Thursday, April 28, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well it is official, I am one of those mom's I said I would never be.. One on the go all the time, I like to keep busy but not running around to sport after sport!  It is important to keep the girls active which I am all for, but it is now getting really hard to balance.  I have been trying to keep the girls activities lumped into one time and on the same day! But that may no longer be the case. Isabelle is a Gymnastics Buff and Laila is the Ballerina so the chances of them compromising on eachothers fav is slim to none! So we now have 2 separate classes on 2 separate days at late times & 1 Car!!  Trying to cordinate these activities around Tom's work scheduale is hard because sometimes it is not a 9-5 job which is totally fine! When we do find something we need to be sure he is home on time so alot of time there is alot of pressure on him which I hate. So that means VERY early mornings to be home in time to get them there, then we need to factor in the weather, traffic & the long drives home, It is a struggle with 1 vehicle most times especially when the nice weather is here, I like dry clean roads! LOL  There is always the weekend, but the hard part with me, is I really don't want to have stuff scheduled on the weekend because it takes away from family time which is important to us.. So it is all a balancing act, one that is hard might I add & I only have 2 kids. Couldn't imagine having more! The past 2 weeks has been insane with Little Gym make up classes (Which is a great thing that this Gym provides, whereas others do not) we missed about 4 for each girl when we were sick with Strep. So now we are making up those classes & trying to get them all in and at the same time before the semester ends. So we have been there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the past 2 weeks! Urgh, it has been so busy with running I have not even been able to get my evening walks in. Time to get a treadmill like now, at least while the kids play in the basement I can run/walk!

Here I Go again!! LOL

The girls classes will be over soon which will bring us into Summer, which we are all very excited for it. Summers keep us busy enough without having to throw programs into that mix. Come September we will have the task of choosing what to do for the Fall and again that will be separate classes due to their age! It is so hard because Laila acts like Belle's age so people think she is older, but it is important for Laila and Belle to have separate groups of friends..  I do however, think the Winter I might take a break as Flu season will be upon us, Belle & Laila will both be in school 1 full time and the other part time, so I am sure the germs in this house will be flowing like a tap (Touch wood).

I am hoping that by the end of Summer I will have my own car which will make the load alittle lighter on Tom. It is hard balancing it all with only 1 vehicle, but it works or should I say "Did" work when the kids were younger! Not that I will venture very far with it, but it will be good for little outings here and there with the girls.  I am finding that as they get older, things get busier & life gets busier! The girls tend to have more of a social life at times then Tom and I do, which is sad really! I think we need to work on that. LMAO!  Between Birthday Parties, School Events, Play Dates, Extra-Curricular activities & family time! Then when Laila starts school this fall we can add her social events into our Calendars! Tom wonders why I don't want to venture off to work until the kids are older? Here is a perfect example of why not!! It is hard balancing his job into this stuff because he likes to be an involved Daddy which is wonderful & we appreciate. But when you throw another working parent in that work mix that would be brutal.  At least with 1 parent at home it makes it alittle easier (I think)...  Seems like everything passes you by, but better take it while we can I guess, because before we know it, they will be doing their own thing and Mom & Dad won't be as needed for these events!

Maybe one day I will come home to a nice new SUV wrapped in a big Red Bow in my Driveway!!

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