Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lots on the go!

Sorry my friends that I have not blogged in a while, things have been alittle crazy & I have felt alittle run off my feet.

Since I wrote last we have done alot of things, it is crazy at how busy June as been for us. Since our Sicks Kids followup we have heard nothing regarding Belle's blood work so no news is a good news, they told us if there is anything they would call.. So that is good!
We attended an Annual ALS walk in Georgetown for a local GP & dear friend who was diagnosed 4 years ago which has been really sad as he is such a wonderful man & so is his family. It was great to see him & talk with him and to Thank him again as I will do forever,  as he brought my beautiful darlings into this world.  The turn out was amazing as always but the weather was really crappy and the walk ended up being cancelled.  We were able to spend time with some really good friends that weekend which was a really nice thing as we had not seen them for ages! Note to self, can't go long periods without seeing good friends.....

We had a lovely neighbour dinner in our "Backyards" which so great, lots of yummy food and great adult conversation. Can't wait till July's dinner these dinners are going to be so looked forward too. I am not sure what we are going to do in the winter months??  The next day after going to bed from that meal at 2:30am we made the trek to Niagara Falls where ate lunch at the Mandarin (  for those that know me, I have a thing with food under lights, just not seem very hygienic to me).. Then we ventured to the falls for the kids to take do the Ferris Wheel & a museum & spend some time with GGma as it was her birthday which is why we went our there in the first place.. She was super excited to see them as she always is, they bring such joy to her. She had a great time as did we, but we were exhausted when we headed home.

Laila turned 4 last week which was bittersweet, so we move from the "Terrible 3's" to the "Fearsome 4's" so I have been told.. Urgh, since she has turned 4 only a week ago man o man the ears are in complete shut off mode and the attitude is overwhelming.. I am really not looking forward to her 13th birthday...  But she is still super cute and such a cuddle bug~ She seems so grown up and since turning 4 she is looking forward to attending school this fall & I must say so am I... She is getting so bored being at home & I am running out of ideas to keep her entertained. To celebrate Laila's 4th birthday mommy put alot of time and energy into planning a party as I always do! I made the cake & all the food, planned a fun time for her & her friends.  Cake & Food are usually an out sourced thing so this time this party was a huge undertaking, I even made the Pinata!  We hired Monkeynastics that we purchased as a WagJag deal for 69.99 that was originally 198.99 and well that was crap let's just say we got our "WagJag" worth! LOL  I don't think I will ever purchase a Wagjag thing again.. You totally get what you pay for in most cases! Total garbage, I want them to call me for some feedback..  Laila had fun that is all that mattered & well Isabelle pissed the guy off by telling him she knows how to do things as she does this all the time at the Little Gym, I think he happy when she left and went to play... LMAO
Good thing I confirmed with them on the "loot bag" as they said they would provide for 12 kids.. A loot bag to them was considered a "Sticker"... LMAO! They said there would be a "Monkey" there but no monkey showed up! It was a really poor production I tell you! If I paid full price for that I would have been royally pissed!!

Cake was a huge success, it took a total of 8 hours to do but turned out amazing. Food was great and everyone had a great time. The kids toilet papered themselves, had silly string fights and spray painted their hair with coloured hairspray oh not to mention my Swingset! I think they had more fun with that then Monkeynastics! Backyard looked like frosh week but it got all cleaned up & you would never know there was a bunch of local trash monsters there,  the kids loved it!!  Laila had a great time and slept the next day till 9:30am which was GREAT! So another successful party for the books! Party planning is alot of work and you are completely exhausted when it is all done.. Did I mention that I am exhausted? LOL

Sunday was Father's day which was opened up with the kids sleeping till 9:30, yippy, I was sooo not ready to wake up at the crack of stupid on a Sunday to make breakfast after a wild week.. I got up when they did and started making breakfast, the girls gave daddy his gifts then off to Faery Fest at Riverside with the girls we went! We stopped at a local dollar store to find some wings then off we went as I was not about to pay 30 bucks for wings there. There was $10 Admission which was totally not worth it  travelling carnies!! LMAO Some very strange people there.. Everyone talked so weird & were carrying these little "Fairy Cats" on their shoulders that moved very odd.. We did not last too long as the kids were getting bored as were Tom and I so after they watched a really cheesy play we headed out for some Ice Cream! We finished the day off with a lovely dinner outside in the backyard eating Sushi. So I think the weekend was a good one.

All in all it has been a crazy month of June with lots to do! I feel exhausted and wore out in such a need of a Vacation. So we are planning a Road Trip in July which should be great, we are really looking forward to it.

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