Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yesterday we take took a lovely walk down to the ravine to enjoy the view and have a good run ~ When we venture down there we are always sure to take with us some bread for our little duck friends Ming Ming who is the female duck and Tuck who is the male duck. But recently there seems to be an over populated pond of a Geese there lately! I never thought that Geese could be so nasty, but apparently so. We  now refer to them as the "Dirty Birds" & they most certainly are. They have chased our Ming Ming and Tuck out and taken over Summit Ridge Pond. The nicely paved walkway is now lined with Geese Poop and aggressive long necked birds & all we need to do is give these buggers some spray paint and let the tagging begin. LOL  

Here they come! Ring leader showing them the way

As we were walking along the pond looking for our friends, we came across a handful of Ming Ming's but no Tucks. As feed our little friends I could see out the corner of my eye the head honcho of the Geese Hissing Gang making it's way across the pond followed by at least 10 of it's gang members! They approached us very calm until they proceeded to get out of the water and waddle their way up the hill towards my kids. I had a decent size bag of bread on me & that is all they wanted or they were going for my kids?  They began hissing & making nasty nosies and began to chase us. I got the kids out of the way and got them to run as Isabelle was running she was yelling "Run for your lives"...... All of them began to ran after us and our bread for a good 3 meters until I finally gave up the goods,  I was robbed of my bread, I was so scared of being literally "Pecked to death by Geese" that I had to give it up! I said, just take it as we ran away! I emptied the big bag of bread on the ground and started to run with the kids, the ring leader then began to yell at me as we ran away, even though I have already given him everything I had.. LOL
The people that look on to the ravine from their homes were probably laughing their butts off at us as we made the mad dash! I can laugh now, but I was scared, I never realized how aggressive they can be! Not much wonder the ducks have all left. Poor things~

Isabelle after she gave them heck for robbing us of our bread.
So today on our way to the park we took a lovely walk yet again down through the ravine with our neighbours this time going empty handed with no bread. We passed out sweet little duck friends who have now taken up residence in the other pond away from the Hissing Gang! They so peacefully followed us and spoke to us in the "App App" language! LOL Then quietly got back into their pond and swam away! Then we make it to the hissing gang where they are all perched on the side of the walkway like little hoodlum's awaiting fresh bait! They began hissing and making nasty noises yet again and one parent made herself very tall and blocked us off from them so we can make our way passed them. These birds are definitely crazy thankfully we had nothing to offer up today, so they basically just sat their and put on a big show.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Have a Happy......

Whoever came up with " Have a Happy Period " must have been on some serious drugs! Who in what right mind can actually say they have a Happy Period every month? I can say honestly it is so not me, periods suck. I think I can speak for most women when I say we wish we never had to endure this pain in the ass every month. Urgh. It is like being on an emotional roller coaster each an every month! We cramp, we bloat, were tired, we get bitchy (really bitchy in my case), hormones are raging all over the place, we are up then we are down, pimples make their grand entrance, your breasts are sore, we cry & get angry & people think you have lost your mind, we crave sinful things to make us feel better, but it really doesn't! Forget going shopping as it gets closer or is here for clothes or anything that requires you to feel good, because that just does not work. We see a mirror and we run the opposite way, we feel fat and unattractive.
All this just not happen the week it arrives, this is like an on going thing till it makes its grand entrance, so it builds up for like 2 weeks! 

So this week while Tom has been away in China, I have been dealing with the Monster of all PMS, which has been wonderful. I jokingly told him that he picked a real swell time to go away and leave me to hold the fort down. Hmm, maybe I am on to something maybe he chose this week for this very reason! LOL
His departure did not make this lovely situation any better, if anything I think it made it worse. I just want to get rid of all the "Evilness" as we call it in this house. LMAO  Periods just make you me feel down right evil. My patience level is zero, I am tired just wanting to lay down and sleep! I have often heard the men too suffer the same PMS as women do every month but I don't think I am totally convinced of that! Are they just trying to steal our limelight? LOL Cause there is nothing really spectacular about it, want it take it!

