Saturday, July 9, 2011

OH What a Busy Day

We had so much fun yesterday or should I say my monkies did. It was a hot one out and what a better way to beat the heat but by taking out the good ole pool, bright pink might I add... Kids jumped into the bathing suits and got all lubed up and out we went!

As a Birthday gift to Laila from our lovely neighbours, she got a "Goo making Kit" that is to be done in the bathtub... So instead of doing it in the bathtub I decided I would do it outside which seemed like a great thing to do. So we filled up the pool and loaded up the pool with this Goo making powder and off they went! It definitely was gooey! The kids loved it, but only problem was because it is to be done in "warm" water the powder to add to the Goo to make it go back to liquid did not work because the water was cold so we had Gel balls the kind that are in a loaded & exploded diaper all over the place! They were stuck in their hair, the face, their legs everywhere.. All you could do was laugh, and for everyone that knows how anal I am about clean, I did rather well. The girls thought it was a great thing and have lots of fun! When you get "This is the best day ever" that makes it all worth it. I have been getting them alot the past few days, so that tells me I am doing something right as exhausted as I am.
I also mentioned to my neighbours to always remember that their little one, will have upcoming birthdays so to be kind to us in the future.. LOL I can find lots of annoying & nosiy toys that little ones just love but the parents hate!!! Just kidding! Thank you guys the girls loved it and it gave at least an hour of fun today!

We then moved on to painting with Chocolate and Vanilla Pudding, they had an absolute BALL! They painted each other, ate it, painted their faces, hair & legs! It was super fun an apparently super yummy! Good thing for them because we don't eat pudding at all in this house. So today was a free for all with the pudding! They were super sticky and messy but it was all outside and life was good! Only problem during clean up was the water was cold and because my girls are little princess' as am I, Cold water was not going to work so I had to get a pot of warm water to wash them up! Pool was still infested with Goo balls so that kind of defeated the whole purpose of getting Clean! Pictures are hilarious. After this was all done it was time to eat so we had a picnic outside under an umbrella where they had lunch and talked and read books.  All in all they had a fun filled day and of course after a morning of fun there is no stopping them they want to keep going and going! But after being told for the millionth time to find something to do they did and played quite nicely!
Pudding Maddness!

Our day was a good one, a busy couple of days at that. You would think they would sleep as soon as they hit the pillow (well laila does, but not my night hawk Isabelle) & the morning would a super lazy start,  but fat chance of that,  they are still up and pecking me bright and early to go play! We finished our day with a little car trip to the store (Daddy is really not going to like me having a car, I spend to much it is not al that much but it is still spending. At least I am aware of it though). Only to have a silly women putting on a sweater, in this heat & I have no idea why,  proceeded to hit my car with her door and was completely oblivious to me yelling at her through the store door with my kids, then she proceeds to kept on going about her business..  I would have gone after her, but really what was the point, what would have come out if. It would have made me feel better knowing that I had something, some poeple are so stupid I tell you. There is not a whole lot wrong, the paint is off the door slightly, but it is purely principal and the fact that she ignored my request to remove her door from my door & the face that she did not even seem to concerned with her door smacked against mine!! I swear I get this from my husband, cause I was never like that (Gotta Blame someone). I laugh because when I told Tom about the car, he says "it is just a car", but this coming from someone who gets royally pissed when someone parks too close to him~ I don't get it, well actually I do. It means that he is so relaxed and in a comfortable state and I am a frazzled stressed out mother!! LOL

Picnic in the backyard
We got home and had a yummy dinner and ice cream. We quickly followed that with our usual bath, book and bed cuddles & kisses. Now on to Mommy time, I am pooped it is time for a break for mommy! Mommy time did not start off to well as my darling Isabelle was still awake at 10pm after going to bed at 7pm! I swear these kids just don't get it at times, so needless to say I was alittle emotional as it was a long day and after entertaining children from 7am that morning and not having a real "Break", it got the better of me. It takes a alot of hard work to be a Super Mom, it really does! I don't know how I do it most days, how I stay sane. I will say it again, this has to be the hardest more exhausting job I have ever done! And when I hear people that don't have children complain how "Exhausted" and "Tired" they are... Really, you have no clue honey, I would trade your tiredness for my exhaustion for just 2 days!!

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