Saturday, March 5, 2011

You will always be my Babies!

This morning while making our Saturday pancakes. I was busy cooking while listening in on the conversation going on in the dinette between the 2 girls. They were kind of bantering back and forth, "I am older then you are,  your still a baby", "I am not a baby, my birthday is soon". This went on for a while and it got me thinking, and as Tom always says "When I start thinking look out".. LMAO

In June, I will be planning a 4th Birthday Party (Mermaid themed I have been told, hm mm how am I gonna get Tom to wear a Mermaid Costume) for my little one! I can't believe she is going to be 4 and start school in September, that just seems insane to me... Seems like yesterday, I was watching Isabelle stack blocks upon blocks sorted by colour at such a young age & helping little Laila hold her bottle, watch her take her first steps. Time flys so fast. I miss them very much as babies, seems like you just don't get enough time with them so small. How do we remember every single milestone they achieve, sometimes I feel sad  that I can't remember them all because it seems like so long ago and they have achieved so much more since then.

I have kept a huge steamer trunk full of all their firsts. Like their first newborn diapers, their umbilical cords (Some think that is gross, but I don't care), their first runners, their first soothers, their hat, outfit they came home in and so much more! From time to time they love to open up this huge time capsule full of all their little treasures and we go through it. They are always so amazed how much I have (Somethings you just can't part with) & they love to see what they played with & wore when they were soooo tiny. I think it is also very shocking that they used to be so small. I often go through all their baby photos which is also soo fascinating to them and me, as we scroll through each one the memories of that picture flood back as though it was yesterday.

As hard as some days may be with them and being a parent. My precious Isabelle Maria & sweet Laila Madeline have brought soooo much joy, love and happiness into my life. Although at times I miss the DINK days, I would not trade this for anything...... Children are such a wonderful gift & bring purpose to ones life. I think that it is important that when you become a parent, to never loose yourself. Because that is soo easy to do!

I have also come to the realization that no matter how big they get with each passing birthday. They will always be your Baby. Now I know why till this day I am still referred to as my "Daddy's little girl",because it never goes away even now that I am married & have babies of my own. <3

Isabelle Maria
February 23, 2006
6lbs 14 oz

Laila Madeline
June 16, 2007
8lbs 3oz

Laila & Isabelle
December 2010

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