Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Family Trip Part 2

The morning started at 8am, with a great Breakfast in Bed via Room service. The girls thought this was fantastic because they got to eat in bed while watching TV and I did not care if they dropped an egg! Belle had Bacon and Eggs and Laila had Fruit Loops with warm milk.  We slowly started to get ready I showered first and realized that I forgot my body wash and my shaving cream (Mothers always forget their stuff because we are busy packing everyone else up). SO I had to shower with Tom's Adidas body wash and shave my legs with his male smelling shaving cream, so today I probably smell like a man. LMAO  I had to make 2 stops to see if I could find the girls their snow globes but no such luck, guess we are coming back forsure! Today's drive will be an 8 hours trek. As I continue to write this we are 4.5 hours in our last leg which is Edmundston New Brunswick and doing really good. We have stopped to grab a quick bite to eat and knew we were officially in the east coast when we went to the local Mc Donalds and they are now serving "The McLobster" last visit we made down east Tom and I tried it and it is not all it is cracked up to be. We thought it would be friggin amazing as we are both seafood lovers but it is basically a cold lobster sandwich.. We ate our "10 year Anniversary lunch with Big Mac's and Nuggets & toasted with Ice Tea & Apple Juice and off we went, we have come across some beautiful country side, the view is amazing it looks just like a picture scene. The Moose signs are crazy, they have barricaded off with these little squared off gates so you can enter the forest but you can't get out, the sides of the roads are barrier ed as much as they can but I am sure these massive beasts can still get through by lifting a leg!!! They apparently only come out at night which is great, but it would be be pretty cool to see one on the side of road just not on my car. I keep trying to see if I can spot one in the fields but no such luck. The kids are doing great, we have heard 3 "Are we there yets" these in which have all come Isabelle... The sun is shining which is sooo great to see, it has been a really gloomy drive with rain and fog! The temp at one point dipped to 14 which made me very sad!!! But it is now up to 21 which is great! The drive so far has been wonderful, kids amazing! While we are on our adventure our wonderful friend & photographer posted on this Facebook ( yes I can still access FB on the road through Tom's BB) that he is looking for a picture who can "Get their Sink on" which means that he wants to see who can get creative with taking a picture of themselves in front of a sink, so now Tom and I are on a mission to find a New Brunswick Bathroom to get " Our Family Sink on" just to add some more fun to our little adventure! We are grooving down the highway with the music pumped to Z103 (CD of course) & having a great time, we lost the Z signal in Port Hope which sucked because we just getting ready for Way Back lunch! This is not your average "National Lampoons Adventure" we are doing it modern style so no dogs tied to the bumper or Aunt Edna's on the roof!! I am going to call Tom "Sparky" the remainder of the trip!!
At this time we are going to Hartland to drive over the covered bridge which should be pretty cool, the kids will love it, there we will get some gas and do a pee break. We drove 2 times over the Covered bridge and it was alot of fun, then we stopped off the "Salmon Pool" Restaurant to grab our dinner (Subway) to go! Before heading out we snuck into the Men's Public Washroom which was empty of course to take our "Get your sink on picture'.... It turned out great and we thought the photo was great, but after we sent it realized that we forgot to include the main element of the picture which was the friggin sink!! OH well, it was alot of fun and adventurous! We wanted to get the heck out of there, Men's washroom's friggin smell so bad. I thought womens' were bad, they have nothing on a mans!! I now know why my girls prefer to go with Mommy to the washroom as oppose to Daddy!!

"Get your sink on" Minus the sink

It is about 6pm now and the kids are starting get squirrly! Laila is not sure what she wants which tells us she has had enough and is getting ready to jump out of her seat! So we now require some serious intervention on my part!!  Belle has gotten her DS taken away because she has turned into a 6year old video game junkie, I swear she could play that thing from the time she gets up till the time she goes to bed. So it is taken away till we venture home! Just pulled a trick out of my dollar store grab bag... A Whoopie Cushion, let's see how much entertainment this provides? Estimated Time of Arrival 9:30pm in Nova Scotia.. We arrived at 9:35pm (Due to downpour just as we entered)... We made it

Breakfast in bed rocks

Heartland Covered Bridge

Anniversary lunch at Mc Donalds

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