Friday, June 3, 2011

Endocrine Checkup

Yesterday we had our 1 year followup appointment at Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto. This appt always makes me really nervous because it is my little girl that is the patient of the Poking and Prodding! So to kick off our day we tried to make it as focused on the little ones as possible to make the experience not so scary for Princess Belle and to have my little June Bug Laila not feel left out as all the attention tends to be focused on Belle at these appointments.

We started the day off with a trip to Casa Loma in the big city and the kids thought that was just fantastic. I think Laila was alittle sad to see no Princess' but I told her that her and Belle were the Princess' in the castle for the day which tickled her Purple (Her favorite Colour).... LOL They explored the secret passages and took the long trex through the tunnels to the stables. It was a good day!  When we got the to the room where the servants slept Tom said to them would you rather be a Boss and sleep in a big room or a servant and sleep in the tiny room? Laila piped up and said I want to be the BOSS! Gotta love her... After a morning of Castle's and Chocolate we made the nervous journey for Belle to Sick Kids. She was very quiet as we pulled into the parking garage, she was not sure what to expect but we tried to calm her nerves as much as we could. We went to grab a bite to eat in the Atrium,  they filled their bellies with healthy choices Grilled Chicken, Salad ands Perogies. The girls made tons of wishes in the Atrium fountains clearing my wallet of all my change, then they asked Daddy for his change but all he had was the "Big Money" as they called it. After the all the wishing was done and bellies full, we headed to our appointment.

As we headed to Clinic 9 we  had to do a pit stop at the gift shop to take a boo at all that treasures. Belle got her heart stuck on yet another stuffy in the Gift Shop window, but we told her that if she did really good, he would be hers for the taking... So off we went, we followed the little foot prints to our clinic and checked in. The girls played and we were about to start crafts with the Staff Volunteer when we got called. Isabelle got weighed and measured, she went up 6 lbs since her last appt and went up a few inches as well.. When the Doctor came to see her, she became alittle nervous with him but he quickly got her warmed up and comfortable which is always helpful. Kids can totally sense when people are not sure about them, but thankfully all her Docs make her feel at ease which is a great thing  He talked to her asked her what she does for fun and activities, what her fave books are as well as movies.. She was super excited about to tell him all about her faves,  but still alittle nervous that he was going to take blood.. She would flip flop between Mommy & Daddy's lap to make things alittle less scary. He was very happy with her growth and said he would rather wait for the GH injections until age 8 or 10. They can be on GH injections for years with no breaks and he does not feel it is necessary at her age, there is still alot of growth potential when she is older.. That is okay with us and I am sure it is with Belle. She seemed to get quite relieved up until he mentioned the "Blood work" needs to be done... She stiffened up & her little heart started to race...  He also let us know that her bone age scan from last year on her hand showed that she was age 5 when she was actually 5 and a half, which tells us that she is really not all that far behind her peers! So the next appt is 1 year from now!

Laila stayed behind with the Staff Volunteer that she began the craft with earlier and was quite happy with that, they were awesome. We took Belle down to the Ambulatory Room to get the blood work done, they are testing her for Celiac, thyroid & some other routine stuff, this is all quite common for TS girls. I am sure that all is fine, but you still have that little bit of worry, but surprisingly I am okay about things at this point! After all she is being taken care of by the best as we promised ourselves we would do for her when it came to her TS.
She was quiet which was totally understandable, we talked to her and reassured her she was okay and we would keep her safe! Mommy and Daddy would never put you in harms way, she knew that and found great comfort in it. She told us, she was in the best place & they know what they are doing. They called her number which was 68 after about a 5 min wait and to our chair we went. She wanted to sit with Mommy which was totally fine with me I love her cuddles, I snuggled her & told her she would be okay Daddy & Mommy would be right here with her, we watched the Fox and the Hound & talked. The lady came in, she teared up alitlte as did I (But hid my face), she put her blankie (Aww, that she has had since birth) in her mouth & bit down, here we go!! I thought for sure I was going to have to pin her down with the help of Tom & 2 nurses & she would be screaming her eyes out as if they were peeling her skin & popping blood vessels in her neck.. (Wouldn't be the first time).... But totally not!! She blew me away, she never ceases to amaze me. She took a quite glance at the needle and the IV taking her blood , thought it was really cool then turned away...
 "All done" the nurse said, she filled up with tears of Joy and Happiness!! I did it Mommy, I did it Daddy. Now we can get my Tiger, we replied yes honey after we get Laila. She was soo proud,  as were Mommy & Daddy, we smothered her with lots of hugs and kiss & praise. The nurse then told her to wait here for a min, she went and got her Snoopy Bandage and a Disney Princess Puzzle, she asked her to sign the Blood work Courage wall. The nurses told Tom and I that it is great to see parents reassure their children during a scary situation with positive reinforcement & praise! We might have looked like silly fools to others as we took pictures of her big accomplishment, but hey they need that! She loves it and it is something that she will always remember & can now look back on.  It is amazing how some parents don't praise or give their children this praise & encouragement. We were actually kind of shocked at how some parents seem so detached from their kids especially during these scary things they can face, believe or not we did see some! It was almost as though it was a inconvenience being there. I am mean it is not enjoyable for any parent to have to be there, but kids sense this stuff so it is important to be strong for them on the outside but be a marsh mellow on the inside. 

After we were all done with the blood work we picked up Laila who was busy doing her crafts in Clinic 9, went to the gift shop to p/u "Loma" which was named after her action packed day. Loma made her super excited.. Isabelle was excited to bring her home to show her where she would be sleeping & said now Loma does not need to be scared sleeping all alone on a shelf, she has me now! TOO FRIGGING CUTE. Laila scored herself a colouring book and pen at the shop which made her super happy.  We then headed out for some yummy dinner after we made our long rush hour trip back. The celebratory dinner out ended our day off just right! The whole ride home we heard how proud she was of herself and how she loved that she made us so proud of her.. We asked Laila what her fave part of the day was and she replied " All of it", that made me smile. Laila was super good today as we did all the stuff we had to for Belle. Then she passed out for her catnap on the way out of the city!  I sometimes feel bad because Laila gets alitlte pushed aside not intentional but it does happen that we are so focused on the appt and stuff. So it was great to have a full day of stuff focused around all.
It brought tears to our eyes to see how grow up Isabelle was, she is such an old soul... Isabelle brightens up our life everyday, she is such an amazing miracle! She teaches us so much day in a day out. It amazes us how someone we just met 6 years ago has brought so much fulfillment & love to our lives, she has taught us how to love unconditional and it is the simplest things that make her so happy.... Hug and Kiss your little ones everyday, give them praise and acceptance. It is so important and will round them out to be such wonderful human beings.. I think we need alot more Isabelle's in this world... xoxo

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