Friday, March 4, 2011

Sleep, why are we not Friends?

Good-Bye solid nights sleep, Hello broken sleep.. Last night's sleep was brutal! So today I am exhausted. Seems to be the normal part of being a mom (Again the part that NO ONE ever talked about).. All you heard was like everything else "This too shall pass".. Yeah, when they are 18 and leave home! LMAO

Laila was up 4x last night.. For what NOTHING! This would be Laila's time lime last night

12:30am - Standing in the door way and you get this strange feeling that someone is watching you, so you jump up.. "Yes Laila"... "Mommy I can't find my flashlight" - Urgh, "Really, it is still night time Laila you should be sleeping"... So I get out of bed go find the little ity bity flash light, tuck her in, kiss her good-night for the 100th time since going to bed...
2:30am - Again another strange feeling you are being watched from the door way. "Yes Laila",  "I can't find my special girl" (A Stupid Lizard that was in an Egg from Isabelle's party that you watch grow in water).....  "Laila go back to bed".....
3:30am - By this time I can't even remember why she got up. She is not crying, she is not hurt so you have to just tune out that she is there and eventually she will turn around walk back to her room and close the door! Or should I say "SLAM" the door!
7:00 am - BRIGHT EYED AND READY TO START HER DAY! I literally fall out of bed, my eyes still closed grabbed my pillow and head for the couch!

Even after 6 Yrs of being at home with them, I am still NOT a morning person not at all... I need sleep! I don't function well with no sleep, it makes me feel like the big crapola! And it is not like I can drink coffee all day either, because that would send me into a full blown panic attack. Me and Caffeine do not do well together. It makes me very anxious! Tom made coffee one morning and put 14 Heaping Tablespoons of coffee in for 12 cups of coffee and let me tell you. I felt like I just about OD'd. I was shaking, felt nausea, dizzy. I had to drink milk to neutralize it. LMAO. So everything I have is Decaf. Can you imagine me on a Red Bull, those things so can't be good for you and to mix liquor with them. That is just a Heart attack waiting to happen.

I think the newborn part of the sleepness nights were easier to deal with because at least then, you could catch up during the day when they slept. Now, both my girls go go go from the time they get up till the time they go to bed.. No naps in this place! So if they don't sleep, I don't sleep! If I said "Kids mommy is going to take a nap", can you imagine what they state of this place would be like. LOL
So we try to what is supposed to be "Quiet Time", where I put on a movie give them a snack and we all chill. This is when I try to rest my eyes. But I tell you, the minute they see the eyes closed, they attack each other! Because apparently you can't hear when you have your eyes alittle closed! LMAO So really what is the point! I also have to say to that they I swear they choose to do these little broken sleep episodes when you are at your weakest point. Like when "Momma Nature" is just about to join you for a week or when you feel something lingering or when you are just getting over being sick and want to catch up on sleep! It never fails...

Saying I was tired as a Teenager was nothing compared to the tiredness I feel as a Mom. The girls don't care whether I am tired or not, the day must go on. The house still has to run, be cleaned, laundry needs to be done and meals need to be made! So there is no forgiveness that is for sure.  My Mom and Dad made being a parent  look so easy. I wish that Sleep and I could become friends again. I miss the days of sleep till 10am and nap during the day. I often hear people say well give Tom Saturday to sleep in and you take Sunday.. Truthfully, 1 day is not enough time to catch up on sleep! To me it is a waste, for me to function I would need at least a week straight of sleeping in till 10 to catch up! One offs just don't cut it these days!

Laila at 4 months all passed out in her Highchair

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