Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Bunny

Easter has now come and gone and I would like to think that things have settled down but they have not. I think the kids are still hyped up on Chocolate. The Easter Bunny made many appearance's for the girls. First stop being at their ggma's (Great Grandmother) house. He managed to get their in time to lay about 12 eggs( I never thought an Easter Bunny laid eggs) LOL, he left some treats there for the kids, first sugar rush of the weekend! It was so great to see her, we don't see her often and she really comes to life when she sees the girls which is wonderful. They had a great time with her as did we and it is sad when we leave.

Saturday, we had a wonderful dinner with my brother, his wife and my nephew. The kids played so wonderful and got their second sugar rush of the weekend. We had a lovely home cooked meal and adults talked and drank wine while the little ones played and had a great time. Laila ended up with a wicked nosebleed as a result of digger for what I can only say would be eggs LMAO & scared little Hunter to pieces I don't like that little 3 year old will be picking his nose... LOL. Laila was so tired she passed out on the couch and Uncle Rich took her to bed and tucked her in. But Isabelle and Hunter were still the life of the party. After they all left and we got Isabelle to sleep at about midnight (late I know) but we don't do it often and on weekends like this rules tend to go out the window. Easter bunny laid alot of eggs all of which we were hid quite well, and we forgot where they were the next morning! Isabelle woke up at the crack of stupid, we ended up sending her back to bed with a chocolate egg in hopes that she would fall asleep.. Laila woke up about 8:45am and I don't think her little feet hit the floor. She came flying into our room shouting "He was in my room, the Easter bunny was here"...... Why do these fictional people always come at night and kids are up at the first sign of light"... LOL. Gonna have to have a talk to them! Forget sleeping in anymore. She went and woke up sleeping beauty where they then started their mad hunt of eggs.. I think they did really well considering that "Easter Bunny" got a late start on the egg shopping ( A mental note that I made for next year, NEVER DO THAT AGAIN). 

Sunday, was finished off with a lovely day in the park were they rode their bikes and feed the "Dirty Birds" and played in the playground. We had a great day, we finished off our lovely weekend with Ice Cream for dinner. We took them to the Marble Creamery where they made Strawberry ice cream with Marsh mellows and Sprinkles, gummy bears and devoured every last bite.. It was soooo yummy! Isabelle ended up loosing her 4th tooth that evening so that means that the "Toothfairy" would be making an appearence. LOL, what an expensive weekend.  Maybe I should have told her it fell out because of all the sugar she consumed this past weekend... LOL  Ice Cream for dinner is a definite recommendation for parents on a nice sunny day! The girls loved it as did we.

What a great weekend, I love spending time with loved ones and seeing my girls faces shine. Their laughs were endless and their smiles so bright. Memories that will last a lifetime! Although at times being a parent can be overwhelming and stressful, it is these precious moments that make being a mom all worth it.

All of us enjoying our Ice Cream Dinner.

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