Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pick me a WINNER!

When I am referring to "Pick me a Winner" it is not the Lotto 649 or Lotto MAX.. It is that one special Booger... Why is it that kids pick their noses? Like seriously! Nothing is more disgusting then watching a little Ballerina girl standing their in her TuTu, with her fingers wedged in there... Yuck!! Yes, that little digger would be mine! When I would see a kid in a mall digging or at a resturant I would be like "Really" is that nesscary! Well now the shoe is on the other foot cause I got me a digger too! Gross.. So now that Old Lady sitting across from us at dinner is now looking at me like do your kids not use tissues... You feel like you need explain, why they are digging! If you are gonna dig, use a tissue for crying my darling.

I mean we are all guilty of it, from time to time we do stick our fingers up there to get out ones that won't come out..  Come on people be real, you know you  all do it? But at least we tend to do it private when no one is watching.. Or at least we think no one is watching.. Like those people that sit at traffic lights or behind searching for that special winner each and every morning.

Laila gets really wicked nosebleeds when it is dry! Especailly through the night, one of the reason a Humidifier is a must have here... I remember when Laila was about 2 and she was sound sleep in her bed all tucked in.. Morning came, we went in to greet her with hugs and kisses only to find a crib full of blood. It was everywhere. Her poor face was covered, scared the shit out of Tom and I... We then realized that she had picked her nose in the middle of the night because it was dry, picked a scab which caused the nosebleed.. From time to time we still have that issue where she picks in the middle of the night and causes a nosebleed.. So she is my little picker! It really grosses me out, why does my little girl have to be "The ONE" I don't want her to be the little kid in the class that is the called "Nose picker"

How do I get her stop before she gets to JK? She is so cute and cuddly & has those eyes that look at you like "What did I do".. She bats her eye lashes to make it all good.. Pull on the heart strings why don't you~   It is a just a shame to see her with her finger wedged up there.. I have tried the "You won't have friends", "Ballerina's don't dig", "You are gonna get a nosebleed", I have said the "You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friends nose".. That kind of backfired.. Cause she now thinks "It is okay to pick"...

Doesn't mean I love my little digger any less... She is the apple in my eye!  I love my little Laila bean to peices boogers and all.. I always say there is nothing more wonderful then the snotty wittle I wobe you kisses they give!

I am going to shrug this off as another one of those "This too shall pass"...... And pray that she looses the diggering for gold before she starts High School at least or just does it alittle more suttle!

Laila caught digging! LOL. She even still looks cute.

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