Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Have a Happy......

Whoever came up with " Have a Happy Period " must have been on some serious drugs! Who in what right mind can actually say they have a Happy Period every month? I can say honestly it is so not me, periods suck. I think I can speak for most women when I say we wish we never had to endure this pain in the ass every month. Urgh. It is like being on an emotional roller coaster each an every month! We cramp, we bloat, were tired, we get bitchy (really bitchy in my case), hormones are raging all over the place, we are up then we are down, pimples make their grand entrance, your breasts are sore, we cry & get angry & people think you have lost your mind, we crave sinful things to make us feel better, but it really doesn't! Forget going shopping as it gets closer or is here for clothes or anything that requires you to feel good, because that just does not work. We see a mirror and we run the opposite way, we feel fat and unattractive.
All this just not happen the week it arrives, this is like an on going thing till it makes its grand entrance, so it builds up for like 2 weeks! 

So this week while Tom has been away in China, I have been dealing with the Monster of all PMS, which has been wonderful. I jokingly told him that he picked a real swell time to go away and leave me to hold the fort down. Hmm, maybe I am on to something maybe he chose this week for this very reason! LOL
His departure did not make this lovely situation any better, if anything I think it made it worse. I just want to get rid of all the "Evilness" as we call it in this house. LMAO  Periods just make you me feel down right evil. My patience level is zero, I am tired just wanting to lay down and sleep! I have often heard the men too suffer the same PMS as women do every month but I don't think I am totally convinced of that! Are they just trying to steal our limelight? LOL Cause there is nothing really spectacular about it, want it take it!

 I think your period is like a love hate relationship, I think there is more hate for it then anything else! When we are not trying to get pregnant we love it when it comes, but when we are trying to get pregnant we hate to see it. We take things to stop it from coming, we take things to make it work better, we take things to level us out because it causes our bodies to be just messed up hormonally! When we plan a trip,  we plan around our cycles, we avoid swimming (especially in oceans lmao) if it is here fear that we will eaten by sharks! LMAO We try to plan date nights around it so that it can be a "good night". LOL

That is my rant about Periods, mine has been a total pain in the ass this month and I had to share my frustrations with them!

Enjoy this video, it always makes me laugh at this time of the month..

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