 I think your period is like a love hate relationship, I think there is more hate for it then anything else! When we are not trying to get pregnant we love it when it comes, but when we are trying to get pregnant we hate to see it. We take things to stop it from coming, we take things to make it work better, we take things to level us out because it causes our bodies to be just messed up hormonally! When we plan a trip,  we plan around our cycles, we avoid swimming (especially in oceans lmao) if it is here fear that we will eaten by sharks! LMAO We try to plan date nights around it so that it can be a "good night". LOL

That is my rant about Periods, mine has been a total pain in the ass this month and I had to share my frustrations with them!

Enjoy this video, it always makes me laugh at this time of the month..

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Snuggle Bugs

We had an awesome Neighbour dinner last night, the food was fabulous & conversation was great and all the little ones slept like babies as the adults talked. These monthly dinners are so great & were such a good idea.

Both girls were sound asleep at 6:30pm they were obviously pretty exhausted. I felt bad putting them to sleep that early but they needed and today's behaviour proves that. They have been good as gold and are having a great day which is so nice to see! So sometimes it pays to tweak things abit just to collect yourself. It is funny, my Mom said that by the time Tom is ready to come home we will have settled into a routine and get comfy and it is proving to be true! This weekend has been great with the girls which is awesome, I thought forsure because Friday was such a craptastic day that the weekend was going to be a total flop! But thankfully it was proved wrong!  I love when things run smoothly with them,  it makes it so much easier to work with them and deal throughout the day!

When I came in last night after our backyard dinner (please keep in mind that we are just a few steps away from our doors) & got all ready for bed. Isabelle came out to go Pee & had a little chat with me, and she said " I am so glad that you were able to enjoy your night Mommy, you need it" Which made me smile.  I kissed her and gave her a big hug and tucked her back in and she fell back to asleep! Shortly after that as I was all snuggled in bed ready to get into starfish position (It is position that requires use of the WHOLE BED for sleeping), I heard little ninga feet making their way to me room and in comes little Laila. All cuddled up with Baby Hannah and her Blankey! "Mommy can I keep you company tonight" she says, I said how come honey, " I can't sleep Mommy" so I said well I just checked on you and you were sleeping. "No I wasn't, I was pretending" she says with a big smile... LOL. It is so funny how were just talking about our kids sleeping habits tonight at our dinner, Can they hear us?? LOL I usually never let my kids in my bed but she was so cute and sweet how could you turn a face like that away? I am big ole sap when it comes to my girls, the mother guilt is brutal for me. So I ended up with a little snuggle bug companion for the night or should I say a furnace. Before she drifted off to sleep again, I told her this will not happen all the time and you are going to sleep back in your own bed tomorrow night! "Okay Mommy",  I said this is a secret, pinky swear, "Okay Mommy". She began to rub my hair and scratch my head with her little hands it so cute, then she drifted off with a glowing smile on her precious face. She is going to be such a great Mommy/Wife/Friend & Sister, this nurturing she has just comes so naturally with her.

I had to laugh this morning she was up at the crack of stupid and went off to play with Belle, I could hear her yell at Belle (not whisper), " I got to sleep in Mommy's bed last night and you didn't". LOL. So much for secrets & pinky swear

Kids can never keep a secret!

Advice for the day:  If you want someone to know how you really feel about them, tell a child they will spill the beans! If you don't want anyone to know your plans etc, then really don't tell them! LOL

Saturday, July 9, 2011

OH What a Busy Day

We had so much fun yesterday or should I say my monkies did. It was a hot one out and what a better way to beat the heat but by taking out the good ole pool, bright pink might I add... Kids jumped into the bathing suits and got all lubed up and out we went!

As a Birthday gift to Laila from our lovely neighbours, she got a "Goo making Kit" that is to be done in the bathtub... So instead of doing it in the bathtub I decided I would do it outside which seemed like a great thing to do. So we filled up the pool and loaded up the pool with this Goo making powder and off they went! It definitely was gooey! The kids loved it, but only problem was because it is to be done in "warm" water the powder to add to the Goo to make it go back to liquid did not work because the water was cold so we had Gel balls the kind that are in a loaded & exploded diaper all over the place! They were stuck in their hair, the face, their legs everywhere.. All you could do was laugh, and for everyone that knows how anal I am about clean, I did rather well. The girls thought it was a great thing and have lots of fun! When you get "This is the best day ever" that makes it all worth it. I have been getting them alot the past few days, so that tells me I am doing something right as exhausted as I am.
I also mentioned to my neighbours to always remember that their little one, will have upcoming birthdays so to be kind to us in the future.. LOL I can find lots of annoying & nosiy toys that little ones just love but the parents hate!!! Just kidding! Thank you guys the girls loved it and it gave at least an hour of fun today!

