Saturday, April 16, 2011

Life is Beautiful

Today has been a rather emotional day. I along with a whole community helped a Friend say good-bye to her daughter, no parent should ever have to say good-bye to a child especially one so young with such a bright and promising future ahead.  Death is hard at any age but particular hard when it is a child. I don't deal well at all with death it is a huge fear of mine and brings me alot of anxiety! I never know what to say, I don't want to seem like I am being insensitive or rude! It is just really hard for me and no words will ever take away the pain of what families feel when they loose a loved one.

In my 33 years I have had to say good-bye to family members/friends young and old & each time it does not get any easier it just gets harder & harder and becomes a reminder at how precious life is. Every now and then today I find myself with eyes of tears, as I look at my little darlings playing here so quietly & pleasant. The house is just beaming with giggles, laughter and hugs, which brightens me up. Having these beautiful little darlings & husband is amazing and I am Thankful for them all in my life everyday. It is sad that at times we ALL tend to take these things in life for granted not ever intending too, it is just human nature. But when tragedy strikes you find yourself soul-searching & looking at the brighter picture in life. Some how your worries and other silly little things that may trouble you don't seem to be as bothersome anymore which is really sad. It makes you really think "was it worth even getting so worked up about it", probably not! 

Why worry about Money & Drama, Material things in life? When all of it can be taken away in an instint. Just live life, live it to the fullest and have no regrets. Cherish everything in life big or small, count your blessing each and everyday & never go to bed angry! Which I think we are guilty about doing. Love, Laugh and Love, do it often! I am so in love with my family & friends, so thankful for all the wonderful things that we have in our lives. We have good health, even with Isabelle and her TS she is still healthy & happy that is all that matters to me. Growth Hormones or not, she is perfect in every way possible. I can't sit and dwell on the what if's with it, it will eat me up with worry! Just take it day by day is all I can do! We have a beautiful home & are surrounded by an amazing circle of friends, what more can a person ask for? 

Life is Beautiful.

Summer 2008

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