Friday, July 8, 2011

Wasn't me

I have been walking around here most of the day singing "Wasn't me" By Shaggy! LMAO My goodness what a day! These girls are the best exercise equipment ever, they certainly keep me on my toes that is forsure. Never a dull moment in this house.. My house is full of laughter, attitude, drama, cuddles, kisses and smiles, oh and did I mention attitude??  I am curious to see what it will be like when they both are tweens/teenagers. Look out! Hang on to your wallets, sanity & age!

Laila & the Fearsome 4's are brutal, I don't really recall it this bad with Belle at age 4. But I think it was because I was so busy with Laila so young getting into everything that it didn't seem so bad... LOL
But my word, if there is anyone who loves to make a mess & test patience  & throw a fit, well that would be her! If there is anyone that is the queen of mess Laila is your girl. I have been battling all day with her about cleaning up. Don't get my wrong, Belle knows how to make a mess also, but at least there is some reasoning with her to clean up! Laila is like a human tornado, she goes from room to room and trashes it as she goes, then moves on to the next... If she takes a juice box out she will throw it on the floor as if the floor is her garbage can at least if she does it outside, Isabelle gives her a huge lecture on "Littering" Have you not seen WallE she will tell her!  I always find it so funny how you ask who made this mess you get "Wasn't me".... I think I should have named a child "Wasn't me" or maybe I will call myself that because I must be "Wasn't me", seems I am the one that cleans up after the locals have been in trash mode. I clean a room or bathroom, vacuum and mop a floor. I move to the next room come back to the previous room to grab something and it has been trashed in like 2.8 seconds.... Then you ask "Who did this", in stereo you get "Wasn't me"... Like seriously! You mean to tell me a storm or a monster with very little hands came in and decided to pick this very room that I just cleaned & mess it up "Yup" is what I get! It is so hard to contain my laughter because they say it so innocent and straight faced with those big beautiful eyes it is priceless..  ARE you flipping kidding me! Then after loosing your mind silently inside & counting to 10, the little one confess' to it by turning on the big alligator tears to make you feel like the worlds worst mother "I always have to clean up" and you know it was her! She had confessed & hoping that by crying it will make "Wasn't me" feel horrible and clean up for her. Then I get down to level and explain the importance of tiding as we go & putting things back in their place & if we do that then we don't have big mess' to clean up all the time... The best part is if you put it all back where you got it from, you can find it the next time you need it so we don't have to go on a huge mission in search for it (BTW, I actually do have bins with pictures on them to show what goes in each one to make cleaning up easy & finding things wonderful). I will say do you understand lala "Yes Mommy" do you understand Isabelle, it is your job as a big sister to help her too. Then we go back to the same thing  not even 10 min later then I begin to sound like a broken record...

Laila is so messy, but she is soo darn cute! LOL She almost reminds me of pig pen from Peanuts, god love her!!  I am almost positive I was messy as a child as well, I remember my room as a teenager so really why do I bitch about mess??
Everywhere she goes she makes a mess, every time you dress her pretty she makes a mess, she spills things, wears things, falls on things, trips over things, you put a nice bow in her hair she pulls it out.(One that is tasteful and in proportion to her head of course) LOL.  I have to say now that we are on the topic of hair bows, I am not a huge fan those stupid bows on elastics, I actually have a huge pet peeve with bald babies wearing these ENORMOUS bows on their heads or even as small children, so wrong! Those poor children are going to look back when they are older and be like really, why!! That would like looking back at a school picture and thinking "Really in Grade 3 why was I (not me, someone I know) wearing a cumber bun and bowtie with Adidas pants"... Parents, seriously think about the effects later on in life, god knows I have some real looker of pictures and get rather upset even as an adult but that is a whole different blog for another time! LMAO  My kids never sported those ridiculous things, EVER!! Thank goodness a very wise women who must have had the same pet peeve as I with those bow elastic thingies, came up with the large wrap with a cute flower attached to it... Now that is more like it!!
I could even put a nice new pair of tights on my little princess and by the time we get to party destination she has huge gaping hole in the knee the size of a grapefruit.. LMAO, so now I just wait till we are at location then put them on!! Even then now that I think abut it, I ask her who did it & I get "Wasn't me". But she is sooo flippen cute and lovable!!

"Wasn't ME"

Laila Laila Laila.. My little darling sweetheart, I will look back on days like this when you are older and laugh about it then. You are definitely my child that knows how to test my patience, must be because we are both Geminis! We finished off our day with yet another meltdown, she is pooped! Today was not too crazy busy, we ventured to the Greenhouse today to see the animals, went to wash the car, then went to our local Italian Bakery for some bread. Then had a nice dinner followed by bath book, cuddles & bed. She was out the minute she hit the pillow! Tomorrow we will do it all over again on a better note and strive to do better as we always do!

Me & my little messy snuggle bug!

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