Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is with O.P and T. K

So, Tom and I packed up the kids yesterday and venture off for a drive to Costco to get back with the land of the living. It was a crappy day and sitting in the house watching rain hit the windows after being caged all week was just not doing anything for us, so off went. I really don't know why I chose Costco of all places, because being sick all week, tired from being sick & no sleep, crappy ass day. A trip to Costco to meet with rude people just did not do my healing any justice. For some reason I always have such a lovely experience with people when I am there.... "What the hell is up with Other People and their kids"  RUDE & IGNORANT! Do parents not teach their kids manners anymore, apparently not after all the rude ones I encounted today! I guess what manners would parents be teaching them, if they don't know how to use them themselves.

Upon entering the Warehouse, I always make it a point to bring along my trusted Wet One Antibacterial Wipes,  to do a complete wipe down of every little germ infested part of the shopping cart! Thankfully today it was raining so the cart got some what of a bath upon entering the store. After I wipe the cart I line the seat with my jacket to sit my little darlings bottoms on. I think I might invest in another one of those Cart Buddies, my last one wore out for apparently really good reason, it was loved! I will have to add that to my Walmart list forsure!

Every friggin corner we turned was another ignorant, rude asshole & their derelict child. Who sends a 6 year old off to get cheese in a busy Costco, watches them push their way through crowds and not say anything to the child? Certainly not me. I swear this one kid scoped us out upon arrival to make our shopping experience hell! Everywhere I looked he was there like a flippen parasite, cutting in front of people in the snack lines, chewing like he just got released from the local farm for the afternoon, dragging his feet when he walks (Nothing irritates me more). My kids were looking at him like he was from another continent, I hate it because they see that and think it is okay to act that way!! But it is sooo not exceptable.  The parents need to have their asses kicked for allowing this to go, did they say anything Hell NO.
Then we were so lucky enough to encounter another family with a cart full of sick kids, granted mine are not the healthiest either right now but at least mine cover their flippen mouths when they cough!  We are making our approach to the meat department and are in a traffic jam, when all the sudden the 6 year old to let out a wicked cough and sneeze and not even bother covering his snotty little face right into Belle's path. Did he say I am sorry, no! Did his parents say "Cover your mouth next time" no... They just left it! I swear I felt my hair move! Tom and I immediately put the cart in reserve trying fast as hell to get out of the Costco gridlock. As we made our fast take off,  me being Mrs. Verbal Diarrhea made a comment "Can you not teach your kids to cover their mouths"...   I have come along way from the days of keeping my mouth shut & say nothing!

I make it a point although not perfect at it and don't pretend to be. To make sure that my girls are polite and well mannered especially when in the company of others. I teach them to respect others and treat others how you wish to be treated.  I also make it a point that if we are out or even at home & they sneeze they should sneeze in their elbow. If they blow their noses or go to the washroom we wash our hands! They may not always get it right but for the most part they are really good at remember! And if they don't I always remind them next time to "Please Cover your Cough"..  It is such a simple and easy thing to do, but apparently not for the others in this world.. The younger you teach them these important life lessons upon so many others it becomes a part of normal life just like walking..  You wonder why my kids are always sick, I can tell you!  It is because these ignorant people non covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough & not washing their hands after the toilet.. They get the good ones sick!! They spread it to the ones that do follow simple practices....
It amazes me that even ADULTS, grown ADULTS go to the washroom and leave the stall and just walk out!! WTF is that!! I will say "Did you not forget to wash your hands" as I hover my throne in a stall. These people are trying to be examples for small children! GROSS! I washed my hands constantly even after changing my childs diaper, even if it was just Pee.. I santize after I wipe their nose and it is my own child....

Isabelle & Laila will cover their cough and it happens to fast they will say "I am so sorry I could not get it in time". They are usually pretty good with it, if they are active playing they tend to forget but with a gentle reminder they remember very fast and correct it for next time. The same goes with anything like interuptting while talking or butting in line. I remind that it is important to wait your turn and to always remember to say Excuse me.. We make it a point to fix it then rather then later!  People think we are little much as we have little pep talks in the isle at the store saying that you need to use your words or say please and thank you.. But I really could give a shit what they think. My kids are not blowing their heads of in tempertantrums (Even if they did, I would remove them take them to the car to cool off)  because they can't have a toy!  I remember leaving Canada's Wonderland when Isabelle was 3 and threw a wicked tantrum. Till this day she remembers. I also remember her doing it at a Parade in Dover, she was warned that if she kept up she would not go swimming, she kept it up and she did not endup going swimming & she still remembers!

When I am out and people say "Your kids are so well behaved and well mannered" I can say yes they are! Because after today, I tell you there are alot of crazy kids out there that have very little parenting which is so sad because the kids are the ones that suffer.... If my kids are well behalved & well mannered when out it means that Tom and I have raised them right & they will go out in the world and make something of themselves and perhaps teach these kids & their parents a thing or two. Perhaps as I get older in age I get more irritated with stupidity! LMAO, I don't know.

This is the one that will teach you a thing or two!
My kids certainly have their days, I know not to go out with them after dinner that causes meltdowns forsure! And when they are getting edgy it means we need to give them a snack to stock pile some sugar, or we need to get a little power nap in.. But for the most part I really can't complain. I have 2 really good girls on my hands that make me really proud to be their mom!

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