Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bubbles of Fun & mess

Today was such a wonderful day, Spring is in the air! So we got outside and enjoyed the nice sunshine & cool breeze (which soon got chilly and windy burrr).

I had just got home from a night out at mom's which was so needed. I almost fell asleep at 7ish so she took me out for a visit to my Aunts, where we had some drinks and enjoyed adult conversation... It was really nice, think I will do it again next Friday. When I got home the kids and Tom were venturing outside to get some "Spring has Sprung" maintenance done around the exterior of the house! Tom was going to tackle the replacing of the slider handle on the the car door, that was riped off this past winter when the car was covered in ice (I had to leave, things could have gotten nasty).. LOL So Mom and I went to the back to play some soccer with the girls and blow bubbles (Still alittle chilly for them silly things our hands were freezing).. Thankfully the wind picked up, so there was little blowing involved only some really cold bubbly hands.. The kids ran around the backyard chasing & popping the bubbles and having a great time.. Until my great idea of getting out the new "Coloured Bubbles" that I purchased alittle while back thinking they would be really cool.. WRONG, stupid move Mommy!

Crayola has come out with some pretty cool ideas.. But I do have to say these "Coloured Bubbles" need to banded, they are the worst bubbles ever! It might be apart of there "Easter Collection", dumb, dumb, dumb.... I purchased "Pink" bubbles which look red, it looks like Halloween vampire blood. It is brutal. It was falling on the grass and it looked like someone had been eaten there.. So I then put a bucket under the wand to catch the bubbles mixture and that looked like we were now just bleeding into the bucket. The kids had red marks on their face, hands and CLOTHES, Jackets. You name it was a royal mess.. Because I want to go more flippen laundry and try to remove stains from clothes, then only to turn around an throw out the clothes because they are ruined now!

Dear Crayola:
Stupid Idea, the person that thought of this at your company should be fired!  Like really, is this person not a parent? Apparently not! They are messy, gross and just plain stupid! It has to be the worse idea you have ever had. They come in great colours too.. Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow all colours of which would stain and just be plain ole messy! I need I go on? If this does not come out of my kids clothes, you will be replacing them! LOL

Royally pissed parent!

The Bubble Blood Bucket

Nasty Crayola Bubbles
My mom had it all over her neck, my hands were covered. It was just not a really good outcome, we all looked like were bleeding! They bottle says they are washable, but that will remain to be seen once the girls coats and things come out of the dryer... Urgh, so this has to be the 15th load of laundry this week, beat the record I think!! LOL I told you I live in that room.

It was a fun morning had by all. We laughed and had a great day. We came into have some popcorn & hot chocolate and continue to enjoy each others company with movies and good times. Tom finished the handle on the successfully, he never ceases to amaze me he is definitely the jack of all trades. So Isabelle now has a door handle on her side,  which we have only waited all winter for!

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