Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Expose them it Builds Immunity" - I say " #$%^ OFF"

You know Virus' seriously can kiss my ass.... Like come on, when is enough, ENOUGH!! 

In the beginning when I was DINK.. I never remember this many virus' taking us out. But since my days as a SAHM let me tell you! The shit that has come into this house is unbelievable..... In the old house we had Air Cleaners installed on our furnace, UV lights, Humidifier, Van E's you name it our furnace had it... It was the fort knocks of furnaces, when we moved I wish we could have taken the ship with us.... We tried everything to keep the germs away..... My kids were never in Day Care either and we still seemed flooded.  Anything from the Common Cold, Ear Infections, Puking Flu, Phenomena, Roseola, Eczema, Pink Eye, Bladder Infections etc.. Thankfully it has been nothing serious but still. These poor little ones are slammed with everything in such a short amount of time. I read that a child will get at least 12-24 colds a years that is a retarded number. I am pretty anal too about germs, I have Sanitizer all over my house. Each bathroom has one, the front door have one, there is a dispenser in the car & glove box, at least 3 in my purse, 1 in each coat pocket.... I think even Belle's backpack has an Alcohol free one too.

I know they are going to bring home virus' that is not my issue. It is the frequency of them. Seems like at least 1 a month you are battling something. And when you have 2 you pretty much get a 2 week break until the next one hits, add more kids and you get the picture..... So for a family of 4 each person has a week to be sick for the next person to get it and so on. So really you have a sick household for a flippen month, then the first one that got sick starts it all over again it is like watching a Nascar Race..  Then do I even need to get started on the whole keeping siblings apart from one another, or making sure that they don't "Forget to cover their cough".... Then they come to talk to you and spit all over you, or sneeze & cough all over you. So you get a mouth and face full of their tiny little boogers... NICE eh..

There is nothing worse then watching your little be sick and there is nothing you can do but ride it out. Keep them comfortable and hope it does not get any worse! It breaks a parents heart to watch our kids sick.  Fevers make me very anxious and nervous.. I really dislike fevers, I know that they are the bodies way of fighting infection but they are not fun at all.

I have also been very courteous of others as far as if my kids had a sniffle and we had a play date scheduled, I made a point to call the other person to tell them. The sniffle may not have turned into anything but at least I let them know and they can make their minds up whether they want the kids to play! I never or at least try to avoid Play Groups from the months of November to April. To me they are germ infested breeding grounds. I am that same with Buffets, you will NEVER catch me at a Buffet during flu season either! Germs BREED under those heat lamps! Blacccc....

I often hear that I can't live in "Isolation" or in a "Bubble".. NO that is true, but the less I can expose them too the better. They get exposed enough going to the local Grocery Store and School why add to it! People often say "Expose them, it builds immunity".... Bite me! Yeah get it builds immunity to the strain but in today's society these virus' are mutating and changing so really exposing them does nothing!!

Laila sick in bed with her throat lollie
I am sorry for my RANT today, I am super pissy because everyone in the house is sick! I know that I should be very thankful that it is not allot worse, there are others that have to deal with allot worse. But we try to keep them so healthy & clean and safe. Sometimes those efforts just seem so wasted when there just never seems to be a break and it is frustrating!! We are off to the Doctors yet again today to collect some more frequent flier miles, which really don't take us anywhere but back to the office the following month for something new! Thankfully our Doctor's office is amazing at getting us in and taking care of us all.

PS.. For those who are not parents themselves... I ask this of you! Please never say to a parent "Your kids are always sick"... That has to be the most annoying & frustrating thing to hear! We don't need to be reminded and also, when was the last time we talked..... Oh right  6 months ago, so really how the hell would you know, you seem to call only when they are sick! So pound sand please!

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