Thursday, June 23, 2011

Business Trip

Well in a few weeks hubby is off on a business trip for a week. Destination: Hong Kong! Leapin lizards. He seems pretty excited, it is a new experience in a different country & not the US so he is looking forward to it. Me on the other hand.. Hmm not so much. He will be missed that is for sure, but I think it will be alot harder on me with the kids being so busy all the time! It is always nice come 5pm to know that the end of the day is here and Daddy will be home for me to punch out after a long day with the little ones. We usually catch up in the evening about how our days went and sip a glass of something whether it is water or wine and just relax and unwind. But somehow I feel this week he is away will be a little different, is it acceptable to drink by yourself?? LOL Someone told me it is okay, just don't do Cheers!

Isabelle will have started in to the Summer Break and will be up at the crack of stupid, she will tease & torment excuse my language the shit out of Laila. In which it will make Laila whyne and cry like a baby, there will be total bickering back and forth about how "She did this" and "She did that".... Laila now being 4 has brought on a new personality with a boat load of drama so this should make for a very interesting week, she has certainly become a handful....Girls are such a joy!! LMAO
On any given day at our place when the girls act up, I can make one quick call to Daddy for him to put them back into the real world, I can't threaten to call daddy now because he will be on the other side of the globe! But hey, maybe they will surprise me, I am sure they will be fine! They are usually good girls I really can't complain.
This will be very hard on them as he has not been away since they were little. He was away for Laila's first birthday on a Conference in Vegas & that has been in it since then. So this time might be alittle more crazy!! They love their Daddy with all their heart so when he is away at work they always ask "When is Daddy coming home" but now they need to wait a week for his arrival.

I am alittle jealous that he gets to go, I probably could have gone but I am not a huge traveller on a 16hour flight in a very foreign country. Tom is a very adventurous person, me not so much! I always tell him you have it so easy when you travel even if it is for Business.. You have a hotel to yourself, eat what & where you want, when you want. Lay pool side when not busy, shop when not busy. Sleep early if you want. It may not be enjoyable when you are in a conference or working, but for the most part it is away time & alone time!! It is a change of scenery & a change from the same monotonous stuff that I do daily.

I swear it is so much easier when they are babies, I miss those days..  Things ran so smooth, they ate, slept and played.. Now they fight, scream, argue everything, know everything, don't share & irritate the crapola out of you. But they give the BEST HUGS & KISSES & when they really really want too they say the sweetest things. The girls & ! are researching some of the neat little treasures we would like to have brought back for us. The girls are a definite have to bring back a Snow globe each (They collect them for all over), it is the glass ones too so "Daddy needs to be extra Fragile" with those! I mentioned a cute Chinese dress ( Hmm I wonder what my size would be) and maybe some slippers! I would really love a "Coach" purse but told him to make sure it said "Coach" and not "Couch".. LMAO as Hong Kong is known for their knock offs.  I probably could just get one here, but you know when they hubby asks what you want while I am away, you gotta go big because they feel bad about leaving you alone at home with 2 kids, so make it count & it is not something that I would just run out and buy here for myself.. LOL  I thought of him also stock piling up on the liquor for our growing cabinet! I would also like a really nice tea set & maybe I can see if they have some cute little Chinese food plates for the kids there to match our chopsticks! He is allowed 3 bags so lets fill them up!! LOL

At the end of the day, we will be fine. We will break the week up and make it fun, go places and do stuff. We will miss him lots and look forward to his safe return. We can probably even skype a few times if he is not too busy working! It is good for us all. I think from time to time we all need it, to re group and re focus.. We he gets to re-focus and I get to haa, I don't know!  I think I might plan a weekend away to Vegas? LMAO ALONE! Yeah right, cause you would get me on a plane for 5 hours by myself right.. LOL

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