We then moved on to painting with Chocolate and Vanilla Pudding, they had an absolute BALL! They painted each other, ate it, painted their faces, hair & legs! It was super fun an apparently super yummy! Good thing for them because we don't eat pudding at all in this house. So today was a free for all with the pudding! They were super sticky and messy but it was all outside and life was good! Only problem during clean up was the water was cold and because my girls are little princess' as am I, Cold water was not going to work so I had to get a pot of warm water to wash them up! Pool was still infested with Goo balls so that kind of defeated the whole purpose of getting Clean! Pictures are hilarious. After this was all done it was time to eat so we had a picnic outside under an umbrella where they had lunch and talked and read books.  All in all they had a fun filled day and of course after a morning of fun there is no stopping them they want to keep going and going! But after being told for the millionth time to find something to do they did and played quite nicely!
Pudding Maddness!

Our day was a good one, a busy couple of days at that. You would think they would sleep as soon as they hit the pillow (well laila does, but not my night hawk Isabelle) & the morning would a super lazy start,  but fat chance of that,  they are still up and pecking me bright and early to go play! We finished our day with a little car trip to the store (Daddy is really not going to like me having a car, I spend to much it is not al that much but it is still spending. At least I am aware of it though). Only to have a silly women putting on a sweater, in this heat & I have no idea why,  proceeded to hit my car with her door and was completely oblivious to me yelling at her through the store door with my kids, then she proceeds to kept on going about her business..  I would have gone after her, but really what was the point, what would have come out if. It would have made me feel better knowing that I had something, some poeple are so stupid I tell you. There is not a whole lot wrong, the paint is off the door slightly, but it is purely principal and the fact that she ignored my request to remove her door from my door & the face that she did not even seem to concerned with her door smacked against mine!! I swear I get this from my husband, cause I was never like that (Gotta Blame someone). I laugh because when I told Tom about the car, he says "it is just a car", but this coming from someone who gets royally pissed when someone parks too close to him~ I don't get it, well actually I do. It means that he is so relaxed and in a comfortable state and I am a frazzled stressed out mother!! LOL

Picnic in the backyard
We got home and had a yummy dinner and ice cream. We quickly followed that with our usual bath, book and bed cuddles & kisses. Now on to Mommy time, I am pooped it is time for a break for mommy! Mommy time did not start off to well as my darling Isabelle was still awake at 10pm after going to bed at 7pm! I swear these kids just don't get it at times, so needless to say I was alittle emotional as it was a long day and after entertaining children from 7am that morning and not having a real "Break", it got the better of me. It takes a alot of hard work to be a Super Mom, it really does! I don't know how I do it most days, how I stay sane. I will say it again, this has to be the hardest more exhausting job I have ever done! And when I hear people that don't have children complain how "Exhausted" and "Tired" they are... Really, you have no clue honey, I would trade your tiredness for my exhaustion for just 2 days!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Wasn't me

I have been walking around here most of the day singing "Wasn't me" By Shaggy! LMAO My goodness what a day! These girls are the best exercise equipment ever, they certainly keep me on my toes that is forsure. Never a dull moment in this house.. My house is full of laughter, attitude, drama, cuddles, kisses and smiles, oh and did I mention attitude??  I am curious to see what it will be like when they both are tweens/teenagers. Look out! Hang on to your wallets, sanity & age!

