Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snakes & Ladders or Wack a Mole

We woke up yesterday morning  feeling pretty good. Tom went back to work, Belle off to school and Laila & I had the day to chill ax, putter around and do some "Disinfecting"..... I have gone through a Costco Tub of Lysol wipes and half a can of Lysol Spray.  Only to get a call from the Doctors office,  that Belle now needs to be started on Antibiotics as she tested positive for Strep. All I could do was laugh! Seriously, if not I would cry! Which was totally puzzling because 1) she has no tonsils & was not showing any signs of it. 2) She is bubbly, feeling good and happy.. So I haul ass to school to get her to bring her home to start some Antibiotics... I might add that she was so flipping excited to be "Leaving Early" with mommy..  So now that is all 4 of us, please say this is it? I can't take anymore! My mother kindly told me that well at least "Everything you do, you do big".. LMAO How true is that....

So why is it, that you truck along and everything is going well. You are getting stuff done, everyone is feeling good you all of sudden have some obstacle in your way? It is so frustrating... Tom and I have come to the conclusion that life is like board games... We have determined our game of choice is "Snakes & Ladders" or maybe even a wicked game of "Wack a Mole".... Feels like someone is beating us on the heads at times with rubber mallets! Or just when you think you are making headway you climb the ladder only to be told to slide down a snake!  And people wonder why we need a glass of wine at the end of the day! Holy Shit, I would just like a break... Just a little one for a bit! You can almost anticipate at times when something is going to happen because it just seems to good to be true for it to go perfect all the time....

I often wonder if others go through the same Roller Coaster effect we call life, or it is just a select few? Why do somethings seem to be given to others and most have to fight and work for it? I just think that some people have it so easy! For once would it so bad to let others have a turn? Is it a test of our strength cause really.. I failed like a year ago! I surrender, feed me with a gold spoon for alittle bit. I am done working my ass of only to be hit with yet again another rubber mallet or told to take a slide down a effing snake. I use to think that it made us stronger but really, who the hell are we kidding! I will say it, it effing sucks! Does everyone go through this, just no one talks about it? It would be nice for people to be honest with themselves and not paint Rosy fake pictures because nothing is perfect! Certainly not all Relationships, Marriages, Kids, Family & Friends are perfect wake up people take off those rose coloured glasses!

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