Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Family Road Trip

As I am blogging we are heading out of Quebec City for the last leg of the drive estimated time of arrival according the "Cyb er Bitch" as I call her is 8:45pm! I must also make note that today July 27th 10 years ago I married my love, the father of my 2 beautiful children the man I will grow old with.. Happy Anniversary Honey, you really must love me to spend 8 long hours in a small confined car.. LOL We can have an anniversary lunch over Mc Donalds!
We headed out for our first big family road trip destination Nova Scotia. We have done a few road trips with the kids but this one was by far the longest total drive time 20 hours! We have adventured to Pennsylvania & Ottawa, Montreal when the kids were alittle smaller. They did quite well considering their age which was great and it gives us the confidence to go alittle longer! I love taking the girls on these little adventures it teaches them so much about this great beautiful country we live in.
I had began packing about a week before, it just gives me time to get stuff ready and make sure I have everything (not sure why because it is not like we are travelling to a foreign county, must be that damn OCD again)  LMAO

We had planned to leave on the 26th around 10am which would be perfect to miss the morning rush hour traffic in Toronto, & evening rush hour traffic in Montreal. I had made a trip to the dollar store and packed up about $30 worth of basically "Junk" to keep the kids entertained as they began to melt, loaded it all up and off we went. I had packed a cooler full of sandwiches and snacks, drinks, sushi to eat along the way so we did not have to stop for lunch which worked out really well.
By the time we had reached Scarborough Laila has already asked if we were there yet 4 times and uttered the "I am bored" which was clearly just to get a rouse out of us. It was too sunny so the DVD players were not a total hit right at that moment, so she decided to nap! Bonus. Belle played her DS the whole time and did not nap for even a second. When we entered in to Cornwall it was tank up time and our first pee break, about 6:30then off we went again. We hit some really wicked rain arund there and when we got to Montreal there was wicked construction, but I am not complaining about that, cause we always use to say how brutal their roads were so now they are fixing them, just sucks that it is when we driving through! The weather was rather grey the whole drive from Cornwall to Quebec City, I was really hoping the we would get some of the rain, just the rain at our place to give our grass a drink, but could totally deal without the cold front!
We arrived in Quebec City about 6:30pm checked into our Four Seasons hotel which was a lovely place brand new might I add (sO hopefully no bed bugs), got dressed then headed to the Ferry to to go the Island, it is friggin cold & damp here that I hope it really warms up along the way because I did not packed for "Fall". This cold weather required us to bust out the pants and sweaters that I had packed which was barried at the bottom of the suitcase and it was the only pair that I packed! Isabelle made friends with some Diplomats who thought they were both the greatest things ever. She carried on at how beautiful Quebec was and that it was even better that everyone spoke "Spanish".. She told these diplomats it was okay she could speak English so it was all good..
The 5 minute boat ride was really pretty and made me nauseated, I kept asking the girls if I Was green and Belle so sweetly said "No mommy you are still peach", I  think Whale Watching might require booze or Gravol!! I am hoping the cruise ship in October does not make feel sick! LOL
Quebec City is such a pretty place, wish we could have spent alittle more time there shopping, but I guess we can go back. The girls needed to eat so we found a little restaurant called "Le Couchon". The menus for the kids were all in french which made order so much fun! Tom busted out his Blackberry to do some translating but the even best part was that the "french" he was googling was not translating it to the right words, so So a Shirley Temple was translated as a Jack Rose?? LMAO! I managed to translate a few of them thanks to my very small glass of liquid courage! LOL Ang would totally not like the glasses of wine here, nothing compared to the Glasses we drink at home! The glass was the size of a kiddie cup! Tom then accidentally spilt a whole glass of water on Isabelle so she was soaked, the food finally arrived and was nothing to rave home about, we totally should have gone to the little Italian Restaurant that was tucked away in the village! Oh well. All the little boutiques were closed when we left dinner so we headed back to the room and called it a night! Tom and I had a drink in the dark while the kids slept & the only light in the room was the glow from our laptops so they could get some sleep! Tom worked (yes on our vacation) while I fell fast asleep!

Grand Total for first leg of trip 12 "Are we there yets" , 1 "I am bored" all were said by Laila.

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