Laila & the Fearsome 4's are brutal, I don't really recall it this bad with Belle at age 4. But I think it was because I was so busy with Laila so young getting into everything that it didn't seem so bad... LOL
But my word, if there is anyone who loves to make a mess & test patience  & throw a fit, well that would be her! If there is anyone that is the queen of mess Laila is your girl. I have been battling all day with her about cleaning up. Don't get my wrong, Belle knows how to make a mess also, but at least there is some reasoning with her to clean up! Laila is like a human tornado, she goes from room to room and trashes it as she goes, then moves on to the next... If she takes a juice box out she will throw it on the floor as if the floor is her garbage can at least if she does it outside, Isabelle gives her a huge lecture on "Littering" Have you not seen WallE she will tell her!  I always find it so funny how you ask who made this mess you get "Wasn't me".... I think I should have named a child "Wasn't me" or maybe I will call myself that because I must be "Wasn't me", seems I am the one that cleans up after the locals have been in trash mode. I clean a room or bathroom, vacuum and mop a floor. I move to the next room come back to the previous room to grab something and it has been trashed in like 2.8 seconds.... Then you ask "Who did this", in stereo you get "Wasn't me"... Like seriously! You mean to tell me a storm or a monster with very little hands came in and decided to pick this very room that I just cleaned & mess it up "Yup" is what I get! It is so hard to contain my laughter because they say it so innocent and straight faced with those big beautiful eyes it is priceless..  ARE you flipping kidding me! Then after loosing your mind silently inside & counting to 10, the little one confess' to it by turning on the big alligator tears to make you feel like the worlds worst mother "I always have to clean up" and you know it was her! She had confessed & hoping that by crying it will make "Wasn't me" feel horrible and clean up for her. Then I get down to level and explain the importance of tiding as we go & putting things back in their place & if we do that then we don't have big mess' to clean up all the time... The best part is if you put it all back where you got it from, you can find it the next time you need it so we don't have to go on a huge mission in search for it (BTW, I actually do have bins with pictures on them to show what goes in each one to make cleaning up easy & finding things wonderful). I will say do you understand lala "Yes Mommy" do you understand Isabelle, it is your job as a big sister to help her too. Then we go back to the same thing  not even 10 min later then I begin to sound like a broken record...

Laila is so messy, but she is soo darn cute! LOL She almost reminds me of pig pen from Peanuts, god love her!!  I am almost positive I was messy as a child as well, I remember my room as a teenager so really why do I bitch about mess??
Everywhere she goes she makes a mess, every time you dress her pretty she makes a mess, she spills things, wears things, falls on things, trips over things, you put a nice bow in her hair she pulls it out.(One that is tasteful and in proportion to her head of course) LOL.  I have to say now that we are on the topic of hair bows, I am not a huge fan those stupid bows on elastics, I actually have a huge pet peeve with bald babies wearing these ENORMOUS bows on their heads or even as small children, so wrong! Those poor children are going to look back when they are older and be like really, why!! That would like looking back at a school picture and thinking "Really in Grade 3 why was I (not me, someone I know) wearing a cumber bun and bowtie with Adidas pants"... Parents, seriously think about the effects later on in life, god knows I have some real looker of pictures and get rather upset even as an adult but that is a whole different blog for another time! LMAO  My kids never sported those ridiculous things, EVER!! Thank goodness a very wise women who must have had the same pet peeve as I with those bow elastic thingies, came up with the large wrap with a cute flower attached to it... Now that is more like it!!
I could even put a nice new pair of tights on my little princess and by the time we get to party destination she has huge gaping hole in the knee the size of a grapefruit.. LMAO, so now I just wait till we are at location then put them on!! Even then now that I think abut it, I ask her who did it & I get "Wasn't me". But she is sooo flippen cute and lovable!!

"Wasn't ME"

Laila Laila Laila.. My little darling sweetheart, I will look back on days like this when you are older and laugh about it then. You are definitely my child that knows how to test my patience, must be because we are both Geminis! We finished off our day with yet another meltdown, she is pooped! Today was not too crazy busy, we ventured to the Greenhouse today to see the animals, went to wash the car, then went to our local Italian Bakery for some bread. Then had a nice dinner followed by bath book, cuddles & bed. She was out the minute she hit the pillow! Tomorrow we will do it all over again on a better note and strive to do better as we always do!

Me & my little messy snuggle bug!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Running on Empty

With Summer Break in full swing, it is getting harder for me to blog. But I figured I should at least try to do one a week & if I can get more in then great...

