Monday, March 7, 2011

Move over Little People. Make room for Lady Gaga & Kesha

When the girls were younger our music of choice was "The Little People Wheels on the Bus" along with some "Baby Einstein Mozart" and other trippy kiddie beats. We use to have requests to play them over and over and over again, to the point you felt like you just got of a really spinney ride at an amusement park. So very rarely were we allowed to listen to Z103.5 and when we did have it on, it was like "Can you please turn it down, it is too loud"....

But now, all I can say is start up the bond fire let's burn those old kiddie tunes... My girls LOVE Z103.5.. I think their love for music all began by watching an episode of Oprah where the Black Eyes Peas were in Chicago doing a performance of "Tonight's gonna be a good night"... Ever since then they ask us now to "Turn it up". Hallelujah I thought this day would never come! It probably helped that I played it constantly at home and forced them to love it. Just kidding!!  I think it is time to install a new stereo and speakers and get rid of the factory ones.. LMAO. Music is flowing threw their little veins.. We listen to the music really loud at home whenever we can.. We clean to music, we do laundry to music,we eat, breath and live music in this house.. My kids even know the old classics for the 90's which is so cool. They love it when we put on stuff like "We like to Party" by the Venga Boys or "Memories" by Netzwork, there are soo many classics's that they love! We also tune into Way back Wednesday and bust a move in our living room, cheesy I know but dancing keeps them so busy and it is great exercise.

You know what is even better, is when you see your little ones sing or "attempt" to sing the lyrics of the song! Laila loves PINK and Lady Gaga, she also can sing a mean "Raise your glass"  or "Poker Face"and it is the funniest thing to listen too. I often wonder if Laila be a Hollywood Diva. She seems to really want to be the star of everything and what constant attention. Belle knows quite a few songs. Some of her faves artists are Usher, Kesha, Lady Gaga, Black Eyes Peas, PINK and allot of the stuff from the 90's. So when they ask us to turn it up, that we do.. At times however, they do know how to kill a song.... We at times have to put it on CD to be able to put it on "Repeat". They haven't figured out the radio plays stuff at random, they figure you can just talk to the radio and say play "Raise your glass" and they do it.. Or when it finally does play they say "Again".... So we are working on that with them!

So glad that my girls are music Diva's just like their Mommy... I love music and would dance everyday if I could... I just can't get enough! I always have the itch to go out and just DANCE & listen to music! It is in my blood.. I remember my youthful days of heading to the clubs to dance.. We use to frequent places like The MIX, Kaboom, Club FX, Shenanigans, LA Hollywood! There was once a ton of us girls dancing on a picnic table at the The Mix and the whole thing came down an we all landed on our asses... What a night! LMAO..
I do know that "Pole Dancing" will not be a future dancing job of mine!
Some really cool memories from those places (Some of which we won't share with the young ins).... LOL. I also remember venturing down to Electric Circus just to dance!! Oh the memories! Music makes you feel good and releases stress!
My Sister and I out at My Apartment for the first time in I don't know how long!
March 2010


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