Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yesterday we take took a lovely walk down to the ravine to enjoy the view and have a good run ~ When we venture down there we are always sure to take with us some bread for our little duck friends Ming Ming who is the female duck and Tuck who is the male duck. But recently there seems to be an over populated pond of a Geese there lately! I never thought that Geese could be so nasty, but apparently so. We  now refer to them as the "Dirty Birds" & they most certainly are. They have chased our Ming Ming and Tuck out and taken over Summit Ridge Pond. The nicely paved walkway is now lined with Geese Poop and aggressive long necked birds & all we need to do is give these buggers some spray paint and let the tagging begin. LOL  

Here they come! Ring leader showing them the way

As we were walking along the pond looking for our friends, we came across a handful of Ming Ming's but no Tucks. As feed our little friends I could see out the corner of my eye the head honcho of the Geese Hissing Gang making it's way across the pond followed by at least 10 of it's gang members! They approached us very calm until they proceeded to get out of the water and waddle their way up the hill towards my kids. I had a decent size bag of bread on me & that is all they wanted or they were going for my kids?  They began hissing & making nasty nosies and began to chase us. I got the kids out of the way and got them to run as Isabelle was running she was yelling "Run for your lives"...... All of them began to ran after us and our bread for a good 3 meters until I finally gave up the goods,  I was robbed of my bread, I was so scared of being literally "Pecked to death by Geese" that I had to give it up! I said, just take it as we ran away! I emptied the big bag of bread on the ground and started to run with the kids, the ring leader then began to yell at me as we ran away, even though I have already given him everything I had.. LOL
The people that look on to the ravine from their homes were probably laughing their butts off at us as we made the mad dash! I can laugh now, but I was scared, I never realized how aggressive they can be! Not much wonder the ducks have all left. Poor things~

Isabelle after she gave them heck for robbing us of our bread.
So today on our way to the park we took a lovely walk yet again down through the ravine with our neighbours this time going empty handed with no bread. We passed out sweet little duck friends who have now taken up residence in the other pond away from the Hissing Gang! They so peacefully followed us and spoke to us in the "App App" language! LOL Then quietly got back into their pond and swam away! Then we make it to the hissing gang where they are all perched on the side of the walkway like little hoodlum's awaiting fresh bait! They began hissing and making nasty noises yet again and one parent made herself very tall and blocked us off from them so we can make our way passed them. These birds are definitely crazy thankfully we had nothing to offer up today, so they basically just sat their and put on a big show.

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