Thursday, April 14, 2011

"I have nothing to do"

Well today I heard the words I always said I never want to hear, " I have nothing to do"..... I had to literally pick my jaw up off the ground as I thought to myself "You have got to be kidding me".

After a fairly busy morning of trying to tackle my "Room Cleaning" List, I got the girls ready after lunch and we headed outside. The girls got a Cosmic Rocket thing that you fill with Baking Soda and Vinegarr for Christmas.  It is supposed to launch like metres high in the air, but I ended up with Baking Soda and Vinegar all over me as it blew off into the air with Brick Layers watching, it was quite embarrassing! It said nothing about that in the instructions! LMAO. The girls continued to play alittle bit as I "Attempted" to rake the backyard which was so not pleasant, I think I might leave that for Tom to finish such a pain in the ass...

Isabelle got bored quite fast which began to cause friction with Laila. She was so not a happy camper! She then came up to me and said "I have nothing to do".. I looked at her, and was in complete and utter shock. A backyard & house full of toys and she has "nothing to do"? I said to her, I guess that means I need to pack up all your toys and give them to someone who really has "Nothing to do".... She got even more pissed off and stormed away! It really bothered me that she had apparently "Nothing to do", I played rockets did other stuff with them and yet she was still bored? What was I to do? I think she was pissed because Laila did not want to do what "She wanted to do" so therefore she had "Nothing to do".... I quickly found them something to do.. Clean up their playroom, they were so not impressed but I think that might get them to think twice before they say they have "Nothing to do" or they are "Bored"..

After it was all done, we went for walk with our lovely neighbours, the girls drove their bikes while I talked adult conversation and they were on cloud nine. We played outside when we got home for about 3 more hours, Laila was having so much fun outside that she peed her pants "Accident" that is what happens when you hold it to longgggg apparently! LOL We also caught our first catch of the season a frog who was chilling out in our basement window well.. The girls named him Frogger! He was certainly an interesting fella, I guess I never lost my critter catching skills over the winter... After Frogger watched us launch some more rockets we set it free in the front yard. What a busy day we had, we are pooped after a fun drama filled day Sun burns and all...

Everyone meet Frogger, Frogger meet Everyone

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