Sunday, July 10, 2011

Snuggle Bugs

We had an awesome Neighbour dinner last night, the food was fabulous & conversation was great and all the little ones slept like babies as the adults talked. These monthly dinners are so great & were such a good idea.

Both girls were sound asleep at 6:30pm they were obviously pretty exhausted. I felt bad putting them to sleep that early but they needed and today's behaviour proves that. They have been good as gold and are having a great day which is so nice to see! So sometimes it pays to tweak things abit just to collect yourself. It is funny, my Mom said that by the time Tom is ready to come home we will have settled into a routine and get comfy and it is proving to be true! This weekend has been great with the girls which is awesome, I thought forsure because Friday was such a craptastic day that the weekend was going to be a total flop! But thankfully it was proved wrong!  I love when things run smoothly with them,  it makes it so much easier to work with them and deal throughout the day!

When I came in last night after our backyard dinner (please keep in mind that we are just a few steps away from our doors) & got all ready for bed. Isabelle came out to go Pee & had a little chat with me, and she said " I am so glad that you were able to enjoy your night Mommy, you need it" Which made me smile.  I kissed her and gave her a big hug and tucked her back in and she fell back to asleep! Shortly after that as I was all snuggled in bed ready to get into starfish position (It is position that requires use of the WHOLE BED for sleeping), I heard little ninga feet making their way to me room and in comes little Laila. All cuddled up with Baby Hannah and her Blankey! "Mommy can I keep you company tonight" she says, I said how come honey, " I can't sleep Mommy" so I said well I just checked on you and you were sleeping. "No I wasn't, I was pretending" she says with a big smile... LOL. It is so funny how were just talking about our kids sleeping habits tonight at our dinner, Can they hear us?? LOL I usually never let my kids in my bed but she was so cute and sweet how could you turn a face like that away? I am big ole sap when it comes to my girls, the mother guilt is brutal for me. So I ended up with a little snuggle bug companion for the night or should I say a furnace. Before she drifted off to sleep again, I told her this will not happen all the time and you are going to sleep back in your own bed tomorrow night! "Okay Mommy",  I said this is a secret, pinky swear, "Okay Mommy". She began to rub my hair and scratch my head with her little hands it so cute, then she drifted off with a glowing smile on her precious face. She is going to be such a great Mommy/Wife/Friend & Sister, this nurturing she has just comes so naturally with her.

I had to laugh this morning she was up at the crack of stupid and went off to play with Belle, I could hear her yell at Belle (not whisper), " I got to sleep in Mommy's bed last night and you didn't". LOL. So much for secrets & pinky swear

Kids can never keep a secret!

Advice for the day:  If you want someone to know how you really feel about them, tell a child they will spill the beans! If you don't want anyone to know your plans etc, then really don't tell them! LOL

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