a yearly tradition for us. We really wanted to stay another night as it was tons of fun, but Daddy had meetings the next day so we had to head home. Maybe I can swing it for Laila's birthday instead of a party???? Hmmmm. Something to ponder for sure, my nephews would love it.... That would be alot of fun for us all.  I booked Laila in for her "First Manicure" and she loved it.. It was a "Chocolate & Strawberry" Scrub with a Tiara & she was in her glory! She is soooo my girl. It was not cheap, but so much fun! She chose purple polish and loved it. Isabelle chose to stay in the water park with Daddy for more fun. I think in total were were at the water park for 10 hours. We were all water logged & exhausted.

We enjoyed a yummy dinner then headed home to our own beds. The kids were tired and Laila finally gave into sleep before we hit the highway, Belle fought it the whole ride home... LMAO What a trooper! Being there and enjoying our "Family Time" really made me want to go away on a Disney Trip. It was so great and we had so much fun. I even at one point said to the workers there that it looks like so much fun to work here. She told me "You have no idea" and I could totally see that. It would be just like working at Disney! The dollar is soo good right now, you think Tom would be miffed if I booked a Disney Trip now?? LMAO!!
After Cub Care at the Story time Tree!

 Our quick Oasis

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