Tom left for Hong Kong yesterday and has landed safe and sound, all checked into his "Swanky" hotel.. He managed to call us when he arrived at 8am our time which is 7pm there time (I think), which was super and it was all I could but to hold back the tears~ They sound so different on the other side of the world. He sounds happy & rested although he has been awake for 24 hours!! I on the other hand am running on Empty!! I feel as though I have been on my feet all day everyday & have not stopped. As soon as my ass hits the couch or chair the kid radar goes off "She is sitting, let's ask for something". Never fails, kids totally come programed with this little device in them.. LOL

We had a very busy & fun weekend which has added to my exhaustion, not to mention 2 exhausted kids because they were up till at least midnight every night this past weekend, allergies/cold and well Mother Nature set to arrive early next week (Welcome Home Honey) which puts me in fine form the week before it starts. Urgh, being a women sometimes is a royal pain in the ass. So needless to say I am pooched!! I tried to get to bed early last night however, that was quickly disrupted when Belle came in to my room at 11:30 because she was cold, so I had to go down turn off the AC and tuck her back in bed.. Then I was awakened at 3:30am with a thud and cry so I had to haul ass to Belle's room to find her on the floor crying "She had fallen out of bed"... Laila is being a excuse me language ( I love her dearly, and have been told you get back what you give your parents & with Laila I totally have) a little witch. She is just testing it as far as she can go! She wants to snack but does not want to eat meals, she wants to do everything SHE WANTS TO DO & not follow the rules of what she is told or expected of her to do! So working with her has been a challenge so we will bath and get her snuggled in bed because she is miserable because she is tired (God forbid the child have a nap)...  Both kids have been in meltdown mode today... Belle had a huge issue with the fact that she spilt Syrup on her clothes, so I allowed her change only for her to put something on that she hated to be in the T Shirt was apparently too long!! So she had to change, suddenly her Syrup clothes were fine... I find it so difficult at times to deal with both of their issues, that by the time you deal with one issue the other comes along and there is another issue that fighting is such a challenge! You get exhausted with them so fast~  Not to mention that I dealing with friggin what at times I think is Allergies but not to sure! Is it s a bloody cold or is it allergies? I picked up some Aerius today after we made the trex to the Library to get a bundle of books to keep them busy! I took half because I hate taking stuff,  but not sure if it has done anything?? I am at a loss!!

Tom has only been gone 1 day and already I feel wore out and I have 6 more days to go! The girls have been at each other in each other faces, I took them to the mall yesterday and they were acting like caged apes! Today we did Library,  then came meltdown mode it was their way or no way! I got them to help me clean the car out, that lasted all of 5 Min's then it was back to what they wanted to do! In the pool out of the pool, gotta pee, gotta poo Mom come wipe me, I need a drink, I need a snack, I am hungry, Mommy Laila hit me, Mommy Belle said to leave it alone, Belle won't let me play with that, slam of the door, stomp up the stairs,  NO, I don't want to, NO, leave me alone.. Pick Pick Pick... Now you know why I say I feel pecked to death by ducks most days.. LOL Or why we totally understand why some animals eat their young.  Just the thinking about it all is making my head spin!! Is it bedtime yet?? LOL
Many people can say that because Tom is away you can use blackmail as an advantage for them to behalve! So when they act up you can say "if you keep it up, you get nothing from China". Honestly and Truthfully now, how many parents can actually follow through on that?? It is just like saying "Santa only comes if you are good, if you are naughty he gives you coal". Can a parent actually do that? Goodness no! So it is easy to preach, but never flys so why bother!

I give huge high fives to all single mothers out there, especially with kids so young and more then one! It is truly alot of work on any given day with 2 parents, let alone doing it alone! You know, on days like this when I feel as exhausted as I am, I would never trade a single minute of this craziness they call Parenting! Even though we have our good days and bad days I love them to pieces! I think tonight I might take a nice bubble bath, maybe rent a movie and unwind from the craziness of a day all snuggled in bed, just as my little ones are! I will be keeping in my mind that tomorrow is a new day and I will do better!