Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Running on Empty

With Summer Break in full swing, it is getting harder for me to blog. But I figured I should at least try to do one a week & if I can get more in then great...

Tom left for Hong Kong yesterday and has landed safe and sound, all checked into his "Swanky" hotel.. He managed to call us when he arrived at 8am our time which is 7pm there time (I think), which was super and it was all I could but to hold back the tears~ They sound so different on the other side of the world. He sounds happy & rested although he has been awake for 24 hours!! I on the other hand am running on Empty!! I feel as though I have been on my feet all day everyday & have not stopped. As soon as my ass hits the couch or chair the kid radar goes off "She is sitting, let's ask for something". Never fails, kids totally come programed with this little device in them.. LOL

We had a very busy & fun weekend which has added to my exhaustion, not to mention 2 exhausted kids because they were up till at least midnight every night this past weekend, allergies/cold and well Mother Nature set to arrive early next week (Welcome Home Honey) which puts me in fine form the week before it starts. Urgh, being a women sometimes is a royal pain in the ass. So needless to say I am pooched!! I tried to get to bed early last night however, that was quickly disrupted when Belle came in to my room at 11:30 because she was cold, so I had to go down turn off the AC and tuck her back in bed.. Then I was awakened at 3:30am with a thud and cry so I had to haul ass to Belle's room to find her on the floor crying "She had fallen out of bed"... Laila is being a excuse me language ( I love her dearly, and have been told you get back what you give your parents & with Laila I totally have) a little witch. She is just testing it as far as she can go! She wants to snack but does not want to eat meals, she wants to do everything SHE WANTS TO DO & not follow the rules of what she is told or expected of her to do! So working with her has been a challenge so we will bath and get her snuggled in bed because she is miserable because she is tired (God forbid the child have a nap)...  Both kids have been in meltdown mode today... Belle had a huge issue with the fact that she spilt Syrup on her clothes, so I allowed her change only for her to put something on that she hated to be in the T Shirt was apparently too long!! So she had to change, suddenly her Syrup clothes were fine... I find it so difficult at times to deal with both of their issues, that by the time you deal with one issue the other comes along and there is another issue that fighting is such a challenge! You get exhausted with them so fast~  Not to mention that I dealing with friggin what at times I think is Allergies but not to sure! Is it s a bloody cold or is it allergies? I picked up some Aerius today after we made the trex to the Library to get a bundle of books to keep them busy! I took half because I hate taking stuff,  but not sure if it has done anything?? I am at a loss!!

Tom has only been gone 1 day and already I feel wore out and I have 6 more days to go! The girls have been at each other in each other faces, I took them to the mall yesterday and they were acting like caged apes! Today we did Library,  then came meltdown mode it was their way or no way! I got them to help me clean the car out, that lasted all of 5 Min's then it was back to what they wanted to do! In the pool out of the pool, gotta pee, gotta poo Mom come wipe me, I need a drink, I need a snack, I am hungry, Mommy Laila hit me, Mommy Belle said to leave it alone, Belle won't let me play with that, slam of the door, stomp up the stairs,  NO, I don't want to, NO, leave me alone.. Pick Pick Pick... Now you know why I say I feel pecked to death by ducks most days.. LOL Or why we totally understand why some animals eat their young.  Just the thinking about it all is making my head spin!! Is it bedtime yet?? LOL
Many people can say that because Tom is away you can use blackmail as an advantage for them to behalve! So when they act up you can say "if you keep it up, you get nothing from China". Honestly and Truthfully now, how many parents can actually follow through on that?? It is just like saying "Santa only comes if you are good, if you are naughty he gives you coal". Can a parent actually do that? Goodness no! So it is easy to preach, but never flys so why bother!

I give huge high fives to all single mothers out there, especially with kids so young and more then one! It is truly alot of work on any given day with 2 parents, let alone doing it alone! You know, on days like this when I feel as exhausted as I am, I would never trade a single minute of this craziness they call Parenting! Even though we have our good days and bad days I love them to pieces! I think tonight I might take a nice bubble bath, maybe rent a movie and unwind from the craziness of a day all snuggled in bed, just as my little ones are! I will be keeping in my mind that tomorrow is a new day and I will do better!

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